The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 216 The Queen's Doubt, the Keen Concubine Xuan and Murong Qiudi, Zhao Min's Memori

Daming harem, the queen's bedroom.

Empress Wu Zhao frowned and looked at the list that was about to disappear.

"Miss, I also have a famous marshal named Long Xiao? Why have we never heard of it?

"Yeah, if he has appeared, it's impossible not to find out based on our Nether City's information.

"Could it be His Majesty's hidden army?"

"After all, Your Majesty has always used too many ways to hide. It's not unusual to hide a first-ranking handsome in Kyushu!"

"Is there a possibility that Your Majesty thinks that the first handsome Long Xiaogong is the master, and then secretly solves him?"

Palace maid Qing'er, and Shangguan Wan'er, you and I guessed each other.

Seeing Queen Wu Zhao, the corners of his eyes twitched for a while.

Dare to say it?

With His Majesty's ability, no matter how powerful this Long Xiao is, it is estimated that he will only be crushed.

If it were in other dynasties countries, there might be meritorious deeds.

But in the Ming Dynasty, it was absolutely impossible.

Perhaps, it is really a trump card that His Majesty is hiding in the dark.

At the most critical time, it is displayed.

in order to deal the greatest blow to the enemy.

Unfortunately, it has now been exposed by the Kyushu Gold List.

It seems that His Majesty's plan is going to fail.

"Wan'er, there is no need to investigate the matter of the first handsome man, since His Majesty is hiding, he must have his reasons.

"If we miss the matter of Your Majesty, it will be troublesome."

"Somewhere in the Ming Dynasty, there is an extremely terrifying army, and the record is terrifying.""

"Otherwise, it is impossible for this Long Xiao to be ranked first in the list of famous coaches.

How much more does His Majesty hide from her?

Empress Wu Zhao was also very curious.

Whenever she felt that she knew His Majesty very well, but with the exposure of the gold list, she found that what she knew was only the tip of the ocean.

Harem, Xueyuan Palace.

Xue Yuan, Huang Rong, Concubine Xuan, and Concubine Xue gathered together again.

During this time, help each other in the harem.

Although there are still small fights with each other, the relationship has become much closer invisibly.

Even the old enemy's concubine Xuan Huan, in addition to the usual spat, the relationship is increasingly harmonious with "507".

The most important thing is that with Xueyuan in the middle, it's nothing in a short time, but in a long time, let alone, the girls are really close as sisters.

In addition, Huang Rong is active in the middle from time to time.

The last trace of estrangement between the girls gradually dissipated.

Help each other and make progress together.

At the same time, face other competitors together.

"He is really amazing. I didn't expect that the first handsome man in Kyushu would still fall into my Daming's hands."

"Hanhai Dynasty is indeed powerful, but in the end it still can't compare to me, Daming.

"Come on, did you know that Daming has a marshal named Long Xiao?"

"I don't know, before I came, I investigated all the civil servants and generals in the Ming Dynasty Hall, but there was no one named Long Xiao.

"Hey, you said, could it be someone's pseudonym?"

Shi Fei Xuan suddenly moved in her heart and said doubtfully.

The girls were also surprised.

Not to mention, there is such a possibility.

That guy seems to like the tune.

Hide your true identity, directly get an avatar identity, and walk the world.

Before, their daughters were planted in the hands of Qinglian Jianxian.

Moreover, the incarnation of that guy is Bai Yujing.

even more.

Then there may not be an incarnation of "Dragon Xiao".

This possibility is definitely more than 50% chance.

If that's the case, that guy is awesome.

Can be both emperor and marshal.

Moreover, the personal force value is also terrifyingly strong.

How can someone like Zhu Houzhao appear in this world?

This just doesn't give other people a way to live!

Even the people who were close to them couldn't help feeling that it was too much.

What's more, it is those passers-by, even enemies and opponents.

In particular, the emperors of the kingdoms who competed with that guy will fall into despair in the future.

Of course.

For their own men to be so outstanding and powerful, several women are also honored.

There is a faint sense of pride in my heart.

This is the man they chose, and it really did not disappoint them.

No, they also need to work hard.

Otherwise, once he is left behind, he is really not qualified to stay by his side in the future.

The sense of urgency takes it to another level.

On the other side, Murong Qiudi Palace.

Lin Shiyin, Song Yuhua, and You Ruo's sons and daughters also gathered together to discuss the number one handsome in Kyushu.

They also thought that this time the first handsome man would fall to the heads of other countries.

But in the end, Daming got it.

However, no matter how they investigate this deeply hidden Marshal Long Xiao, there is no news at all.

As expected of the woman beside Zhu Houzhao.

Even, thinking divergent really fast enough.

Not only the concubine Xuan and several daughters had this understanding, but even Murong Qiudi's children couldn't help but have this suspicion.

"Sister Qiudi, do you think this Marshal Long Xiao is really the incarnation of that guy?"

"It's not necessarily impossible."

"Even a killing god like Bai Qi can only rank third on the list of famous coaches, how many people in Kyushu can surpass him?

"In Daming, if there is such a person, it is impossible not to be famous.

"No matter how much His Majesty hides it, it's impossible to have no news at all."

"Even Li Jing, Yue Fei, Han Xin and others from the Hanhai Dynasty quickly found out their sources and origins.

"But what about Long Xiao? It seems that there has never been such a person. Do you think it's strange?"

Murong Qiudi took out a stack of paper and wrote and drew on it from time to time.

Shaking his head all the time, nodding his head all the time.

In the end, just now guessed this shocking possibility.

"What Qiu Di said is not necessarily unreasonable. The so-called Marshal Long Xiao may really be the incarnation of that guy."

"But why didn't the Kyushu Gold List explain Long Xiao's true identity?"

'It was clearly shown on the Qianlong list at that time. "

"What's so strange about this, with His Majesty's ability, if you really want to hide it, even the Nine Provinces Heavenly Dao will be helpless.

Murong Qiudi had always trusted Zhu Houzhao's skills.

At the same time, endless rays of light bloomed in the beautiful eyes.

What about the Kyushu Heavenly Dao?

This is her man who never disappoints.

"Shiyin, Yuhua, Youruo, although we are martial arts gods now, we are not weak in Kyushu martial arts.

"But if we want to continue to accompany Your Majesty in the future, we must continue to make progress.

"The Heaven and Human Rank is not enough, we need to advance to the Myth Rank as soon as possible, even the God and Demon Rank. 99

"Since I was promoted to the Heaven and Human Rank, I have always had a bad hunch that in the future, the entire Kyushu, even the legendary Sage Rank, may be very common."

"If we don't work hard, we may end up being eliminated.

"Yeah, the concubine Xuan, Huan, Huang Rong, and especially Xueyuan next door should not be underestimated."

"None of them are good people.

"There are also Honglian and Nongyu on the other side. Those guys are very fond of them."

"The training resources that are usually given are no less than ours.

"I heard that they still have a few great allies, and the future scumbags will never let them go."5

"We absolutely cannot be compared with them."

"Let's not mention the few beauties of the scumbag, no matter what they say, they are still their own. 35

"But in the harem, those guys with ulterior motives are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Like Zhao Min from Dayuan, Li Xiuning from Datang, and several other dynasties who are married, are also making their own efforts."5

"It's fine now, but it may not threaten us in the future.""

Having said that, Murong Qiudi said in awe.

Since the last time, because he spent too much energy on the Tianzun organization, the progress of the cultivation base has been slow.

Although it was corrected immediately.

But it is also a mistake.

Therefore, since these days, Murong Qiudi has always been thinking about himself three times.

Actions are becoming more and more rigorous.

His own potential has also begun to be excavated crazily.

Ability to grow rapidly.

Naturally, he saw what the girls couldn't see.

Perhaps in other places, their celestial and human-level cultivation can be proud of the world.

But in the Daming Harem, the Heaven and Human Rank is really nothing.

The concubines and concubines in the palace do not have to fight viciously for their own lives.

But it also changed to another way to compete.

Cultivation, realm!

They can't tolerate being careless.

Get the jade palace.

At this moment, Nongyu gently played a piece of qin music that Zhu Houzhao had just taught her, and gradually became familiar with it.

Playing frequently will help her to improve her cultivation.

It's a pity that with her talent in the piano, it takes a lot of effort to become proficient.

In the garden, a group of birds parked nearby, quietly listening to Nongyu's qin music.

Every time I play the zither, there are such visions around me.

The women in the harem were a little surprised.

Even those concubines who were proficient in rhythm had to sigh.

In terms of piano, they do have some differences.

In addition, Nongyu's docile temperament did not arouse the hatred and resentment of the concubines and concubines.

Of course.

Among them, there are many reasons for the strength of Yuyu's own martial arts.

If she is just a weak woman and has no support, I am afraid her life will never be easier.

Unfortunately, no if.

Nongyu is not only strong, but also the backstage is bigger than expected.

In the harem, it is also one of the characters that cannot be provoked.

"Get jade, get jade! 35

At this moment, an excited voice came.

Nongyu turned a deaf ear and played on his own.

It wasn't until a long time, when the song was over, that it stopped.

And many birds in the vicinity also flew away.

Red Lotus has seen such a scene countless times, but every time she can't help but be a little stunned.

"Red Lotus, what's the matter? You are also a dignified martial artist, why are you still so hot?

"Let the other concubines meet, it's a ridiculous joke! 99

"Hmph, I think who dares?"9

Red Lotus snorted softly.

Zhu Houzhao never controlled her temper.

On the contrary, in Zhu Houzhao's view, Honglian's temperament is her most precious thing.

If it goes against her nature, it will be detrimental to her.

Even, it will affect her future cultivation realm.

"Okay, Red Lotus, what's the matter here this time? 99

"Yan Lingji, and Sister Zi, they have written!

"I didn't expect that big scumbag to go to Baiyue City to see them."

"No wonder we haven't seen scumbags these days? 35

"What else is there to say about retreating and practicing, deceiving people!"

Red Lotus pouted, expressing dissatisfaction.

"Really? Has Your Majesty visited Sister Zi and the others?

"That's great, Yan Lingji and the others must be very happy!"

"Yeah, I also know that the scumbag is going to build a Baiyue City in Daming, and it will be our power in the future. 99

"Daqin Baiyue City will move little by little.

"In the future, if we want to see Zi Nu and the others, we can do it anytime."

"It's just that they don't enter the palace?"

"Cut, for scumbags, what is the difference between entering the palace or not? 99

"Perhaps, in his eyes, this will be more exciting.

"How can home flowers have the fragrance of wild flowers!

"Look, Li Hanyi, the Snow Moon Sword Immortal in Xueyue City, goes to rendezvous from time to time, and almost regards Xueyue City as his harem.

"Okay, don't mention this!" Nongyu quickly stopped him.

"In this case, we usually need to meet them."

"By the way, what about Your Majesty? Are you still in Daqin? Will there be any danger?

"Hmph, even if we are in danger, scumbags will not be in danger.

"Should we report this to the Empress?"

Red Lotus was slightly surprised.

However, it was silent.

"Let's talk about it! 99

"In the Daming Harem, we must not provoke this empress."

“We have no interest relationship with her, she does not take the initiative to provoke us, and we cannot provoke her.35

"Once you have a bad relationship, it will definitely make the scumbag embarrassed.

"I don't want to see this scene.

Even with the temper of the red lotus, she was deeply convinced by the queen Wu Zhao.

She, who used to be a Korean princess, naturally knew that those people could be provoked and those who could not be provoked.

Who should not be an enemy of them easily.

Before involving her own fundamental interests and bottom line, she did not want to have a bad relationship with the queen.

It seems that Empress Wu Zhao managed the harem during this time, and the effect is still showing.

Whether it was Honglian Nongyu, Murong Qiudi's children, or even Xueyuan's daughters, they would not easily offend the Queen unless they had to.

With their eyesight, how can they not see that this is a real powerhouse of the gods and demons.

This is also a monster-like existence.

Except your majesty, no one can suppress her.

At the realm of female martial arts gods, or martial arts myths, it is really impossible to deal with.

On the other hand, once they have a bad relationship, it is they themselves who are unlucky.

Perhaps, because of the scumbag, they would not be in any danger.

But the day will never be better.

It is simply stupid to provoke a god and devil before you have achieved the god and devil level.

Nongyu was naturally clear about Honglian's reaction and agreed with her.

Another place in the harem.

It is the palace where Zhao Min of Dayuan is located.

In terms of the rank of concubines, she was not inferior to Murong Qiudi and the others.

After all, he was also the county master of the Dayuan Dynasty.

There is no need for Zhu Houzhao to humiliate them in terms of rank.

It's not that it can't be done, but it's not necessary.

Zhu Houzhao's pattern has not yet reached this point.

At this moment, Zhao Min looked at the list that was about to disappear in the sky, and his expression changed slightly.

Especially Long Xiao, who is number one on the famous list.

In his mind, the light flashed away.

She seemed to remember.

A few years ago, her father, Wang Ruyang, led a Great Yuan army, on the grasslands, against a very mysterious army.

The opponent only had three thousand, while the father had an army of 150,000.

But the result of this battle surprised everyone.

After the first battle, the king's father's army of 150,000 suffered heavy losses.

Three thousand to fifteen thousand.

In the end, the father and king fled away with only 10,000 defeated soldiers.

Even the last 10,000 troops were severely disabled.

It was also because of this battle that the father was beaten and was almost executed by Genghis Khan.

Fortunately, his father, Wang Jiangong, saved his life thanks to countless meritorious deeds.

After re-constructing meritorious deeds, the title of King Ruyang was restored.

Zhao Min knew how good his father was in using soldiers.

But even so, it was almost completely wiped out.

That mysterious force can be seen how terrifying.

After that, Genghis Khan sent troops to destroy it.

Unfortunately, in the end, it still failed miserably.

Even, the loss was worse than that of the father.


What the specific situation was, she was not qualified to know at that time.

However, it was also because of this incident that the initial battle made everyone silent.

I dare not mention half a point.

It was also because of that mysterious army that Dayuan's national power suffered a great loss.

After several years of recuperation, Dayuan regained a trace of vitality.

In addition to the ambition in his heart, Genghis Khan was so eager to break through the Southern Song Dynasty.

Contact back and forth now.

At the beginning, the commander of the mysterious army was probably Long Xiao, who was number one on the list of famous marshals.

Unexpectedly, this terrifying army turned out to be from the Ming Dynasty.


Daming Emperor's hiding is too deep.

If it wasn't for the exposure of the gold list, she would not have known that this army belonged to the Ming Dynasty until now!

I believe that the dynasties and forces that suffered from this army at the beginning will probably guess this!

Since joining the harem, Zhao Min has studied the Ming Emperor a lot.

On the surface, don't care about anything.

Moreover, he didn't even scrutinize even the memorabilia, and stayed in the harem all day to hang out.

Diligence seems to have nothing to do with him.

As far as she knew, none of the emperors of the major dynasties in Kyushu did not personally review the memorials.

Even Zhao Gou of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Ji of the Northern Song Dynasty, Liu Hong of the Great Han Dynasty, and Yang Guang of the Great Sui Dynasty, no matter how slack they are, the memorials must be reviewed in person.

Not to mention, Great Qin Yingzheng, Great Tang Li Shimin, Great Yuan Genghis Khan.

Reviewing the memorials every day has to be late at night.

Like Genghis Khan, even if he fought in the Southern Song Dynasty, he had to review all the memorials in the military account every day before he could fall asleep.

But what about the Ming Emperor?

Throw the memorial directly to the Daming courtiers, as well as the Daming Empress.

It's like it's none of my business.

If someone who doesn't know it sees it, he will definitely think that he is a big fool.

But what about the fact?

If you really think so, then you are stupid!

It's all hidden!

No. 1 in the famous handsome list, he was secretly cultivated many years ago.

If it weren't for the exposure of the gold list, probably no one in Kyushu would know about it!

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