The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 226 The sixth place, Qin Yin spike, the real purpose, Ying Zheng's divine operation

【Magic List・Sixth!】

【Huang Xuemei (Six Fingers Demon)!】

[Sect: Descendants of Tianmoqin!]

[Realm: Land God Wonderland・Myth Stage・Later Stage!]

[Cultivation method: Tianlong Octave! 】

[Reward: Intermediate Epiphany Card*1 (can be used for epiphany, during epiphany, the comprehension is increased by 200 times, the time limit is one day!)]

Qinglingwei stared at the list for a moment, then glanced at the woman not far away.

There seems to be some disbelief.

After scanning the list again, his complexion changed drastically.

The body couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then reacted.

He stared fiercely at the mysterious woman.

"The late mythical stage? You are the six-fingered piano demon!?"

Although it is a question, it is affirmative.

"Unfortunately, only the three of you are here, and the biggest target is hiding in the dark."

"But it's okay, you are its lackeys, and if you kill you, it will definitely feel very distressed!"

"Sooner or later you will die, then die in my hands!"

The six-fingered piano demon Huang Xuemei put away the epiphany card rewarded by Heavenly Dao, and glanced contemptuously at the three mythical Qingling guards.

I don't know who the "it" in her mouth is.

It seems to be the real target of all the land gods this time.

"Six-fingered piano devil?"

Among the crowd behind, Dongfang Invincible was also surprised.

For this six-fingered violin demon, the Daming Rivers and Lakes are very famous.

The number of masters who died under her hands is unknown.

Even she is now, compared to the other party, the magic power is much worse.

It's just that after "May 13", for some unknown reason, he disappeared into the martial arts.

She always thought that the six-fingered violin demon was secretly murdered by some so-called famous sect, and died in a corner.

Unexpectedly, not only did she not die now, but her strength increased greatly.

It has become a mythical powerhouse.

Really scary.

Although she is confident, she will not lose to each other in the future.

But at least now, the opponent can kill him in one blow.

Ding Ding Ding!!

The sound of the piano reverberated again.

One after another sonic attack frantically attacked the three mythical Qingling guards.

"Ah, impossible, how could I possibly be tricked?

"Boss, save me!"

The weakest Qingling Guard was attacked by the sound wave on the spot, and he suddenly cried out mournfully.

His eyes were full of despair and fear.

The Dongfang Invincibles, who were not far away, were full of contempt.

With such a mind, how did they break through to the level of mythology?

Simply incredible.

Although they both belonged to the mythical rank, compared to the six-fingered violin demon, they seemed to be two levels of characters.


With a loud explosion, a mythical powerhouse died in the eyes of everyone.

And that Huang Xuemei was still playing the piano on his own, and his expression didn't change in the slightest.

"Qinglong envoy, don't play anymore, Lord Four Dragons is still waiting for us."

"The target already knew we were coming and we had to get up to speed.

Over the battlefield, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came.

The shock of the sound alone is at the level of mythology.

Not far away, Huang Xuemei frowned slightly.

The piano sound instantly became extremely chilling.

The terrifying sonic energy was dozens of times faster than before.

puff puff puff!!!

Almost instantly.

Hit the last two mythical Qingling guards.

Directly from their bodies, across.

A terrifying hole was made.

Blood flowed.

The body also smashed to the ground.

Even the mythical level, in the hands of the six-fingered piano demon, is also powerless to fight back.

"Six-fingered piano devil, don't be complacent, the master will definitely avenge us. 99

"All of you will die in that place!"

Qinglingwei glanced at everyone resentfully.

In the end, two "bang bang" sounds immediately exploded.

No bones left.

The dead can't die anymore.

Daming Palace.

"Your Majesty, this is a secret report from the Qing Dynasty just now!

The dark guard leader An Yi handed over a secret report.

Zhu Houzhao took it, glanced slightly, and threw it back again.

"I already know that for this battle, I have been preparing since the time of the prince."

"In order to eradicate the biggest scourge of the Qing Dynasty. 99

"Nurhaci, did you think you could hide when you faked death?"

"Want to learn from a big man? It's a pity that you have such an enemy in Qing Dynasty, and you are destined to fail in the end.

"You too will die more miserably than anyone else!

Zhu Houzhao smiled coldly.

His eyes were full of sarcasm.


Yes, it is Nurhaci.

The real founder of the Qing Dynasty.

On the bright side of Kyushu, he has been dead for a hundred years.

However, when he was still a prince, he read the classics, especially the Qing classics.

Many doubts were found.

Even after reading a lot of official history and unofficial history, I finally confirmed the doubts in my heart.

Later, when traveling in Kyushu, he specially went to Qing Dynasty, focusing on confirming whether the doubts in his heart were true.

It was finally confirmed.

Just in case, Zhu Houzhao did not erase it immediately.

Instead, a deeper and more comprehensive plan was carried out again.

Thoroughly penetrate the interior of the Qing Dynasty.

Anzi in the court and martial arts is beyond everyone's imagination.

Like Lu Siniang's generation, there are many hidden in various places.

Even in the Qing court, there are more than imagined.

Moreover, the hidden is also deeper.

It's like Lu Siniang's assassination of Yongzheng.

There are not one or two people who help her secretly.

All of this was done under the secret control of someone with a heart to complete the shocking assassination.

Otherwise, Lu Siniang would not be able to escape from the terrifying blood droplet alone.

Zhu Houzhao's arrangement, except for himself.

Even Anichi, who was closest to him, only knew one thing.

Even this time, in order to completely destroy the Qing, he specially prepared nine sets of plans.

The Ming and Qing wars were a huge chessboard.

Many land gods on the Ming side, the Ming army, the Qing army, the masters of the Qing, and even the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the fake Nurhaci.

They are all pieces on the chessboard.

The only chess player was Zhu Houzhao himself.

"Dark one, get ready, I am going to leave the palace again and go to the Qing Dynasty!

"I want to witness with my own eyes how this Nurhaci perished.

"In the past 100 years, there have been various dangers in Daming, and Nurhaci is the mastermind behind it. 35

"Even so-called Dayuan, the threat level is not as great as Nurhachi."

"Even if the plan fails, and even if Qianlong and the Qing army are spared, I will still deal with Nurhaci."

"Even if he uses external forces to cultivate the powerhouses of the Heavenly Human Rank and Mythical Rank, even if his strength is at the top level of Kyushu, it is useless. 99

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know what to do.

Next, before leaving, Zhu Houzhao and the daughters of the harem spent a moment together.

just left the palace.

"Nurhaci's own strength is not strong, but he possesses extraordinary treasures."5

"Just in case, I have to find another helper!

"Furthermore, it must be of the gods and demons!"

Thinking about this, Zhu Houzhao looked at the high-altitude list and finally thought about who to look for.

Certain complexion.

The figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"Six-fingered piano devil?"

"My God, I have heard of this person. Daming Jianghu used to be a lot of trouble."

"The eight sounds of Tianlong are terrifying and invincible."

"Tianmoqin is also the top treasure in the arena. 35

"Anyone who gets it will become a rare powerhouse in Kyushu once he cultivates the Tianlong Ba Yin.

"It's incredible that the six-fingered piano demon is actually a woman."

"It's a woman again, how can there be so many female devils in Kyushu!"

The few people on the list, except for the magician Pang Ban, are almost all women.

It seems that women are scary and more capable than men.

The ranking of the Demon Gods made the entire Kyushu boil instantly.

More and more people are talking about this six-fingered violin magician.

Curiosity, admiration, fear, and more...

Temujin military account.

"National teacher, have you found out the whereabouts of the magician?"

"Not yet, before the magician left the magician's palace, he did not leave a word.

"I don't know what he wants to do."

"Hehe, it is estimated that the magician is using the epiphany card in a corner now!"

"Perhaps when we meet again next time, the magician has become a new mythical powerhouse. 95

"At that time, with the help of the national master and the magic master, I, Dayuan Hechou, can't destroy the Ming and the Southern Song Dynasty! 39

Thinking of this, Temujin was full of determination and excitement.

"By the way, National Teacher, do you know this six-fingered piano devil named Huang Xuemei?"

"Go back to sweat and know something."

"It's a real murderous witch.

"There are almost hundreds of people who died under her celestial violin.

"It is estimated that her relationship with Daming will definitely not be good."

"I just took this opportunity to completely recruit this six-fingered piano devil under the command of the Great Khan.

"She's a natural killer and a powerhouse.

"As long as she truly surrenders to the Great Khan, her lethality can even kill countless Ming soldiers."

"Qi Jiguang and Hua Mulan of Daming will all die tragically on the spot."

"No one can stop it!

"If that's the case, then find an opportunity to recruit.

"Any conditions, Ben Khan will agree.

"Yes, Khan, the minister will send someone to look for her. 99

Daqin Palace.

"Sir, this six-fingered violin magician named Huang Xuemei has good strength and fits the style of Da Qin.

"In Daming, she is a female devil who everyone shouts and kills, if in my Daqin, she will be a heroine that no one knows about.

"Recruit her into my Daqin and let her cooperate with Wu Anjun.

"It's just too fitting."

"In that case, Wu Anjun's efficiency will be greatly improved again."

"In this way, Daqin will not be dragged into the quagmire of war.""

"Lots of Qin's innumerable national power."

For some reason, as soon as Ying Zheng saw this six-fingered violin demon, he immediately felt a love for talent.

Even, she was trained as a female general on the spot.

Daming can produce a Hua Mulan, and Ying Zheng can also train a female marshal who can enter the famous marshal list.

Especially after seeing the information about the six-fingered piano demon handed over by the shadow.

As long as it is cultivated, it may not fail.

I don't know what Ying Zheng was thinking.

After all, the six-fingered piano devil is only a person in the martial arts, and fighting and killing is only suitable for the martial arts.

The battlefield is another matter.

No matter how strong the Six-Fingered Piano Demon is, once it intervenes in the battlefield, 5.7 her effect is almost insignificant.

Even the most common general has not come to be more useful.

"This, Your Majesty, do you think about it again?"

"This woman's personality is too extreme and easily emotional, and she has no qualifications to become a female marshal at all.

"If you do it forcefully, it may even kill my Daqin soldiers.

Shang Yang also read the information about the six-finger piano demon.

He saw nothing of the qualities that would make him a marshal.

Even being a general of the Qin state is not qualified.

What does His Majesty the Emperor think?

Could it be that he is only concerned with the idea of ​​battling with Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty?

Daming has a female marshal, so Daqin must also train one?

But even so, why must it be the six-fingered piano devil from Daming?

Can't it be cultivated from Daqin women?

Even Shang Yang couldn't understand Ying Zheng's divine operation at this moment.

For Shang Yang's suggestion, Ying Zheng neither opposed nor agreed.

Instead, his eyes were full of unexplainable light.

It seems that there are deeper reasons for attracting six-fingered piano magic.

Even if he is as smart as Shang Yang, he has not completely guessed it.

However, it's a pity.

All can only disappoint Ying Zheng.

No matter what he did, it was impossible for the Six Fingers Demon to return to Daqin.

What's more, there is also Zhu Houzhao.

How could the powerhouse he has finally cultivated be dug up by his biggest competitor, the Great Qin Dynasty?!!.

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