The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 228 One move to kill, destroy the country's fortune, Qianlong panicked, and the whole a



"Kill all of them and leave none! 55

In the imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, countless fighting sounds rang out.

The aftermath of the terrifying battle was everywhere.

If the imperial mausoleum was not protected by a mysterious great formation, the aftermath of the battle would have spread long ago, causing upheaval in the world.

Fortunately, Nurhaci has been entangled by Zhang Tianshi and cannot escape.

Otherwise, just relying on the home court, the land gods on the Daming side will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Puff puff!!

As time goes by.

In the imperial mausoleum, one by one the Qingling guards died in the hands of the immortals of the Ming Dynasty.

"Nishang, all the mythical ranks have been slaughtered, and the remaining heaven and human ranks are not worth mentioning.

"The only biggest enemy right now is definitely no match for Zhang Tianshi.

"Be careful, these Qingling guards can be said to be the biggest obstacle to the Qing Dynasty."

"Da Ming wants to destroy Da Qing, none of these can be kept, not one!

"Okay, go on!"

This time the lore, the Ming side has made full preparations.

Even the escape route was completely blocked.

at the same time.

Outside the imperial mausoleum, Baili is located.

Two terrifying figures fighting each other high in the sky

With every blow, the surrounding environment is almost destroyed.

"Nurhaci, taking advantage of the fate of a country, forcibly enhances his own strength. 55

"After more than a hundred years, you are still in the rank of gods and demons, you are too weak!""

"Damn it, if Daming hadn't interfered with it, this seat would have already reached the sage ranks above gods and demons. 35'

"By that time, there will be a mere Ming Dynasty, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

"In the end, it will still be destroyed in the hands of my Qing Dynasty."

"Qing? It's a joke, this is just nourishment for you to improve your strength.""

"For your own sake, you have completely disregarded the national and military fortunes of the Qing Dynasty. 55

"Forcibly extract most of the national and martial arts from the dragon veins, and then use it for you and the Qinglingwei under your command to practice. 39

"How stupid!

"Now the whole of the Qing Dynasty has been destroyed, and the country has been completely wiped out.

"Even the emperor is no longer your Manchu royal bloodline, how ridiculous!"

‘It’s just nonsense, do you really think that if Qianlong is not of the blood of the Manchu royal family, will this seat make him emperor?”5

'Why is it impossible? Could it be that only the Qingling Guards under your command can drop the pack, can't the powerhouses of my Ming Dynasty?

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole behind, you don't understand this truth, do you?"

"Otherwise, if I, Daming, want to destroy you, Daqing, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."

At this moment, Nurhaci, after more than a hundred years, is still middle-aged.

Imposing manner, eerie and terrifying.

There is absolutely no sign of a master at all.

Years of underground rat career, his heart has long been transformed.

More like a big black hand behind the scenes, a big conspirator.


Compared with Zhu Houzhao, it is even worse.

Everything was finally calculated.


At this moment, Nurhachi, who was fighting frantically with Zhang Yuchu, suddenly changed his face.

Then he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The eyes are full of incredible.

His eyes looked at the location of the imperial mausoleum.

"You, you ruined the dragon veins of this seat, Damn it"[!

"This seat is going to kill you.

"You actually ruined the future of this seat, this seat will destroy everyone, and ruin the entire Ming Dynasty!"

At this time, he had already sensed that in the imperial mausoleum, the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty that he had meticulously condensed, as well as countless luck and martial arts, were all destroyed and dissipated.

This almost destroyed all his efforts in the past century.

"National teacher, why haven't you killed him yet?"

Right now.

Zhu Houzhao's figure appeared.

He frowned slightly, glanced at the crazy Nurhaci, and scolded Zhang Yuchu with some dissatisfaction.

With Zhang Yuchu's strength, although Nurhaci is strong, he is not worth mentioning at all.

"Your Majesty, this Nurhaci was once a hero of a generation. Although he was willing to degenerate later, his fate is extraordinary, and he cannot be killed by a poor man. 35

"Only Your Majesty has this qualification."

Hearing this, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help shaking his head and sneering.

"You old fellow, always so cautious.

"Well, I won't embarrass you anymore."

Zhang Yuchu smiled lightly and did not respond.

He is in awe of His Majesty the Emperor, even if he is a god and demon.

Do not dare to do anything overly polite.

"Are you Zhu Houzhao, Emperor of Ming Dynasty?

Nurhaci glared at Zhu Houzhao with gritted teeth.

If it weren't for this person, he would definitely become a sage in the future.

At that time, he will be able to regain the power of the Qing Dynasty again.

Then with the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, and even Kyushu was unified.

But what about now?

All the efforts were in vain.

Even, in the end, he made a wedding dress for Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao had collected all of the Qing Dynasty's National Luck and Martial Luck that he had drawn over the past hundred years.

He is so unhappy!

Zhu Houzhao glanced at him contemptuously, without caring at all.

A greedy guy.

If it was Nurhaci a hundred years ago, he might be able to pay more attention to it.

But now?

It's just an ordinary god and demon.

Even, even the shaman leader on the grassland was inferior.


A palm force shot out directly and poured directly on top of his head.

The terrifying power instantly strangled everything in Nurhaci.

In the end, it was completely wiped out.


The dead can no longer die.

"The rest of the game is up to you to clean up, I'm back!

"Remember, none of the terrestrial gods born from the martial arts movement in the Qing Dynasty will be left behind!"9

"Many blood droplets around Qianlong were transformed from Qinglingwei."

"Destroy them.

"As for Qianlong, leave it to Qi Jiguang, Hua Mulan, and Wu Qi!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Pindao knows what to do.

Zhu Houzhao nodded.

Immediately, it disappeared.

The Qing Palace.

Qianlong sat high on the dragon chair, his face gloomy.

From time to time, I heard the bad news of defeat from outside, and Daming's army had already reached the capital.

Guess it won't take long.

The Qing Dynasty will be destroyed.

He will also become the embarrassing king of the country.

Thinking of this, Qianlong almost went mad with hatred.


Suddenly, Qianlong's heart suddenly felt stuffy, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

His face was pale.

Qianlong felt as if he had lost some of the most precious treasures.

It was even more uncomfortable than losing his life.

"What's the matter? Why do I suddenly vomit blood? 35

"Am I poisoned?"

Qianlong did not know that at this moment, the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty and the fortunes of the country were completely destroyed and absorbed by the emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty.

Instead, he thought that he had been poisoned by someone!

I want to call a doctor.


An exclamation came from outside the hall.

"No, Your Majesty, is something wrong?"

He Shen suddenly ran in in a panic and said with difficulty.

"What's the matter?"

"Could it be more serious than the imminent destruction of the Qing Dynasty?"

Qianlong said coldly.

"Your Majesty, just now, many blood droplets in the capital were suddenly assassinated."5

"Really? It's just some trash. 35

"Nothing I ask them to do can be done, what's the difference between dead or alive? 55

"However, the person who did it made me curious?

"Your Majesty, the people who do it are all the spies that Daming planted in my Qing Dynasty."

"Among them, there are officials, guards, palace maids, eunuchs, and even traders and pawns."

"Each of them, their strength should not be underestimated. 99

"Furthermore, just now, these spies directly opened the gate of the capital.

|| Now Daming's three-way army has completely attacked. "9

'It won't be long before you enter the palace.

"Your Majesty, let's run away.

"Where there is life, there is hope."

When Qianlong heard this, his eyes darkened for a while, and he almost fainted.

how is this possible?

How could he have so many spies under his command?

He didn't even notice it.

Even those blood droplets were not even aware of them.

He has always regarded himself as an emperor through the ages, an old man of Baiquan.

Now it looks like a great irony!

The capital of the Qing Dynasty, outside the city.

Qi Jiguang, Hua Mulan, and Wu Qi surrounded the capital.

The entire capital was surrounded by water.

Not a single bird can escape.

Since the leading army invaded the territory of Qing Dynasty.

The three military horses can be described as invincible and invincible.

Countless Qing generals and soldiers died in their hands.

Qi Jiguang and Hua Mulan are on the list of famous handsome men.

Not to mention Wu Qi.

Hundreds of years ago, it was one of the sacred soldiers of Kyushu.

The commanding ability is the top in Kyushu.

This time, the Ming and Qing wars of extermination of the country can be said to have completely started their reputation.

Qi Jiguang and Hua Mulan have thoroughly proved through their victories time and time again that they are worthy of their name.

As for Wu Qi, he once again returned to his former peak.

Even if he is not on the famous list, no generals or emperors dare to underestimate him.

Even Zhu Houzhao, before using him, was constantly suppressing and tempering.

The means are used one set after another.

In the end, (Li Dehao) was completely subdued.

Qi Jiguang camp.

"Marshal, we are ready, we can attack the city at any time, enter the imperial city, and capture Qianlong alive."

The vanguard general Ling Luoshi said excitedly.

In this battle to destroy the country, he has made countless contributions.

This single achievement alone will allow him to gain countless benefits.

"Eunuch Yu, God Hou, what do you think?"

Qi Jiguang nodded, then looked at Yu Huatian and Zhu Ignore next to him.

These two were sent by His Majesty the Emperor.

Whether they can work or not, it is still necessary to ask.

Qi Jiguang's military talent needless to say.

But politically, it is also quite extraordinary.

Even in the course of the war, it must remain consistent with the emperor's goals.

It must not arouse the displeasure of the emperor.

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it and did not mention it for the time being.

But Xichang Yuhuatian is definitely His Majesty's henchman.

Can not ignore.

"Your Majesty once instructed the miscellaneous family to follow the orders of the marshal in military command."

"I must not interfere!"

"Everything, listen to the spirit of the marshal. 35

"Breaking the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty will not care about other people, but Qianlong must not let him escape!

"Marshal Qi, this is the last battle to destroy the country, and the credit cannot be taken away by the other two armies!"

"This is natural, for this battle, I have been preparing for a long time! 35

"Send the order, the whole army is ready to attack the city!

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