The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 248 Ying Zheng's urgency, will be backlashed in the future? The three women are allied?

Daqin Palace.

"This breath? Do you feel the breath of someone?"

Ying Zheng asked the leader of the Black Ice Platform.

Somber complexion.

From this breath, he felt his own insignificance.

Like ants.

If the other party really wanted to kill him, he couldn't resist at all.

How can he be as arrogant as him?

"Go back to Your Majesty, this should be the breath of that mysterious sage rank, whose cultivation base has broken through again!"

"In just one year, his progress has been so rapid.

"It has reached the point where the minister cannot understand. 35

The leader of the Black Ice Platform is just a mere mythical rank.

Not even the gods and demons, let alone the sages.

"The sage class? The sage class!""

"I don't know whether this person is an enemy or a friend. Will it be detrimental to my Daqin in the future?"

"I must figure out this matter, and I must also have a strong strength to resist this person.

"You must plan ahead! 99

"You immediately dispatch the Black Ice Platform to make unannounced visits to all parts of Kyushu!

"With such a big commotion now, it is impossible for other dynasties in Kyushu to be quiet."

If it was a single strong man, Ying Zheng might not care.

But if it reaches the level of gods and demons, or even the level of sages, it is not comparable to ordinary troops.

This is equivalent to the greatest strategic force of a dynasty.

With such a strong man, the dynasty is innately invincible.

"Also, let Bai Qi and Wang Jian speed up, I'm already impatient waiting."

"Why hasn't the head of Lord Changping been sent to Xianyang?"

It was because of the obstruction of Lord Changping and the remnants of the Six Nations that his next plan was delayed.

Even Datang's speed was gradually catching up.

If it continues, the situation will be very serious.

within the Han Dynasty.

Tianmen organization.

Di Shitian was still worried about the matter of Long Yuan, and suddenly, he felt this unprecedented terrifying aura, and his face changed suddenly.

Moreover, it becomes very ugly.

From this breath, he actually felt a fatal threat.

As if the other party really wanted to kill him, he could not escape at all.

In other words, his so-called god is likely to become an ant in the eyes of the other party.

How does this work?

"Come on!"

"Master, your subordinates are here!"

The godmother Luo Xian hurried over to "respectfully" to greet him.

After a period of absence, the godmother's cultivation has reached the late stage of the mythical stage.

It seems that Zhu Houzhao still put a lot of effort into Luo Xian's chess piece.

Under the eyes of Emperor Shitian, her cultivation level advanced by leaps and bounds.

And Di Shitian didn't even notice it.

Luo Xian did not disappoint, secretly using Zhu Houzhao's exercises and skills, he began to slowly control nearly half of Tianmen's power.

Wait until all the power of the Tianmen organization is under the control of Luo Xian.

That is, when Emperor Shitian died.

Of course.

To deal with Emperor Shitian, it was natural that someone from Zhu Houzhao would personally take action.

As for Di Shitian's arrangement, Zhu Houzhao had already arranged it well for him.

I didn't kill him now, just because this person is still useful.

Although Luo Xian at this moment was extremely respectful on the surface, in his heart, he no longer had the slightest reverence and loyalty to Emperor Shitian.

Any plan is based on Zhu Houzhao's interests as the highest consideration.

I am afraid that Di Shitian himself does not know that the chess pieces he cultivated will betray him?!

Otherwise, he would not be so relaxed and relaxed now.

"Luo Xian, immediately arrange for someone to go to Kyushu to inquire about the owner of this breath"!

"Report all the information of the other party to this god to know!

"Yes, Master!"

"By the way, how is that little girl from the Han Dynasty? 35

"Are you thinking of betraying the Heavenly Sect?"

Di Shitian frowned and suddenly thought of Jiang Yuyan in the Han's harem.

For some reason, he always felt something was wrong.

"Go back to the master, Jiang Yuyan's Spirit Swallowing Magic Art is extremely powerful."

"Now it is devouring the strong, and its strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. 35

"My Tianmen, and Dahan Xiuyiwei, have several heaven and human ranks, which were completely swallowed by her and turned into her nourishment."

"This woman has really grown up, and her subordinates can't help her now.

The mind quickly turned away.

Luo Xian was going to use Di Shitian to test this Jiang Yuyan.

This woman is somewhat evil, and although her strength is not strong, she is extremely dangerous.

Even some mythical ranks are not comparable to her threat level.

When Emperor Shitian heard the words, he snorted coldly.

Immediately, his hands danced, and there were words in his mouth.

A mysterious wave spread out.

until a long time.

Di Shitian just opened his eyes, his face was extremely difficult to see.

"What a bitch, what a Jiang Yuyan!"

"The curse seal of this god was actually erased by her."

"This god underestimated her."

Hearing this, Luo Xian pouted.

How much do you underestimate her?

Just because of your arrogant character, you will look down on more people!

"Master, what should we do with her now?"

"Don't worry about it for the time being, this goddess will deal with it herself. 99

66 'This god wants to see, what kind of level can she achieve?

"Wouldn't it be even happier to knock her out of the dust and make her feel hopeless when she was most proud?

Di Shitian laughed wildly.

Luo Xian opened his mouth and was about to persuade.

But in the end it didn't come out.

With this guy's character, it's useless to even say it.

But that's fine, if Emperor Shitian suffers a big loss in Jiang Yuyan's hands in the future, it will be even more beneficial to her!

Di Shitian and Jiang Yuyan, no matter who wins or loses, who lives or dies, she will not lose!

In Daming territory, Xueyue City.

The training ground where the Snow Moon Sword Immortal Mansion is located.

The figures of Snow Moon Sword Immortal Li Hanyi and A Qing were intertwined with each other, and the sharp sword energy was dense.

fight each other together.

A terrifying aftermath of sword energy erupted.

Not far away, Shang Xiuxun watched the battle with an incredible expression.

Is this the duel between mythical swordsmen?

so amazing.

Compared with them, although he is not bad, he is still no different from ants.

Looking at the two women, Shang Xiuxun pouted again in dissatisfaction.

How come the women around that guy are so powerful?

Compared with them, they couldn't be worse.

It even made her feel a sense of inferiority.

I really did not expect that the owner of her dignified Pegasus Ranch would have an inferiority complex.

how is this possible?

But soon, Shang Xiuxun expelled this negative emotion.

regain confidence.

What if you are not as good as yourself?

She is a unique Shang Xiuxun, no one can match her.

What's wrong with her current strength?

Sooner or later, she will catch up.

Before, she was just delayed by mundane affairs.

When she is really attentive, she will quickly catch up and even surpass!

"Yah! Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

Ah Qing quickly got out of the battle circle, and his little head shook from time to time.

In kendo alone, she still has a lot to learn.

Even, if there is a real life and death sword, she may be killed very quickly.

Sure enough, this trip to Xueyue City, she came right.

Li Hanyi looked at the innocent-looking Ah Qing, and was a little helpless.

That big beast would deceive even such a simple girl.

Too Damn it.

How many romantic debts did he cause when he was outside?

What are these women doing in Xueyue City instead of going to the palace to find that scumbag?

However, Xue Yue Jian Xian also liked A Qing and Shang Xiuxun very much.

After getting along for a while, it is worth making friends.

Although Li Hanyi has a cold heart, facing more and more women who are scumbags, he can't help but feel a sense of crisis.

It seems that she also needs to find some more allies.

|| Sister Hanyi, can I often challenge you in the future?"

"Your swordsmanship is so powerful that it is worth my study for a long time!

Fortunately, Li Hanyi knew Ah Qing's character, otherwise, she would have thought she was provocative, or even malicious!

"Of course, you can stay with me in the future!"

"If you meet that guy, I'll find a way to get him here too! 35

"By the way, Xueyue City often has some strong swordsmen to challenge, you can just give it a try and hone your swordsmanship.

"Good for your future!

"Some people's strength is not bad!

After Li Hanyi finished speaking, his right hand turned slightly.

Immediately, a miniature lotus flower appeared.

Immediately toss.

The lotus directly turned into a ray of light and disappeared without a trace.

This is her exclusive contact method with Zhu Houzhao.

It won't be long before Zhu Houzhao receives it, and he will definitely come to see her as soon as possible.

Anyway, for that guy, traveling to and from Xueyue City was just a stick of incense.

Very easy.

"Huh? This breath is so strong!

At this moment, the three women also felt a terrifying aura fluctuation.

The complexion changed greatly.

The strength of the three women is not weak, but under this breath, they feel their insignificance.

"Sister Hanyi, who is exuding this breath, so terrifying!

"As long as the opponent throws a qi energy, I have absolutely no power to resist."

Ah Qing's face turned pale (Li Zhaozhao), and then she patted her chest and said with fear.

"The strength of this person, in the gods and demons, also belongs to the top-level existence.

"Even, this person may be the only sage class.

"What purpose does he suddenly exude such a terrifying aura? 35

"Could he be officially born?

"I don't know whether this person is good or evil, and whether it is good or bad for the entire Kyushu!"

"Sister Hanyi, this person should not be an evil person, I can feel it."

"His aura is majestic and upright, with an air of panic."

"Whether it's a good person, I can't be sure, but definitely not an evil person.

Seeing Ah Qing's confident expression, Li Hanyi was thoughtful.

In the past few days, she has noticed A Qing's extraordinary.

Especially when it comes to feeling sharp.

It is easy to detect whether a person is kind or malicious.

A sword heart, incomparably pure, even more pure than her.

Is a natural kendo wizard.

If Ah Qing was by Zhu Houzhao's side long enough, her swordsmanship would not be as simple as it is now.

Even breaking through to the gods and demons is extremely easy.

"Huh? Look, the list has been refreshed again.

"This list is so boring. These famous officials are not very strong, and they are completely incomparable with other people on the list!"

Li Hanyi looked up.

On the golden list, new text is displayed line by line.

【List of famous ministers · seventh!】.

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