The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 254 Fourth place, Ying Zheng's goal, Temujin's show, Zhu Houzhao's response

【Famous Officials List・Fourth!】

【Li Si!】

【Country: Great Qin Dynasty!】

[Potential: Capital of Kyushu's top prime minister!]

【Governance Ability Index: Five Stars!】

【Strength: Second-rate!】

[Rewards: Wenchen's Excellent Skill Card*1, Excellent Spiritual Power Enhancement Card*1, and the national fortune of the country you belong to increases by 10%! 】


how come?

Why is Li Si the fourth?

Didn't even make it to the top three?

Ying Zheng looked at the list in the sky with an incredible look on his face.

Unwillingness and anger flashed in his eyes.

Although there is only one gap between the fourth and third place, the gap is huge.

There is also a qualitative gap in the rewards of heaven.

In the entire Kyushu, among the major dynasties, is there any other civil servant who can compare to Li Si?

Damn it!

Not only was Ying Zheng unhappy, but Li Si below was also unbelievable.

He has confidence in himself.

On the list of famous officials, he is definitely one of the best.

There are few people who can compare to him.

But now, he didn't even make the top three, how could he be reconciled?

But the list was indeed issued by the Nine Provinces Heavenly Dao, and even if he wanted to refute it, there was nothing he could do.

"Your Majesty forgive me, I have disappointed Your Majesty!

"What is the prime minister's fault? Being able to be included in the list of famous ministers in Kyushu shows that the minister is a great talent. It's too late for me to be happy, so how can I blame it?35

"By the way, Prime Minister, what is the Heavenly Dao reward this time?"

Just now, as the Emperor of Qin, he could clearly feel the change in the national fortune rewarded by the Dao of Heaven.

At the same time, he was also very curious about Li Si's reward.

"Your Majesty, this minister has acquired a very powerful skill, which is called 'the legal network is extensive, omissions and omissions'!

"Furthermore, the spiritual power of the minister has also undergone a great transformation. 35

"As long as the minister condenses what he has learned, integrates his spiritual power, and uses his skills, he can form a thunderous 'law net', imprisoning or even weakening those who violate the laws of Daqin.

"As long as you are in the territory of Daqin, no enemy can escape!

Although Li Si was unwilling to his own ranking, he was extremely excited about the skills rewarded by Heavenly Dao.

Maybe in a solo fight, he's nothing.

But if he uses this skill in a group war, it will definitely play an unimaginable role.

"It's good to have a French Open that is sparse and not missed.

"It fits the Prime Minister very well!"

"If you use this skill to deal with Changping-Jun, what are the chances of success?"

What Ying Zheng was most concerned about was the killing of Lord Changping.

This person has seriously hindered the progress of Da Qin.

Die one day later, the damage to Da Qin will be increased by another day.

Wang Jian, Bai Qi, and Shang Yang jointly surrounded and killed Changping Jun, but so far they have not heard any good news.

This made him even more impatient.

Since Li Si also has the ability to help, wouldn't it be better to add him?!

"Your Majesty, as long as the minister is given a chance, as long as Lord Changping is shrouded in the 'law net' of the minister, it is impossible for him to escape."

"The possibility of Jun Wu'an and the others killing them is almost 100%! 35

Li Si is full of confidence.

Even if Chang Ping-Jun is a mythical powerhouse, he can still cover him.

The surprise flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

However, he seemed to have thought of something.

Ask again:

"If you were asked to target the 'French Open' at Baiyue Queen of Baiyue City, what chance of success would you have?"

"According to the investigation of the Black Ice Platform, Queen Baiyue's strength is much stronger than that of Changping Junke!"

"Are you confident?""

"Your Majesty, do you want to go to war with Baiyue City?

"This is natural. Once I have destroyed Changping Jun and the remnants of the six kingdoms, the cancer of Baiyue City must be removed as soon as possible."

"I absolutely cannot let her leave Daqin safely.

"If you really escaped, it would be a great disgrace to me!

"What's more, the relationship between the other party and Daming is irreversible, once they escape, they will definitely go to Daming.

(cjfh) "Without destroying her, will Baiyue City all turn to Daming and become my future enemy of Daqin?

Li Si heard the words and his face was solemn:

"Your Majesty, if you do it in Baiyue City, there is absolutely no chance of success."

"However, if you wait until they move, you may be 70% sure!"

"Of course, there must be the cooperation of Lord Wu'an, Lord Shang and others!"

"Okay, Li Si, you should make a secret plan for this matter first, and follow my orders."5

"As for now, the top priority is still Changping-Jun.

"I will send someone to escort you to the front of the battle to meet with Shang Jun and the others."

"If you have gathered so many of you and so many backers, if you still can't get Changping-Jun's head, then I will be very disappointed!

"Yes, I will not disappoint Your Majesty!

In the Yuan Dynasty.

Dayuan Palace.

Temujin sat on the dragon chair with a pale face.

At this moment, his face was very ugly.

His army of 300,000 people was completely wiped out in the hands of the Hanhai Dynasty.

This taught him a bloody lesson.

If it is not rescued in time, he may die on the battlefield himself.

It was also because of the two consecutive defeats that completely consumed a lot of Dayuan's heritage.

Although it will not be completely disabled, but if you want to organize an attack again, I am afraid that you are more than enough.

"Prime Minister, is the national teacher back?"

"Reporting to the Khan, the national teacher has never returned, but I have not heard the news of the sacrifice of the national teacher.

"No news is good news."

"I believe that, with the ability of the national teacher, a lucky person must have a natural appearance!"

Dayuan Prime Minister Yelu Chucai responded respectfully.

When Temujin heard this, his face twitched, and then it went dark.

Anger burns in my heart.

"By the way, what about King Ruyang? Is he back?"

"Khan, now, this minister has not received any news from King Ruyang.

"In this case, pass on the will of Ben Khan!

"King Ruyang colluded with the Hanhai Dynasty, conspired to rebel, and defected before the battle, which led to the tragic death of hundreds of thousands of troops of my Dayuan at the hands of the Hanhai people. 35

"It is a heinous crime!

"Immediately arrest King Ruyang's entire clan and behead!"

Temujin shouted fiercely.


"Khan, did you make a mistake?"


Yelu Chucai was in a hurry and asked quickly.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was immediately stopped by Temujin.

"Ben Khan is not mistaken, if this thief hadn't betrayed Ben Khan, how could the battle have been defeated so quickly and miserably?

"A total of 300,000 troops, and the only one army of King Ruyang is intact?"

Yelu Chucai gave Temujin a deep look.

Now he has reacted.

The Great Khan is preparing to put all the responsibility for the failure of the war on King Ruyang.

He himself is just an unknown responsibility.

After thinking about this, Yelu Chucai couldn't help feeling cold.

What a vicious thought this is!

King Ruyang was so wronged by the Great Khan, I am afraid there will be no place for him in the entire Kyushu in the future.

The key is.

The Khan not only wronged him, but also killed his entire clan?

Temujin shouldn't be such a person, right?

Temujin looked at Yelu Chucai's hesitant expression, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

However, the thought of this person is very likely to be selected for the list of famous officials in Kyushu.

Even, being selected for the top three, which made him reluctant to kill.

However, even so, Temujin was suspicious of him.

Not as trustworthy as before.

Since the Southern Song Dynasty, after two consecutive defeats with the Hanhai Dynasty.

Temujin was so ambitious that he was almost maimed.

Even xinxing has been greatly affected.

Just like the matter of wronging King Ruyang, if it was before, he would never be able to do it.

But what about now?

Very skilled at doing it!

Insidious, cunning, hypocritical, vicious!

There is nothing like what Genghis Khan should have.

Yelu Chucai did not refute in the end.

Although he has an old relationship with King Ruyang, he has not yet reached the point of giving his life in vain for him.

"Khan, the minister will do it immediately!

Soon, the news about King Ruyang's betrayal of his country and his defection before the battle, which led to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of troops, instantly spread throughout the Dayuan Dynasty.

Even, it quickly spread to the entire Kyushu boundary.

For a time, everyone was in an uproar.

People from other countries are happy to watch the play one by one.

Even began to gloat over the misfortune.

After all, Dayuan is an alien race. As long as he is Chinese, it is difficult to have a good impression of Dayuan.

In particular, Dayuan's army attacked the city all the way, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

The common people who died in the hands of Dayuan are unknown.

Now, how can I be unhappy to see that Dae-won not only failed miserably, but also started to bite the dog inside?

It is even more interesting to expect the two sides to fight again!

Unlike the people of Kyushu, the Dayuan court was filled with righteous indignation.

In his mouth, he cursed King Ruyang angrily.

Directly labeled King Ruyang as the first rebellious title of Dayuan.

Even if King Ruyang came back, he would not be able to argue.

From top to bottom, although many officials have doubts, they still follow the trend.

There will be no excuse for King Ruyang to refute.

Completely qualitative!

Soon, all the family members and relatives in the Ruyang Palace were executed one after another.

No mercy.

Even, the control of the fishing reel focused the culprit of the failure of the Dayuan War on King Ruyang.

And Temujin, not only was not slandered, but more and more "respected and loved"


Tie Muzhen's cowardly operation was also stunned in the eyes of the caring people.

Inside the Daming Palace.

When Zhu Houzhao received the news, he couldn't help feeling very emotional.

Temujin has experienced two disastrous defeats, and he is no longer the arrogant Genghis Khan.

Such a rude operation can only deceive some ordinary people and stupid people.

In the eyes of those wise men, all the causes and consequences are clear!

On the contrary, Tiemuzhen's actions would completely chill the hearts of many insightful people under his command.

It is impossible to be of the same mind as Temujin again.

Even the loyal King Ruyang had such a tragic ending.

They may not have a better future.

Even, there are not a few people who are rebellious at heart.

In a short period of time, perhaps nothing will be seen.

available over time.

There will be chaos in the future.

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao saw the essence of the matter.

Although there is some regret, he failed to let Temujin die on the battlefield and let him escape.

But now the ending is not a bad thing.

There are opportunities for further operations.

In Zhu Houzhao's mind, he gave birth to one malicious idea.

A funny smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

The Dayuan Dynasty was the target that the Ming Dynasty had to destroy.

Next, that's it!

"Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from outside the palace gate.

"Zhao Min?

As a concubine of the harem, Zhu Houzhao is naturally familiar.

Although not one heart, but Zhu Houzhao, who is an Isp, doesn't care.

I also often go to "take care" of this "famous" concubine.

They are not strangers to each other.

For Zhao Min's request, her purpose is naturally clear.

"Let her in!""

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and said lightly.

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