The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 262 Unstoppable anger, devastating blow, Changping-Jun's hatred, invasion

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao is located in a secret courtyard in the Southern Region.


Zi Nu, Xue Nu, Concubine Dongjun Yan, and Su Yue all surrounded Zhu Houzhao.

Especially Su Yue, sitting in Zhu Houzhao's arms.

Get along for a while.

The little girl's dissatisfaction with her father has long since vanished.

Under the bribe of a few small gifts, they instantly became extremely close.

as early as a month ago.

In addition to Yanling Ji, Concubine Dongjunyan and Xiaoyue'er had already arrived in Daming territory to join Zi Nu and Xue Nu.

But unfortunately.

Baiyue City is still under construction.

Zhu Houzhao could only arrange them in his own courtyard.

Whenever I have free time, I will visit my children.

"You guy, don't you worry about Yan Lingji's safety at all?"

"Let her alone to face the siege of many land gods in Da Qin?

"If you let Yan Lingji know, there will be trouble again!"

The purple girl was somewhat "dissatisfied" with Zhu Houzhao's attitude, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

"I'm not worried about Yanling Ji, but the land gods under Ying Zheng's command.

"I hope they will be smarter, otherwise, Ying Zheng will probably die of distress."

Zhu Houzhao said quietly.

With his many life-saving means, let alone a few mythical ranks.

Even if the gods and demons are dispatched, they will not hurt her in the slightest.

Zhu Houzhao has always been very generous to his women.

Of the girls around him, who doesn't have the means of life-saving he left behind?

Even if Murong Xisheng and Mei Yinxue were extremely powerful and had reached the level of gods and demons, Zhu Houzhao also provided them with important life-saving means.

As for Yanling Ji, Zhu Houzhao was worried that she would mess up and break things up.

In that case, Zhu Houzhao would be even more troublesome.


Daqin Palace.


When Ying Zheng heard the latest secret report, he was furious.

Pulling out the Tianwen Sword from his waist, he slashed towards the table in front of him.

His face was gloomy.

Dark Shadow is dead?

Died at the hands of Queen Baiyue?

how is this possible?

"What the hell is going on? Explain in detail!

"Your Majesty, Queen Baiyue's strength is even more powerful than she imagined. Although she has not reached the level of gods and demons, she belongs to the highest level in mythology."5

"Also, there are many powerful treasures on her body.

"Master Commander was killed on the spot."

"And Lord Wu'an and Lord Shang, if they didn't see the opportunity quickly and escape quickly, I'm afraid they will also follow in the footsteps of the commanding adults.

"Even now, Lord Wu'an and Lord Shang have been seriously injured.

"In a short period of time, it will be difficult to recover as before.

The deputy commander of the Black Ice Platform responded nervously.

This time, it was a miserable loss.

One mythical rank died, and two mythical ranks were seriously injured.

Even Ying Zheng didn't expect the ending to be like this.

He underestimated Queen Baiyue.

Originally thought to be a sure thing, but now there are variables.

"Have you found Lord Wu'an and Lord Shang?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, I have found it and brought it back to Xianyang safely. 39

"However, they are still in a coma."

"Their bodies are attacked by a majestic and terrifying sword energy, if they don't expel the sword energy, they may never be able to recover.

"I'll try to figure this out!

"By the way, there is one more thing, has Changping-Jun solved it?"

Ying Zheng said coldly.

"Your Majesty, Changping-Jun has not appeared since he was rescued by the mysterious man."

"Even after that, General Wang Jian sent troops to encircle and suppress the forces under his command, and his cronie, the peasant hero Kuitian Guang died, and he did not see the reappearance of Lord Changping.

"Hmph, first pass on Wang Jian's decree to let him continue to exterminate the remnants of the six kingdoms.

"As for Lord Changping, let Heibingtai continue to investigate.

"Yes, Your Majesty!

After swinging back the deputy commander of the Black Ice Platform, Ying Zheng was still furious.


"Queen of Baiyue!

Ying Zheng gritted his teeth.

This time, he was a little arrogant.

Although I didn't regret my decision, I had known this, and it was time to send more people to encircle and suppress it.

In this way, Lord Changping will not be rescued.

When encircling Queen Baiyue, the shadow will not die.

Bai Qi and Shang Yang will not be seriously injured either.

However, in any case, this hatred and this hatred, he remembered it.

However, Ying Zheng also fortunately did not send more people to encircle and suppress it.

This time, the life-saving means in Yan Lingji's hands only showed the tip of the iceberg.

Even so, let the three mythical steps, one die and two escape.

The more people sent, the more people died and the more miserable it was.

Thankfully he was arrogant.

Otherwise, his loss will definitely make his flesh hurt.

in Daqin.

A very secret base is located.

The forces of the Six Nations have all gathered here at this moment.

"Mr. Ovary, what shall we do next?"

"Changping-Jun's army has been annihilated by the entire army of King Jian of Qin."

"Now, Li Keyong, who has just surrendered to Ying Zheng, has even dispatched the Tongwenguan forces under his command to encircle us in an all-round way.35

"If we don't come up with a good solution, we will probably follow in the footsteps of Kuitianguang!

Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect, said eagerly.

At the same time, there was deep hatred in his eyes.

Before, because he participated in many battles against Da Qin.

As a result, Ying Zheng lost his patience with the Taoist family.

He dispatched Bai Qi, and after destroying the peasant family, he directly sent troops to attack the Taoist clan.

at last.

Except for a few people who escaped, the Taoist sect was immediately destroyed.

This made Xiaoyaozi, the head of the sect, blame himself more and more, and hated Ying Zheng and Da Qin more and more.


Now, Da Qin's strength is really too strong.

It's far beyond what they can match.

"good news!"

Just then, a spy came to report.

"Hahaha, well, this time Ying Zheng, the tyrant, has suffered a big loss."

"what happened?

"Hehe, Ying Zheng sent Tu Baiqi, Shang Yang, and Hei Ying, the leader of the Black Ice Platform, to surround and kill the Queen of Baiyue, Yan Lingji."5

"But I never thought that I would finally be defeated."

"Bai Qi and Shang Yang fled with serious injuries, but the leader of the Black Ice Platform died on the spot."

"Ying Zheng must be furious now!"

"That's great, our people died in the hands of Bai Qi, too many.

"I can't wait to tear Bai Qi to pieces.

"It's a pity that the strength is not good.

"Why is Bai Qi only seriously injured, not dead!"

"Calculate his fate!"

"Hey, it would be great if Queen Baiyue also joined our Six Nations!

"With the power of Baiyue City, we will never lose so badly!

For a time, when they heard such good news, everyone was not very excited.

Would love to see it with my own eyes.

"No, our base was found by Qin Gou."

"It's all Wang Jian's army outside!"

"How could this be? Why didn't we get any news, how did they come here so quietly?"

"There must be a traitor, we have been betrayed!"

"Damn it!"

Hearing that Wang Jian's army was besieging them, everyone was like a rabble, cursing in anger.

Even, there is no time to fight back.

A round of arrows rained wildly.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

The tragic sound of fighting resounded through the world.

A complete slaughter began immediately.

For these staunch Daqin rebels, Wang Jian showed no mercy.

The military formations awarded by Heavenly Dao unfolded.

The forces of the Six Nations have no ability to resist at all.

One by one they were killed.

within the Han Dynasty.

An underground secret room.

Lord Changping, who was brutally besieged by Bai Qi and others, was brought here by a mysterious man in black.

"Changping-kun, I have unfortunate news for you!

"what news?"

"Da Qin Yingzheng sent troops to destroy all the forces under your command.

"The peasant family headed by Xia Kui Tianguang, as well as the remaining forces of the Chu State, were all destroyed. 35

"The other six kingdoms were also killed by Wang Jian's army one by one.

"Changping-kun, you are now alone again!"

"However, don't worry, it's your greatest luck to join us.

"In the future, as long as you do your best to do things for the master and wait for the master to succeed, you will surely benefit. 35

"What? The Six Nations have been wiped out?"

"Tian Guang and the others are also dead?"

"Impossible, I've been fully prepared, even if I'm not there, they can't be defeated so fast? 35

"Even if I fail, I can save my life and wait for me to find them again.

Changping-jun is no longer in high spirits.

Now, the overflowing breath has a deep sinister aura instead.

"Nothing is impossible.""

533 "No matter how good or sufficient a plan is, it cannot change people's minds.

"People under your command, there are traitors!"

"It is precisely because of their collaborating with the enemy that they were found by the Daqin army.

"The Six Nations Alliance? Hehe, it's just a group of selfish villains for their own interests.

"Even if the decorations are gorgeous and high-sounding at ordinary times, at a critical moment, the ugly true colors will still be exposed."5

"You now know why Queen Baiyue of Baiyue City is reluctant to join you and deal with Ying Zheng together?

"No matter how you plan, she is extremely contemptuous and disdainful.

"Not only does she disagree with you, but the bigger reason is that you, the so-called six-nation alliance, are not worthy."

"Even if you fight alone, you don't want to be in the company of a bunch of villains and hypocrites!"

Changping-jun looked grim, and then took a deep breath.

Suppress the rage in your heart.

"I agree to your terms."

"Only one condition, I want revenge!"

"It is natural, you are welcome to join.""

Great Qin Dynasty, North.

Meng Tian is leading the army under his command and is carefully inspecting the surrounding area.

Suddenly, there was a jolt under my feet.

"No, General Meng, a large number of troops are coming towards us!

"What? What's going on?

"Where's the spies? Why didn't the spies come to report such a big thing?"

"Our spies should be killed!"

"It seems that the Xiongnu in the north, not to be outdone, are going to invade the south again.

"Report! 35

"General Meng, this is a secret report from inside the Xiongnu! 35

Meng Tian did not hesitate to open it immediately.

It should be the black ice platform secret agent who sneaked into the interior of the Xiongnu, and sent it at the first time.

Ten lines at a glance.

Soon, Meng Tian understood everything.

"It's really Damn it, these despicable remnants of the Six Kingdoms, seeing failure, actually colluded with the Huns and let the Huns invade our land of Kyushu."

"Damn it! 35

"I can't wait to slash these people with thousands of swords to vent the hatred in my heart. 39

"Come on, prepare the whole army for war!

"Fight the Huns!"

"Exactly, now that the internal troubles of the Great Qin have been resolved, it is time to get rid of these external troubles of the Great Qin Xiongnu.

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