The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 267 New ranking, strong rise, fall short, Zhu Houzhao's attention, Dayuan split

[Confucian Immortals List · Ninth! 】


[Sect: Daqin Small Sages Village! 】

[Realm: Land God Wonderland・Heaven and Human Stage・Middle Period!]

[Cultivation method: Xunzi's book (integrated with many Confucian and Taoist methods, self-created!)]

[Rewards: Three strands of low-grade Haoran righteousness (helping to improve the Confucianism practice), low-grade Confucianism skills*1, low-grade Confucianism magic weapon*1! 】

"This is?

"Ninth on the Confucian Immortal List!?"

"No, this old fellow Xunzi is on the Confucian Immortal List?"

"Kill him quickly, if he gets the heavenly reward, it will be difficult for us to kill him again!

The deputy commander of the Black Ice Platform changed greatly and shouted hurriedly.

At the same time, there is no regret.

Knowing this earlier, there was no need to talk nonsense just now.

Wouldn't it be better if the three of them joined forces and killed Xunzi on the spot?

Now, there are variables again!

Just when the three heavens and humans joined forces to besiege Xunzi.

But seeing Xunzi in the center, his whole body was shocked.

An aura of righteousness emanated from him.

Even with a terrifying spiritual pressure.

The three deputy commanders of the Black Ice Platform suddenly felt their breath stagnate.

Even the true essence in the body also slowed down.

The three strands of righteousness rewarded by Heavenly Dao instantly healed all the wounds in the body.

Xun Zi's whole state returned to its peak.

I never thought that the righteousness of the Heavenly Dao reward would actually have a healing effect?

Not only that.

At this moment, Xun Zi also had a mysterious aura that was difficult to understand.

Perhaps it is the extraordinary part of Haoran's righteousness.

"Human nature is evil!

Xunzi snorted loudly.

A huge attack spread out.

The three leaders of the Black Ice Platform only felt a burst of mental confusion.

Eyes of gold stars.

A strong negative emotion came over him.

Make it harder for them to keep attacking.

This is Tiandao rewarding his Confucianism skills.

It fits perfectly with what Xunzi learned.

Xunzi took advantage of this opportunity, and once again appeared in his hand a brush that was more than thirty centimeters long.

It is also a divine soldier of Confucianism that is rewarded by the Tao of Heaven.

Lightly clicked in the air.

Three terrifying sword qi burst out.

Attacked the three respectively.

The speed is so fast that people can't avoid it for a while.

The sword qi directly hit the three people's chests.

The three were knocked out.

Xunzi did not pursue the victory.

On the contrary, he directly got out of the battle circle and flew towards Zhang Liang's place.

Also, nib madness 29 points in the void.

Sword Qi madly attacked and killed.

Most of the black ice platform killers who besieged Zhang Liang were instantly killed by sword qi.

swept to the front.

Don't care about anything else.

Xunzi grasped Zhang Liang's wrist tightly, and with the fastest speed in his life, he flew away into the distance.

But in the blink of an eye.

The two have disappeared without a trace.

Xunzi was really afraid that more powerful opponents would appear around them to surround and kill them.

Even, if there are mythical powerhouses, then they will never have any chance of life.


Watching Xunzi only count the time, from repelling them, to rescue, to escape.

All in one go.

They wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

He could only watch the two of them disappear in front of his eyes.


The deputy leader of the Black Ice Platform screamed in anger.


This time, when so many people were dispatched to surround Xunzi and Zhang Liang, they even let him run away.

It just shows that they are incompetent.

After going back, Ying Zheng was bound to be even more disappointed in Hei Bingtai's ability to handle affairs.

It's a shame.

Great shame.

Although Xunzi was able to escape, the Kyushu Golden List occupied a large part.

However, if the three of them were not too conceited, how could there be an accident?!!

Ming Dynasty.

Learning is boundless.

A beautiful creek.

Zhu Houzhao and Li Qingzhao had a rare moment of private time.

Li Qingzhao, in particular, was happily talking about her experiences these days.

At the same time, she also handed the new words of her recent writings to Zhu Houzhao to watch.

"Okay, as expected of you, in the entire Kyushu world, there are few female lyricists who can compare with you!

Zhu Houzhao never hesitated to praise.

"How can your Majesty say such an exaggeration?"

"There are many more powerful than concubines!

Zhu Houzhao laughed and did not agree with her words.

However, the word is second, Li Qingzhao's talent for Confucianism is what he is most concerned about.

In just over a year, she has jumped from a mere master realm to a heaven and a human rank.

The breakthrough of Confucianism plays a vital role.

It's a pity that she broke through a little late.

Otherwise, she will definitely have a place on the list of Qianzhou Qianlong.

"By the way, what do you think about Xun Zi?

Glancing at the Confucian Immortal List in the sky, Zhu Houzhao asked indifferently.


"This person can be said to be the representative of my Confucianism, and also the senior I am waiting to study! 35

"Although the concubine body is completely different from the Confucianism and Taoism of Xunzi's predecessors, there are still many things that the concubine body can learn from the book Xunzi written by him."5

"In the future, I hope that one day, the concubine can exchange Confucian experience with this senior.

"Compared with the predecessors, the research on Confucianism still has a lot of shortcomings. 99

Judging from Li Qingzhao's tone and expression, she seemed to admire Xunzi very much.

Although I don't understand, why a firm man of the theory of good nature would worship a firm man of the theory of evil nature.

He didn't want to understand either.

No matter the theory of good nature or the theory of evil nature, as long as it is helpful to his great enlightenment, he can accept it!


With the current situation in Daqin, a hundred factions like Xiaoshengxianzhuang had become a thorn in Ying Zheng's eyes.

If it doesn't meet Ying Zheng's wishes.

It is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

Especially Xunzi, it is even more impossible to integrate into the Daqin system.

If he didn't die, he could only leave Daqin.

If so, he doesn't mind taking this person.

In Xuehai Wuya Institute, add another academic.

Send someone to inquire first, if there is fate, he doesn't mind recruiting each other.

Han Dynasty.

In a very ordinary small mountain village.

Xun Zi and Zhang Liang were dressed like ordinary people at the moment.

Even if there are black ice platform killers passing by, they will never recognize them.

"Uncle, where are we going next?"

"The ally you are looking for, in the Han Dynasty, or in other dynasties?

"Hey, the old man got the news that the old friend has left the big man and was recruited by the Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Now it seems that I have joined an academy called Xuehai Wuya, where I hold a doctorate position! 35

"Originally, the old man planned to ask him for help, but now it seems a little difficult."

Now that an old friend has become a member of the Ming Emperor, if he wants to ask for help, it must no longer be a personal relationship.

It must also be approved by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.


How could the Ming emperor easily agree?

If there is not enough good thing, even Xunzi, he is not in the eyes of the other party!

Hearing this, Zhang Liang's eyes flashed for a while.

In the entire Kyushu world, there are very few who can rival Ying Zheng now.

The Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao was definitely one of them.

Even in the future, Daming and Daqin will definitely be enemies rather than friends.

If possible, he would not mind using the power of Daming to overthrow Ying Zheng's tyranny.

It is believed that the Daming Emperor also wanted to use his chess piece to bring some trouble to the Qin Dynasty.

Mutual help and mutual benefit, why not do it.

As long as he can overthrow the tyranny of Ying Zheng and revive Korea, he doesn't mind being a pawn in the hands of others.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang condensed for a moment and said to Xun Zi:

"Uncle, since that's the case, why don't we go to Daming to meet the Daming Emperor? 99

"Cooperating with Emperor Daming not only helped him, but also helped ourselves.

Xunzi looked at Zhang Liang deeply.

"Ozifang, you are indeed far-reaching, but you must not underestimate the emperors of these dynasties. 35

"Even the most infamous Song Emperor Zhao Ji, Han Emperor Liu Hong, and Sui Emperor Yang Guang are not easy people.

"Not to mention, the most unfathomable Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao?"

"Let's not mention the rest for the time being, just his great strength of the gods and demons, to cooperate with him is simply to seek skin from a tiger!

"A little bit of carelessness, we, including the entire Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and even the entire Confucianism, will be counted by him."5

"Do you think of this terrible consequence?"

"Emperor Daming is a more terrifying and difficult character than Emperor Qin's Ying Zheng. 35

"It is very likely that you will become a pawn in the hands of the Daming Emperor who can be manipulated at will.

"At that time, even if you want to resist, you won't be able to resist.

To tell the truth, Xunzi was really unwilling to deal with this Ming emperor unless it was a last resort.

He could at least know a thing or two about Qin Huang Ying Zheng.

But for the Emperor Daming, all he knew was false information.

Even if it is true, it is very likely that the Ming emperor made it deliberately so that people can see it.

Staying by the side of such a terrifying existence as the Ming Emperor is the true companion of the king, like the companion of a tiger.

Life and death are never up to people.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang pursed his lips.

"Master, do we have any other options?

"If you want to keep the Little Sages Village, how can it be possible if you don't take some risks?

"Well, the old man will come with you!"

"What happens in the end depends on luck."

Daqin Palace.

At this moment, a suppressed breath filled the entire hall.

The three deputy commanders of the Black Ice Terrace, including Shang Yang, Bai Qi, and Li Si, are all here.

One by one did not speak.

Ying Zheng never thought that the Black Ice Terrace would be such a waste.

A mere Xunzi, three against one, can still let the opponent run away?

It's not trash, what is it?

The previous leader of the Black Ice Platform, Hei Ying, was often unfavorable.

But he is at least a mythical powerhouse, and he is also loyal, and Ying Zheng is rarely tolerated.

But the three guys in front of them are also so incompetent.

Even, the entire black ice platform was completely abolished.

How can he endure this?

"You three, from now on, roll into the net and become a famous killer!""

"Wait when you can complete the task 100% and return to the Black Ice Platform!"

"I don't want the entire Black Ice Terrace to become a waste like you!"

Ying Zheng was not polite to the three heaven and earth ranks.

The tone was unusually severe.

It was also fortunate that they were of the Heaven and Human rank, and their strength was not weak, otherwise Ying Zheng would have pulled them out and beheaded them long ago.

"Go back! 35

Swinging back the three, Ying Zheng showed a helpless look on his face.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten someone?"

"Maybe he is qualified to lead the entire Black Ice Platform!"

"In those days, His Majesty unified the six countries, and this person's contribution was the greatest."

"However, after His Majesty established the Great Qin Dynasty, this person retired and went into hiding among the people.

"Now, when Da Qin is employing people, how could His Majesty waste such a great talent?"

"Oh? 35

Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"Mr. is he talking about?"

"Hehe, if it wasn't for Mr. reminding me, I would have almost forgotten him."

"That's right, I really trust his talent incomparably.

"Since that's the case, sir, it's up to you to invite him into the palace! 55

"I would like to ask him if he is still ambitious?"

"Are you willing to continue to assist me and create a larger dynasty?"5

"Assist me, conquer Kyushu, and establish the only kingdom in Kyushu!

"What is the Ming Dynasty, the Hanhai Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty?

"What is the Great Yuan Dynasty, the Great Sui Dynasty, the Great Han Dynasty? 99

"In the future, all these dynasties will be wiped out."

"The entire Kyushu, the only master, can only be me!

"No one else has this qualification!""

Ying Zheng said arrogantly.

Bai Qi, Shang Yang, and Li Si were all excited for a while.

Ying Zheng, who was ambitious at the beginning, has returned.

"The minister Shang Yang (Bai Qi, Li Si) is determined to assist His Majesty and establish a great cause!"5

"Hahaha, well, you and I, the monarch and the ministers work together, why worry about the big things not being accomplished?

In an instant.

All the unhappiness before, suddenly vanished.

Daming Palace.

"Your Majesty, great news!!!

An Yi stepped forward and said with a smile on his face.

"Oh? What good news, it seems like a big deal to make you look like this!"

"Your Majesty, your plan is done.

"The civil strife in the Yuan Dynasty has become unstoppable!

"I didn't expect that the most feared prince, Torre, was not the first to do it."

"It's not like Zhuchi and Chahatai, the two brave and foolhardy people."

"On the contrary, it is the third prince who hides the deepest, Wo Kuotai, and takes the lead!""

"Temujin was caught off guard by this man.

537 Zhu Houzhao was slightly taken aback.

In the history of the previous life, after the death of Mongolian Temujin, he was succeeded by Okuotai.

Even Torre, who had outstanding merits, was forced to die when he was alive.

It can be seen that this Wo Kuotai is not as simple as it seems.

And in fact.

Zhu Houzhao never underestimated him.

Even, when I was planning to plan Dayuan.

The emphasis on Wo Kuotai was second only to Temujin, directly surpassing Torre.

Sure enough, his guess was right.

The direction of effort is also correct.

Now the results are finally out.

"What's the matter? With this person's ability, he should be the last fisherman. Why did he jump out first?"

"His Majesty said that this person, Okuotai, did indeed do this."

"Even, secretly planning to use Temujin to remove Torre, the biggest obstacle. 35

"At the same time, Zhuchi and Chahatai also calculated it.

"Under normal circumstances, he might have succeeded. 35

"Unfortunately, he has a thousand calculations, but he didn't expect all of this to be seen by my Da Ming spies."5

"So just count.

"Completely reveal all his conspiracy, and let Temujin find it easily."

"Especially when Temuzhen knew that his prime minister, Yelu Chucai, was not from Torre, but from Wo Kuotai, his face turned green.

"I found out later that the Hall Master of the Golden Wolf Hall, whom he trusts very much, is also a confidant of Okuotai who came in, and he was immediately furious."

"I immediately ordered the arrest of Wo Kuotai."

"Unfortunately, Wo Kuotai's influence inside and outside the Yuan Dynasty has long been deeply rooted, exceeding Tiemuzhen's expectations."

"When I got the news the first time, I could only support myself.

"At the same time, he also pushed Shuchi and Chahatai, and also supported the troops to become independent, forming an alliance with each other and splitting the Yuan Dynasty.

"On the contrary, Torre, who was most dreaded by him, was still loyally following Temujin's side, fighting against the self-reliance of Okuotai.

"Now, the entire Dayuan is in complete chaos."

"Even the ministers do not know whether Temujin is capable of subduing the rebellion of the three rebels.

After listening to An Yi's detailed report, Zhu Houzhao suddenly laughed unkindly.

Really interesting!

"This is a good job, all those who participated in this plan will be rewarded! 35

"In the future, destroying Dayuan will save me a lot of effort!

"By the way, Torre is also extremely difficult!

"He is still by Temujin's side, not really loyal and filial.

"It seems that he has a bigger plan!"

"The order goes on and continues to divide the relationship between Torre and Temujin."

"I want to make Temujin a real loner."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes widened.

As for sympathy for Temujin?

That's simply not possible.

The Dayuan Dynasty was the old enemy of the Ming Dynasty.

In any case, it must be eliminated.

The worse Temujin is, the better it will be for Ming!

Splitting Dayuan was just Zhu Houzhao's first step against the Dayuan Dynasty.

There are more plans to be implemented in the future.

Don't be careless.

Barry is only half of 90.

Caution is still required.

Otherwise, it will fall short.

It's too late to regret!

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