The Golden List is Alive, and my Queen Turns Out to be Wu Zhao

Chapter 283 Arguments and fears, doubts, preparations, are they the same person?! Shocked 【Seeking a

Ming Dynasty.

Learning is endless.

"Sure enough, the Master Taixue is number one on the Confucian Immortal List! 55

Cai Yan had a natural look on his face.

The entire sea of ​​learning is boundless, and it can be said that the one with the most power is naturally His Majesty the Emperor.

Afterwards, it was the Master of Taixue who deserved it.

Although so far, even she, the mythical Confucian Immortal, has not met the Taixue Master a few times.

The Taixuezhu doesn't usually take care of things.

But the whole world of learning is boundless, and there are really few people who can violate the order of the Taixuezhu.

Even the Master and Mr. Wang Yangming are under the jurisdiction of the Taixue.

However, under normal circumstances, the Taixuezhu is very popular, but it is true.

Even the Master has rarely appeared in recent years.

Wang Yangming came to supervise the entire study of boundless learning.

There are also senior executives, who are respectively responsible for specific matters.

The Taixuezhu is more about planning the general direction and deterring other forces.

"Of course, it can be said that the entire sea of ​​learning is boundless, and it was created by the master of the school with the assistance of His Majesty."

"Even the Master and Mr. Yang Ming joined later.

"It's just, I didn't expect that the master of the school turned out to be a god and a demon.

"The strength is no less than that of Your Majesty."

Li Qingzhao also nodded, catering to the road.

"It's a pity that the Confucian Immortal Ranking does not show the true identity of the university owner, I'm really curious! 35

"Even the identity of the master has been exposed!

"The first time we met the Master Taixue, he called himself so."

"Don't talk about us, even if it's the Master, Mr. Yang Ming still calls it that. 99

"Even, even when His Majesty mentions it, it is so called.35

"Perhaps, the name of the Grand Master has long since replaced his real name!

In Xue Hai Wu Ya, not only Cai Yan and Li Qingzhao guessed.

Even other teachers and students are discussing with each other.

Shocked, horrified, in awe, dull, delighted...

and many more.

And so on.

However, no matter what, from now on, Daming's reputation of boundless learning will no longer be shaken by any force.

Daming harem.

Queen Wu Zhao's bedroom.

"Master Taixue turned out to be the Great Perfection of the gods and demons?!""

"how so?"

"If he has a bad heart against His Majesty, or the whole Daming, wouldn't Daming be a huge disaster?

Looking at the list in the sky, the queen was not as happy as she imagined for the master of the school.

On the contrary, the first thought is fear and doubt.

"Niangniang, I can't find out everything about the Taixuezhu."

"It seems that the information of the Master Taixue before the establishment of Xuehai Wuya has been erased."

"It must have been done by His Majesty. 39

"What is the identity of the Taixuezhu, do we still need to continue to investigate?

Shangguan Wan'er said with a solemn expression.

"Continue to investigate, but the action should be more secretive!"

In the whole world, only Zhu Houzhao is her love and the one she trusts the most.

As for the others, even if they were the masters of the great consummation of the gods and demons, she would not dare to be careless in the slightest.

As His Majesty's queen, she needs to check and fill in the gaps from time to time.

It is absolutely not allowed that anyone threatens His Majesty.

Even though he knew that the Taixue Master might not be a threat to His Majesty, it was still necessary to be careful just in case.

"In the future, increase the investigation of Xuehai Wuya.

Since His Majesty handed over part of his power to her, she will be responsible for His Majesty to the end.

Daming Jiangshan belongs to His Majesty, and the position of the future Lord of Kyushu is also His Majesty's.

She wants to clear all obstacles ahead for His Majesty.

She must also guard against anything that might threaten His Majesty.

Although there are some unfounded worries, at the moment, Zhu Houzhao, who is staying in the Imperial Garden to enjoy singing and dancing, is still somewhat satisfied.

At least this queen has not married in vain these years.

Datang Palace, Taiji Hall.

"Master Yuan, what's going on,"?"

"What is this sacred master?

"Why have we not had any information about him over the years?"

"The Great Perfection of the Gods and Demons!"

"When Zhu Houzhao was still the prince, he took the initiative to catch up?"

"Why did you see Zhu Houzhao?

"How can such a faint-hearted ruler who only knows pleasure be compared with me?"

What kind of luck is this when the gods and demons take the initiative to join the Great Perfection?

If back then when he was the prince, he also had the gods and demons to take refuge in, why would he have to worry about his life all these years?

Even competing for the throne is obtained by violent means.

Could it be that Zhu Houzhao's child is really God's illegitimate child?

Li Shimin's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

If he had a great perfection subordinate of the gods and demons at the beginning, then his current Great Tang would definitely be ten times stronger than Daming.

Even now, it is very likely that the Great Sui Dynasty, the Two Song Dynasties and the Great Han Dynasty have long been wiped out.

How can it be like now, suffering from internal and external troubles?!!

"Your Majesty, from the point of view of a minister, it is not necessarily a good thing for Xuehai Wuya to have this Tai Xue Master."35

"Oh? Master Yuan, what do you say?"

"In those days, why did the master of the imperial school take the initiative to take refuge in Zhu Houzhao, who was still the prince?"

"Why didn't he go directly to the former emperor of the Ming Dynasty? 35

Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up:

"Strange goods can live! 9

"The idea of ​​the master of the imperial school is the same as that of Lu Buwei of Daqin back then?"

"Perhaps there is a possibility that the relationship between the Master of the Taixue and Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty is not necessarily as harmonious as it seems on the surface."5

"In this way, the master of the school may not have thought about getting something from Zhu Houzhao.

"There must be a huge stake in it."

"With Zhu Houzhao's current strength and power, how can he be willing to divide his interests up by the Taixue master?"

"At that time, it will inevitably lead to hatred and contradictions between the two sides."

"Master Yuan, how likely is your guess to be true?

Li Shimin's eyes lit up.

If the Taixuezhu and the Daming Emperor had a bad relationship, the power of Daming would be greatly damaged.

The most important thing is that he has the opportunity of Datang.

If he succeeds in recruiting this Taixuezhu, the confidence and foundation of the Tang Dynasty will be completely firmed up.

"Your Majesty, this is just a guess. It is estimated that there is not even a 30% chance."

"Perhaps, with the strength of the Daming Emperor, he has already subdued this Taixue master! 99

"Everything is possible."

"Da Ming Zhu Houzhao hides it too deeply, and his trump cards are endless."

"The Master Taixue may not be able to beat him. 99

"Otherwise, why is the master of the Taixue, who has no bounds of learning, no matter what?"

"This is a very questionable place!

Hearing what Yuan Tiangang said, Li Shimin couldn't help being a little disappointed.

He really hoped that the master of the school and Zhu Houzhao would turn against each other.

When the snipe and mussel compete, he is a fisherman and gains!

"Master Yuan, no matter what, we can't give up.

"Even if there is only a 10% chance, we have to try it."

"The great consummation of the gods and demons will bring great benefits.

"I can't be unmoved.

"Not only I, but also the emperors of the other great dynasties, it is estimated that one by one is also just around the corner!"5

Daqin Palace.

Ying Zheng's face was gloomy, and his hand tightly clenched the Tianwen sword around his waist.

A fierce imperial aura spread out.

This made several important officials below speechless.

"Also ask Your Majesty to drop the crime, it is not good for the minister to do things!

"The minister sent people to infiltrate the boundless sea of ​​learning of the Ming Dynasty several times, but not only did they not get the slightest useful information, but also caused heavy losses.

"Not only did I not get any information from the master of the imperial school, but I couldn't even find out the information about the master!"

"Also ask your Majesty to drop your guilt!

"Zhang Han, in the boundless world of learning, how can the defense be so tight?

"Yes, it is much more rigorous than I expected."

"Interesting, the tighter it is, the more secrets there are."

"Forget it, write it down this time, you continue to send people in to inquire."9

"Fail once, twice, fail twice, four times, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times! 35

"Until it works!"

"I don't believe that this sea of ​​learning is more rigorous than my imperial palace?"

"Even my palace has been repeatedly barged in by people, and there is no limit to learning, so you can't do anything about it? 99

Hearing Ying Zheng's fury, Zhang Han shuddered and showed panic.

He opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond.

Learning is boundless, isn't it even more terrifying than the Daqin Palace.

At least, there are not so many gods and demons in the Daqin Palace.

Moreover, there is also the great perfection of the gods and demons.

How terrible.

He is a great master who is not even a land fairy, how can he handle it?

However, he could only think about it in his heart.

66||Go back!"

"Sir quit!

Looking at Zhang Han's disappearing figure, Ying Zheng's original angry expression returned to indifference.

"Your Majesty, you were a little embarrassed for General Zhang Han just now.

"With the current strength of the Shadow Guard, no matter how much you enter, you will be discovered immediately, and then you will die! 35

At this time, a Qing Jun man in his thirties who was wearing a gray cloth walked in.

"Learning is boundless, is it really as scary as Zhang Han said?"

"It's even more terrifying than what he said. His realm is indeed lower, and he can't probe deeper."

"The minister dispatched a celestial to explore in the Black Ice Platform. 35

"If it's just the periphery, Xue Hai Wu Ya is just a warning.

"But once you step into the inner circle, you will be besieged and killed immediately. 99

"Heibingtai Heaven and Human Rank, also suffered serious injuries and escaped.""

"Despite his best efforts to heal, he died.35

"I was killed by a majestic palm that shattered my heart.

"The strength is fierce, and it is definitely not sent by the people on the Confucian Immortal List.

"In other words, in the boundless world of learning, in addition to Confucianism and Immortals, there are other land gods and fairyland powerhouses. 99

"It's absolutely Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, unfathomable."5

"There is absolutely a big secret hidden in it. 99

This mysterious leader of the Black Ice Platform will report the news that has been detected in the recent period of time.

It made the faces of the two of them extremely solemn.

"You said, do I need to continue to send people to investigate? (Li or Zhao)"

"Will it be useless?"

"Your Majesty, no matter how much you pay for this matter, you must find out the secrets in Xuehai Wuya.

"I feel that there are definitely many hidden secrets of the Ming Emperor in the inner circle of Xuehai Wuya."

"Then what do you think is the relationship between this mysterious Taixuezhu and the Daming Emperor?"

"Is it a relationship of interests? Or is it a relationship between a monarch and a minister?"

Ying Zheng suddenly became interested in this question.

The head of the Black Ice Platform turned pale and said in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, these two possibilities are not small.

"However, there is another possibility, but it has to be guarded against. 35

"This master of the Taixue with boundless learning is the one who pretended to be Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty himself."5

"What? No..."

Ying Zheng's expression changed, and he quickly refuted.

However, as soon as he said the words, he was stunned.

This possibility may not be impossible.

If this is the case, the entire sea of ​​learning will be 100% controlled by him.

There are no shackles.

"Aiqing, you must clarify this matter. Before we thoroughly understand it, we have the right to assume that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and the Master of Taixue are the same person."

"Only in this way, we will not be caught off guard by Daming in the future.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will continue to investigate. 39

"Soon, the minister will give His Majesty a satisfactory explanation. 35

The leader of the Black Ice Platform is extremely self-confident.

Compared with the previous black shadow, this one is more than one-step stronger in terms of strength, momentum, and even thoughtfulness.

Definitely a tough character.

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