Chiyoda Ward.

The Mercedes-Benz drove into the villa area.

Hanyu Kurasuke stepped out of the car, and the bodyguards guarding the villa did not dare to stop him when they recognized the identity of the person.

Before Hanyu Taki left, he arranged a housekeeping service to take care of Suzumiya Aoi. Because he was worried about Suzumiya Aoi's safety, he specially arranged a team of bodyguards to be stationed there.

"Why are you here?" Hanyu Kurasuke had a bad premonition in his heart.

Hanyu Taki was quiet and never carried any guards.

"Master Taki called an hour ago and said that he had to go out for something and asked us to be responsible for protecting Miss Suzumiya Aoi who is recuperating here."

Hanyu Kurasuke was furious when he heard this.

"Who did he go out with?"

"This... Master Long didn't say anything, we don't know." The subordinate said awkwardly.

Hanyu Kurasuke kicked open the door, and there was only a nanny cooking in the kitchen on the first floor.

He hurried to the second floor, where there was a sticky note written by Hanyu Taki on the door.

Pushing open the door, Suzumiya Aoi, who was supposed to be lying on the bed, disappeared.

He hurriedly ran to Hanyu Taki's room. There was an opened wooden box on the desk, which was the one he gave to his son.

The wooden box was empty.


"I have a question. Since your plan is for me to break the gate between the Kingdom of Night and the secular world and release the Yamata no Orochi, why did you stop me in the first place?"

In the corridor of the old low-cost apartment, Xia Yi and Principal Long sat on the floor and asked the question in their mind. She couldn't figure it out.

He was obviously ready to open the door, but the principal's appearance stopped him.

"I just provide everyone with a choice." Principal Long coughed violently, and his weak appearance made people realize his true age.

"It's unfair to make a choice without knowing the situation." Principal Long stood up holding on to the wall, "And I'm really curious about how you would choose after knowing the truth."

"Why?" Xia Yi was confused.

She didn't understand why so many people struggled with the answer to this boring question.

"Just out of curiosity." Principal Long's eyes became cloudy and his face looked old.

The fallen long for redemption, the murderers yearn for another life, and the avengers question human nature.

"Wang Xichao's father is not a traitor. He is working for the academy. Xu Qinghuan and the others have found the evidence of your cooperation with the God of Service." Xia Yi said sharply.

Principal Long's expression remained unchanged and he nodded.

"Wang Weiyu, Li Pei, Zhang Quan, Lin Chengquan, Yan Tao..." Xia Yi reported one by one the team members who died that night in Linjiang City.

Principal Long looked at Xia Yi in surprise.

Of course he knew that Xia Yi and Xu Qinghuan had been investigating the truth of this matter, and even sent Su Qingge to provide evidence of his crime to Xu Qinghuan. But what was unexpected was that this silver-haired girl with peerless power could actually write down the names of the parties involved. .

"They died because of your plan, but you still let them bear the blame even though you knew this. They gave their lives, but you are not even willing to clear their names."

Xia Yi's words were cold and ruthless, and his eyes were like knives.

Principal Long suddenly smiled, with a bitter smile.

"It's nice to hear someone remember their name."

"There are many people who have sacrificed their lives for this revenge. Among these people, there are some who volunteered like Wang Weiyu, and some who did not know anything about it, but they were all brave and did not retreat until the moment of death."

Principal Long stood up straight, his face fierce and firm.

"I want to torture all the criminals in this country related to that war to death in the most cruel way! I want those maggots who refuse to acknowledge that history to kneel down and apologize to the dead! I want to hide them in the dark God will find him and kill him completely!”

"I will never lose!"

Few people have seen Principal Long lose his composure like this. His face turned pale after the blood surged, and he was breathing heavily.

He looked at the city below him with disgust. Everything in this country made him feel sick. Those demons who had committed all kinds of evil deeds returned here safely after surrendering, and were regarded as war heroes to get married and have children for the rest of their lives. It's like the sins committed in another land never existed.

A helpless sigh.

Obviously, as long as Xia Yi destroys the barrier between the two realms and releases the Yamata no Orochi, he can completely destroy this evil country, why did he still stop Xia Yi at the end?

I am indeed old.

Xia Yi looked at Principal Long's appearance and asked a question for no reason.

"Will successful revenge make you happy?"

This question was extremely childish, so childish that Principal Long couldn't help but be stunned.

"Happy?" Principal Long smiled, "This emotion no longer belongs to me the moment hatred occurred."

"You should already know why I'm doing all this."

"I understand." Xia Yi nodded, "As long as innocent people are not implicated, I support your revenge."

Principal Long was silent.


Over the years, he has not dared to stop for a moment, for fear that he would become comfortable and forget his hatred.

Time is a terrible thing. Deep-seated hatreds are gradually forgotten. Friends who share the same hatred in the past die, and a younger generation of leaders takes office. These people have not personally experienced such a war, and the information recorded in books is far inferior to what they have seen with their own eyes. One of them, for the sake of rights and interests, became conservative in their stance and denounced themselves as a lunatic for his radical behavior.

They understand but don't understand.

But he was supported by a seemingly rigid and kind-hearted girl.

"Over the years, I have been called a madman by many people, a devil who will do whatever it takes." The cigarette in Principal Long's hand had almost burned to the point where his fingers were still unresponsive.

"Of course they don't dare to say that in front of me. They don't know that I actually like these titles."

"Young children were born in a good era. They will not see their mothers beheaded, with the heads attached to the skin and fascia hanging in front of them, and their wives naked and nailed to the table with a saber. A group of men with hideous faces lined up to take turns raping, and young children were provoked by the enemy's bayonets, showing off their power."

The brave man who was used to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood couldn't help but be moved by hearing these words. She had experienced many cruel wars with the demons, but she still couldn't imagine these things happening.

"So they can't understand my hatred and this old guy's revenge at all costs."

A black Toyota sedan parked downstairs, and Li Yi and Hanyu Taki, who were wearing regular clothes, got out of the car.

Li Yi greeted Principal Long upstairs, and couldn't help but be startled when he saw Xia Yi.

Hanyu Taki nodded politely to Principal Long. When his eyes fell on the girl next to Principal Long, his expression was shocked. He probably guessed her identity from the girl's silver hair.

"The person who can open this door is here." Principal Long said to Xia Yi beside him.

The two walked upstairs and walked towards Principal Long and Xia Yi.

"Principal." Li Yi first greeted Principal Long, and then looked at Xia Yi.

He had no idea about the principal's arrangements.

"I've met the principal." Hanyu Taki, who was following behind, bowed.

"We invited you here to help us open this door." Principal Long got straight to the point and pointed to the apartment door on the side.

Hanyu Taki was confused when he heard this. He had guessed many possibilities before coming, but he never expected that he would just open an ordinary door.

What kind of identities are Principal Long and Li Yi? In addition to the silver-haired girl beside them, even I, who usually concentrates on practicing swordsmanship and pays little attention to the affairs of the evil ghosts, have heard about her deeds.

If you can block their door, what can you do if you invite yourself?

Is it possible that this apartment is dad's property? But I don’t have the key either.

Even with this thought in his mind, Hanyu Taki nodded obediently, walked to the door and reached out to hold the handle.

To his surprise, the door's lock bolt must have been destroyed, and the door had been pushed open before he even exerted any force.

When I opened the door, I thought there would be something different inside, but I didn't expect it to be just an ordinary room.

Hanyu Taki looked back at Principal Long in confusion.

Xia Yi also frowned and stared at Principal Long.

At this moment, the expression on Principal Long's face was even more ugly.

how come?

In the story, Susan entered the Kingdom of Night a hundred years ago. It stands to reason that Taki Hanyu, who carries the soul of Susan, can also open the door to the Kingdom of Night.

What went wrong?

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