Linjiang City, at the entrance of Sunshine Home Community.

"Thank you, uncle."

The girl in a white down jacket spoke with a strange accent and bowed to thank the taxi as it drove away.

The girl is petite, with cute light makeup on her face, and her eyebrows are crescent-like when she smiles, which is cute.

She turned around and looked at the name in front of the community gate to confirm her destination.

The girl's cute appearance attracted the attention of the aunties who were eating melon seeds and chatting at the door.

"Little girl, have you just moved in?" An aunt greeted her enthusiastically.

"Hello, I'm here to find someone. I have a friend who lives here." The girl responded with a smile.

"Hey, the accent doesn't sound like a local?" The aunts noticed the strange accent of the girl.

"Yes, I'm from Japan, and I'm looking for this address." The girl took out a piece of paper from her down jacket pocket, with an address written crookedly in Chinese characters.

Under the enthusiastic guidance of the aunt, the girl successfully arrived at the door of a room.

"How can you steal someone's things and hand over Tian Yuyu Zhan!"

"No, no, it's a bit too tough."

"I'm sorry, I'm here to retrieve the Tian Yu Yu Zhan that was taken away by you. Please return it to me."

"No, this is too weak. It's obvious that they are the ones who grab things first."

The girl stood at the door, rehearsing her opening remarks for a while.

After lingering at the door for a long time, the girl finally chose a satisfactory opening statement and reached out to knock on the door.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the house.

"Is there anyone there?" The girl tried knocking on the door again.

Still no movement.

The girl tried to push the door open, but it opened just like that.

It seems that the owner of this house was in a hurry when he went out and didn't even close the door.

"Is there anyone there?" The girl hunched over and walked into the house cautiously.

She searched the living room, kitchen and bathroom, but did not find Tian Yuyu Zhan.

She opened the door to the master bedroom. The room was neat and clean, with white bedding neatly spread out. There was a pink bear next to the pillow, and a mobile phone charger was plugged into the socket at the bedside. It looked like a girl's room.

The girl searched the master bedroom for a long time, even looking under the bed. She opened the closet on the side and found several simple women's coats hanging in it. There was also a set of white chef clothes hanging deep in the closet.

After searching to no avail, the girl came to another bedroom.

Compared with the master bedroom, you can tell at a glance that this bedroom is occupied by a man. It has messy sheets, black socks scattered everywhere, cigarette butts on the balcony outside the window, and a bag of leftover potato chips on the bedside, which still smells like cucumber. of.

"Some people actually like to eat cucumber-flavored potato chips." The girl complained.

She searched the room and soon found the Tian Yu Zhan, Susano'o's sacred weapon in Japanese mythology, stuffed casually under the bed.

The girl held the sword and was about to leave, but couldn't help but turn around.

"It's so messy, it's so messy."

The girl took off her coat, rolled up her sleeves, and cleaned the room.

While drying clothes, a dark clothes-drying rod on the balcony caught the girl's attention.

The girl frowned and recognized the clothes drying pole.


Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi walked on the stairs home one after another.

"Look, look, these people are talking human language!" Xu Qinghuan angrily handed the phone screen to Xia Yi.

On the way back, he posted a message on the school forum, explaining in the tone of Wang Xichao's roommate that Wang Xichao was only temporarily suspended from school. However, someone immediately replied and retorted, saying that he saw Wang Xichao secretly heading to the college with a few men in black. In the ice cellar, someone even posted a photo taken at that time. There was a lot of fog in the photo, but by chance, Wang Xichao's face was photographed.

There was no explanation at all. The popularity of the post suddenly rose. Many students made bad remarks. Even Xu Qinghuan was suspected. He was said to be an accomplice of Wang Xichao, maybe one of the people in the photo. .

"When I find out the names of these people, I will tear their mouths apart!"

Xu Qinghuan angrily put the phone back into his pocket, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

As soon as they entered the door, they noticed something was wrong. The house was cleaned and tidy, and the wooden floor was mopped spotlessly. There was even a vase with a bouquet of flowers on the coffee table. There was a note under the vase, and there was another note beside it. A bag of barbecue flavored potato chips.

The note was written in crooked Chinese characters: I took away Tian Yuyu Zhan, don’t steal people’s things next time.

ps: You can try the barbecue flavor.

"There's a thief in the house!"

Xu Qinghuan hurried into the room and found that Tian Yuyu Zhan, who he had hidden under the bed that day, was missing. He hurried back to the balcony, where his clothes and socks were hanging to dry. It seemed that they were also done by the little thief. Gangnir, who had been used as a clothes pole, was gone.

"Damn it! These Japanese! They stole it from me!" Xu Qinghuan cursed.

"How do you know it was done by the Japanese?" Xia Yi asked.

Xu Qinghuan handed the note to Xia Yi and pointed at a string of Japanese characters that had been scratched out with a black pen in the lower right corner.

"How dare this thief leave his name!"

Xia Yi took the note and studied the smeared part.

"It's okay to steal the broken sword, but actually take Xiao Wang's gun away. This is a provocation! It's a declaration of war! Call Xiaolong and tell him, I'll take over the job!"

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