The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1000: Dusk City (18)

This is... gone?

Not only the onlookers of the city at dusk, but even the elders of Wen and Du Di are dumbfounded.

They have already brewed a stomach accusation to deal with Shen Yanxiao, where to think, she actually only said a word, and did not take away a cloud away...

Looking at the two bright rays of the sky, everyone has not yet regained consciousness from the previous shock.

What is going on here?

In the city's main government toss a pass, the host of these guests have been squandered out, the result is to listen to her to say a word?

Elder Wen, Di Di and Luo Fan suddenly felt that they had been played by Shen Yanxiao.

If you don't come, you don't come, you are so swaying over the city. As a result, Yaowu Yangwei shocked everyone, but left nothing without doing it? So, do you know the nerves of others?

The face of Wen’s elders rose red, and his abusive insults and satires were smashed back by Shen Yan’s practice. This kind of vainly made people play in front of themselves, and they actually didn’t even have room to return. The situation has really made the top of the high-powered elders smoke.

Long Xueyao squinted her eyes, and she did not respond to what the purpose of this sputum was.

"Father, Shen Cheng is the master of her..." Long Xueyao hesitated to look at Longfei.

Longfei’s mouth was with a smile of appreciation. He whispered: “Shencheng’s master is really smart. She has already seen that Dusk City does not welcome her. The relationship between the past and the Magic City has always been discordant. Today’s dinner She must know that the Magic City and the Dusk City will jointly target her, simply she will not be able to participate directly, so that the people who have a ghost will completely fail to deal with it." Longfei suppressed the mood of one night and finally got better, Shen Yanxiao did this. , really is not giving the opponent a chance to fight back.

Looking at the faces of Elder Wen and Di Di, I know how much wrong they have in their hearts.

The most vomiting thing is that people have been slap in the face of everyone, and have not had time to fight back, the other party has gone away, and does not give you any chance to fight back.

"But...she didn't want to participate, why did she come in person? And...the excuse she was looking for was a bit too obvious." Long Xueyao was a little embarrassed, Shen Yanxiao said that he was not fit to attend the dinner, but she only appeared. When I was ruddy, my eyes were fascinating, and it was like a half-point.

As long as she understands people, she knows that she is looking for an excuse.

Long Xueyao really can't think of Shen Yanxiao's mind.

Long Fei chuckled and said: "You, although two years older than the Shencheng master, this brain can't compare with her, she is looking at the face of Wen Chang."

Two beasts appeared arrogantly, and they did enough power to make such an obvious excuse. They made it clear that they told everyone that she didn’t want to attend the dinner at Dusk City. There were two beasts sitting in the town, even if the elders wanted to attack, they also got Consider one or two.

The arrogance of Shen Yanxiao’s affair, but let Longfei, who knows the inside story, feel great.

If Shen Yan Xiaozheng participated in the banquet tonight, Wen elders and Judi, and the boy named Luo Fan, surely and prepared a lot of topics to sneer at her.

When she left, she did not give them a chance to ironic, but gave them a face and intimidation. This is the means.

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