The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1011: Glory is my life (1)

"Evil wolf, devil wolf... You six listen, wait for the next battle, and you join me to join the ten people out of the downfall." Du Lang was surprisingly calm at this moment, he has already determined that he is at a disadvantage. Among them, the only thing they can fight is the rules of the game, which will force the other party out of the collapse, at all costs.

The strongest opposite is the ten guys who lead the high-level Warcraft. If they don't solve them first, they don't have to fight behind them. The ten World of Warcraft is enough for them to drink a pot.

"Yes!" The six wolves snorted and the eyes burned with arrogance.

The bells of the game sounded at this moment, and the two people had almost at the same time, and Shen Yanxiao’s heart was raised!

The two men have not yet contacted, the two sides of the World of Warcraft have already met, in the blink of an eye, more than three hundred Warcraft are intertwined, and the sound is heard through the sky!

The ten high-order Warcraft of Magic City is like ten behemoths, rampaging, directly hitting more than 30 low-order Warcraft on the head!

The difference in levels is obvious.

The people of Magic City and Dusk City smiled smugly, but the people who did not fall and the Blizzard City were pinching a cold sweat for Du Lang and others in the ring.

"All members of Warcraft withstand ten high-level Warcraft! At all costs!" Du Lang decisively issued orders, must withstand the impact of ten high-end Warcraft, or once they let them into the crowd, the number of the cave wolf mercenary group will Will be greatly reduced in an instant.

With the order of Du Lang, all the members of the Wolf Mercenary Corps ordered their own World of Warcraft to rush to the ten high-level Warcraft, but how can a small low-level Warcraft be a high-end opponent, one Only the low-order Warcraft was hit, and a large number of low-level Warcraft flowed into the river under the bite of high-order Warcraft.

The blood of World of Warcraft in the blink of an eye reddened the entire ring, but there was no Warcraft retreat, and no one ordered the betrayal of the master.

The contract between Warcraft and mankind, and the long-standing companion, so that they will never question the master's orders, even if they know that their charge will face the envelope of death, they will go forward and never step back.

The loss of Warcraft is not lost, the crowds on the rear side have collided together, all the low-level World of Warcraft will take advantage of the high-end Warcraft, the cave wolf mercenary group can only face the enemy and those intermediate Warcraft s attack.

Seeing that his own Warcraft died under the high-level Warcraft's minions, the members of the Wolves Mercenary Corps have already been red-eyed.

It was the comrades who had been with them for many years, and they accompanied them from their adulthood.

But they can't lose, they represent the day and the sun, representing the glory of the day to greet the first battle, if they are defeated here, then the day will not be able to raise their heads!

"The wolf, the wolf come with me! After the wolf is in the wolf, the wolf, the wolf and the wolf are in the middle, waiting for the opportunity!" Du Lang holding a long sword, with a wolf as a knight and a wolf as a swordsman One of the ten people rushed to the past.

The man is still admiring his own picture of Warcraft slaughtering the lower-order Warcraft. Suddenly he saw three figures rushing to his face. In a flash, the Dulang trio sealed all his retreats, almost in the colleague. Between the magic wolves, which are far beyond ten steps, immediately sang high-level magic.

The man's companion immediately wanted to come to support, but the wolf and the wolf, who had been prepared, immediately took the bow and shot their arrows, blocking their way.

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