The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1014: Glory is my life (4)

"This game, whether you want to participate or not, you must participate. If you lose the day, you will be divided by the name of the person. If you win, you will be qualified to speak in a ridiculous place." The intention faded and the eyes flashed seriously.

In the event of a major event, sometimes you must be worried. Shen Yanxiao is not enough.

Shen Yanxiao bit his teeth and looked at Du Lang and others on the ring, and was in a hurry.

‘He’s right, you are doing this, it’s insulting those who are selling for you. 'The sound of repairing sounded at this moment. He felt the huge fluctuations in Shen Yanxiao's heart. He knew that this little guy was experiencing a metamorphosis of the soul. If she couldn't figure out, she might become a city owner who admired everyone, but forever. Will not be on the peak, and can only be a city owner.

If she figured it out, she would be a real metamorphosis.

She just doesn't want to die by her side. Is it wrong? Shen Yanxiao bit her lip, and Xi Xia and Xiu Duo strongly opposed her practice, and her brain creaked.

Yes, her past life is nothing but a thief. Life and death are all alone. There are only a few friends around. She is free, even if she has organizational constraints, she can go to what she can.

But now, her identity is different. She is the lord of the day and will be the lord of the eastern part of the ridiculous land. She cares about the interests of all people, not the immediate one.

Shen Yanxiao can understand the overall situation and understand the conspiracy calculations, but he is very heavy and heavy about the life and death of the people around him.

Anyone who achieves one, whether cruel or benevolent, must undergo a series of battles. All positions and powers are made up of blood and bones.

A moment of soft heart is likely to bring about a collapse of the prosperous world.

Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes, took a deep breath and sat down without saying a word.

Her ridiculous woman's benevolence, but forgot the glory of Dulang, they are not only fighting for her, but also fighting for their own home. If she now speaks for them to give up the game, I am afraid that it will be like a repair house. As said, insulted them.

Shen Yanxiao untied the heart, and Qi Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

The repair is quiet, but knows that the disintegration of the demons will make Shen Yanxiao a higher level in the future.

From the Lord of a city to the owner of the entire continent...

The battle on the ring was still going on. Du Lang had exhausted the last glimmer of effort and finally ousted the last high-level Warcraft, but there were still a lot of intermediate Warcraft and opponents in the ring, and they are almost no longer fighting. The ability.

The cave wolf mercenary group tried their best, almost one person pulled the next person's posture, clinging to the opponent, leaping and jumping off the ring.

The number of people above the ring is getting less and less, and the devil has run out of magic and can only display small magic.

Sleeping wolf is also scarred to protect the demon wolf. All his light shields are used in the demon wolf, but he is exposed to the enemy's butcher knife.

The seven wolves were all killed, and the cave wolf mercenary group suffered heavy losses.

The number of people in the ring is gradually decreasing, and in the end there are only about 20 people left.

The seven wolves have no strength to fight again, and the other 20 people are watching, and their World of Warcraft has already rushed to them.

Just as Du Lang was desperate, the dozens of figures that had been behind them suddenly rushed to the Magic City.

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