The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1018: Glory is my life (8)

The people from the solar cemetery have more physical physique than ordinary people. Shen Yanxiao also saw their special features this time. If these places are used well, they can create a powerful army.

"Good! Then we listen to the city!" Several villagers nodded in a hurry, able to cultivate vindictiveness and magic, and they have the power to protect their friends.

Shen Yanxiao smiled, the simplicity of these villagers made people feel very warm, and they were all heartfelt to the cave wolf mercenary group.

"What do you feel about this game today?" Qi Xia sat down and looked at Shen Yanxiao, she would not call them all for no reason.

Shen Yanxiao's face is a correct way: "Before I have been ignoring the problem of Warcraft, although the day is not falling, although there are high-level demons sitting in the town, but the power in human hands is too limited, today only ten high-level Warcraft will push them to the end of the mountain, I can I don't want this to happen."

"Yeah, this battle, the Warcraft Mercenary Corps of the Warcraft army was completely annihilated, I look at them like that, my heart is also uncomfortable." Donnazhi quite touched the wash his nose, if his basalt is so gone, He will not live.

Shen Yan Xiao nodded.

"I let you come over, there is something to discuss, the Warcraft Mercenary Corps of Warcraft all died, I intend to give them another search for Warcraft." Warcraft death, the spirit contract is automatically lifted, humans can find new Warcraft again As a partner.

"What kind of plan are you looking for?" Li Xiaowei asked if he heard Shen Yanxiao.

More than 80 people in the Wolf Mercenary Group mean that they must find more than 80 World of Warcraft, and he looks like Shen Yanxiao, and should not look for lower-order Warcraft.

The gap between the level of Warcraft in the battle is too obvious. Shen Yanxiao has already suffered a loss, and it is impossible to make the same mistake again.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked his eyes and said: "Look for the best, the beast is rare, but it is not impossible for high-order Warcraft to get more than 80."

"More than eighty... High-level Warcraft?!" Shen Yanxiao's words made everyone in the room take a breath.

Although high-order Warcraft is not as rare as a beast, it is not easy to get it.

In the beginning, what kind of power is the Suzaku family, for an eighth-order advanced Warcraft is not using a lot of elite power to barely capture.

Shen Yanxiao’s opening is about to catch more than 80 high-level Warcraft... This is unheard of.

Even among the great families of the Longxuan Empire, there are only a handful of people who can use the high-level Warcraft, and the beasts don’t even think about it.

It is already very good for an ordinary family to get an intermediate level of Warcraft. Advanced... is too rare.

What's more, Du Lang is only a mercenary. Most of the mercenaries are not good. It is absolutely impossible to have high-level Warcraft, unless a large mercenary group like the Blizzard Mercenary Group can use the power of the entire team to capture a lot.

But the quantity is also very rare.

Shen Yanxiao’s tone is more than 80...

It's incredible.

Shen Yanxiao calmly looked at the surprised eyes, she also knew that this thing is a bit tricky, but the cave wolf mercenary group paid so much for the day and day, she must return them.

"This matter, my mind has been decided, you do not have to persuade, just tell me, high-level Warcraft can get it from where."

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