The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1022: Capture World of Warcraft (3)

Shen Yan Xiaodao: "No, I will abstain."

The seven wolves are still sleeping, but I am afraid that it will be a problem to wake up on the day of the game. Even with her potion and the healing of Yan Yu, I am afraid that the cave wolf mercenary will not be able to resume combat in such a short period of time. .

If this time is still hard, it is to die.

Qi Xia has no objections this time.

In the evening, Yan Yucai finally ended the healing work. Although there was a pastor in the dusk city, the strength could not be compared with him.

Yan Yu has been promoted to sacrifice after the second turn. His blessing has surpassed all the careers of the second turn, and because he is there, Shen Yanxiao will not worry that someone will die.

"How is the situation?" Yan Yugang went to the hall. Shen Yanxiao pulled a chair and let him sit down. Donaghy was very considerate and poured a glass of water for Yan Yu.

Yan Yubai's face with a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with it. The seven wolves have the heaviest injuries, but they have also stabilized. Their vindictiveness and magic have been exhausted, their mental strength has been greatly depleted, and excessive blood loss and physical exhaustion will be I have been slumbering and I have no problem after a good period of training."

"That's good." Shen Yanxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to see the game at Dusk City and Blizzard City tomorrow?" asked Donaghe.

Shen Yanxiao shook his head.

"Let's go, come back and tell me." Seeing and not watching, she wants to stay here and wait for Du Lang to wake them up. Anyway, if they don't fall, just send someone to watch the game and come back and tell them.

Everyone is a little tired today, Shen Yanxiao will leave the doctor of the Dusk City, and the rest of the people from the day will stay in the shift and watch the wounded.

On the second day of the morning, Nangong Mengmeng and Donnazhi went to the arena to watch today's game.

Dusk City is the last winner, and Blizzard City is the most powerful party. Only because of the absence of Longfei last time, will the victory be handed over to others. Today’s World War I is the real dragon fighting, the day and the magic Although the battle of the city is fierce, but the strength is not the top, the confrontation between Dusk City and Blizzard City has caused all the audience to boil, and squeezed into the arena early in the morning.

Shen Yanxiao sat in the room, and Suzaku played with the mini dragon and the little phoenix at the table. She closed her eyes and cultivated vindictiveness and magic.

After the team game, it was the game between the four city owners. Shen Yanxiao did not want to waste any time and step up cultivation.

Xiu also gave further guidance to her actual combat, and Shen Yan’s confidence in the heart was also a bit more.

The cave wolf mercenary group is working hard like this, and she can really lose to others.

If it is defeated, it is not to live up to the expectations of the cave wolf mercenary group.

Until dusk, Nangong Mengmeng and Donnazhi, who went to the gladiatorial field, came back. As soon as they returned to the pavilion, the two guys greeted everyone.

"Wonderful! Pretty wonderful! I really didn't expect the team battle in Dusk City to have a strong strength." Donnazhi was still trying to touch his chin, still remembering today's game.

"Blizzard City is also very strong, and the cooperation is simply impeccable." Nangong Meng Meng is more inclined to Blizzard City, which is closely related to Shen Yanxiao.

The rest of the day was attracted by the two guys. One person moved to a small bench and waited for them to describe today's game. Even Yan Yanxiao was called.

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