The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1034: Unilateral beating (3)

Although it is slap in the face, but the strength of Shen Yanxiao can not be too small, a slap in the face, the red fingerprint of the five fingers, not a while, Di Di was vomited by the mouth of the blood, the face swollen a big circle, live like The same as a pig.

What is even more depressing is that even if he is sucked by the eyes of Venus, there is no way to mourn, and he can't escape. He can only stand honestly, hehe.

This kind of unilateral assault is simply unbearable. Not only does the face hurt like a fire, but the heart is even more incomprehensible and shameful.

When he was a nobleman of the Lancang Dynasty, when he was treated like this, he really wanted to directly faint and die.

However, although Shen Yan Xiao She is heavy, but it does not reach the point of fainting, the strength of the mastery is very measured, it can definitely make a few hundred slaps on the top of the slap.

"Is there any deep hatred and hatred of Shen Yanxiao and Yan Di? This is too fierce to smoke." The crowds on the crowd were somewhat intolerant, and they watched the city owner being beaten in front of so many people. I am at home.

"I heard that when the day was not ready to be built, Judi seemed to have looked for the troubles of Shen Yanxiao, and he also suffered a lot of injuries from Shen Yanxiao's men." A well-informed person immediately played himself. Gossip skills.

"Isn't that all the things that happened more than half a year ago? Is it hard to remember this?"

"Isn't that nonsense? You look at the palm of your hand, I feel pain."

"Also, in the last game, the people of Magic City made a lot of money for the people who did not fall, and estimated that Shen Yanxiao was avenging his own men."

Many people have guessed that Shen Yanxiao and Yan Di have grudges, otherwise they don't have to humiliate them. The killings are just a little bit. Shen Yanxiao is more than killing Di Di directly.

Let him be humiliated, and the name he just played was justified. People couldn’t find out what was wrong, and they could let Du Di throw his face clean.

Abuse and abuse, so ferocious!

The people silently warned them directly in their hearts, and did not provoke the vengeful city owner. Otherwise, they might have to be drawn one day.

However, there are also a group of people who think that Shen Yanxiao is a good city owner. She has suffered from her own losses. She will definitely be a self-sufficient person. With such a city owner, she feels more secure.

But no matter what the idea, everyone has realized that Shen Yanxiao is a person who is extremely short-sighted and very vengeful.

The elders sat on the periphery and watched that Du Di was beaten by Xiao Yan, and his mouth was twitching.

Although he also intends to design Di Di, let him be cannon fodder, but the dusk city and the Magic City on the Ming Dynasty are also allies, watching his allies are so humiliated by their disgusted people, his heart will naturally not be happy.

"This Shen Yan Xiao is simply awful. For a good game, she needs to be so humiliating!" Wen Chang's indignation.

The game of Duan was on the second day, so he was sitting next to Wen’s elders. He listened to the duties of the elders of Wen, and the traces did not open, but his eyes kept staring at the cheering on the field. Xiao, the darkness in his eyes flashed a hint of envy and appreciation.

Although Shen Yanxiao is very young, she knows that at this time, she can blatantly repair Yan Di. No one can say anything.

Such a happy life, such a strategy, he... really envious.

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