The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1058: Stunning blow (3)

“Section marks and Shen Yanxiao?” The crowd squinted and tried to find two players in the light of the fire.

This is the first game of the beasts in this quartet. Only in such an immersive situation can people realize how terrible the strength of the beast is.

The platform of the game clearly has a defensive magic, but under the flames of the Red Flame and Suzaku, people clearly heard the cracking sound.

Obviously, the flames emitted by the two beasts are far beyond the load of magical defense!

Under such a terrible burning of flames, don't say that it is a human being, even if the metal will be burned into molten iron, under the flame, what about Shen Yanxiao and the traces?

Suddenly, Suzaku vacated and hovered over the ring, while on Suzaku's back, Shen Yanxiao sat firmly.

On the top of the ring, the section marks are sitting on the back of the red flame beast, holding a golden long bow in his hand.

Both beasts protect their masters from their own defenses in the next second of the attack, free from the flames.

"How can this be played? Suzaku can fly, but Shen Yanxiao is a warlock. At such a long distance, she can't touch the traces!" No one is a fool. The best attacker is the archer and the magician. On the sky, although it can avoid the frontal collision with the red flame beast, it gives the segment marks an excellent attack distance.

Within such a distance, the battle between the two beasts can continue, but the battle between the segment marks and Shen Yanxiao has a fault.

The archer's attack range is extremely far, and the segment marks can sit directly on the body of the Red Flame Beast. While relying on the defense of the Red Flame Beast to avoid the attack of Suzaku, one can still hold the bow and arrow against the Shen Yan Xiao on the back of the Suzaku.

In contrast, Shen Yanxiao, she is known as a warlock, although the warlock can cast a spell in silence, but the curse is required to be a certain range. For now, Shen Yanxiao wants to cast a curse on the section. Surgery is almost impossible, and the distance between the two will immediately open the length of their two professions.

Moreover, the strength of the Red Flame Beast is stronger than the Suzaku, even if it is impossible to face the battle, the consumption war can definitely kill the Suzaku lively, and then Shen Yanxiao still wants to lose.

No matter how you look at it, Shen Yanxiao’s battle will be defeated.

The people who are not falling in the day can't help but pinch a cold sweat for Shen Yanxiao, and Nangong sprouts on the side and is more anxious to fire.

"What happened to Master? Isn't she still good before? Why doesn't she call summoning?" Nangong Meng Meng has been studying cursing with Shen Yanxiao, naturally knowing that Shen Yanxiao has broken through two turns, as for Shen Yanxiao. She does not believe in the fact that she is a senior professional.

The faces of the five animals were slightly dignified.

"Xiao Xiao, she is just a senior professional." Donaghy frowned, somewhat difficult.

"How is it possible! Master, she has clearly been promoted to two turns!" Nangong Meng Meng's eyes widened, why not want to believe this fact.

"We don't know, Xiao Xiao told us yesterday, for specific reasons, she didn't say it." The lazy smile on Qi Xia's face has faded a bit. This game is not very optimistic, and Shen Yanxiao's strength is retrogressive. Too sudden, they simply don't know what happened.

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