The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1061: Stunning blow (6)

Duan Niu was attacking Yan Yan on the spine of Suzaku, but in the next second he released an arrow, a silver light suddenly flew from his right side!

The Red Flame beast reacted almost at the first time, turning his head and biting the silver light.

Hanging in the mouth by the red flame beast is a silver arrow!

"Where is the arrow?" The segment marks slightly frowning, and the arrow came suddenly. If the red flame beast reacted fast enough, I was afraid that he would be recruited.

However, on the occasion of the doubts, there was a dead silence in the entire arena.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the Yan Yan on the spine of Suzaku.

Shen Yanxiao’s hand is holding a dark purple longbow!

"This... what is going on..." Everyone is dumbfounded.

They all know that Shen Yanxiao is a warlock, but... as a warlock, she actually picked up the bow and arrow that the archer would use. What is the situation?

What makes them even more incredible is that Shen Yanxiao pulled out ten arrows between the blinks and attacked the traces of the Red Flames at a fast speed.

The speed of each arrow is astonishingly fast, and it is not inferior to the attack of the segment marks.


Faster than the segment marks!

The continuous attack of Shen Yanxiao finally made the red flame beast and the segment mark understand what it was. The red flame beast angryly burned the arrow in the mouth into ashes, and spurted a few flames toward the ten arrows. past.

But the next moment when the flame is about to touch the arrow, the ten arrows are like conscious, suddenly turning, turning the direction and staggering to avoid all the flame attacks, and colliding in the air, Directly raises the speed of the front-end arrow to an amazing limit, at a speed that the human eye can't capture, and the slamming sound is like a segment mark.

The speed of this arrow is far more than the previous one. The Red Flame beast never thought that these arrows would change direction. When he reacted, the arrow had already flown to its eyes and looked. It was necessary to hit the traces. The red flame beast immediately lifted the front hoof and stood up. He used his body to block the deadly arrow.

The Red Flame Beast does not worry that this arrow will hurt itself. A human arrow has no lethal effect on the beast.

But when the arrow passed through the flame on its fur and directly penetrated its flesh, the red flame beast was completely shocked.

It can feel that a feeling of numbness is spreading from the wound.

How can it be?

A human being can actually hurt it!

The red flame beast is very surprised.

Shen Yanxiao’s stunning blow made a scream in the arena.

As a warlock, she not only successfully used the bow and arrow, but also exceeded everyone's expectations, stabbing the flesh of the red flame beast?

This time is crazy! !

How terrible the defense of the beast is, many people can guess, not to mention the archer, even the most powerful and powerful magician is also difficult to break the defense of the beast.


Did Shen Yanxiao do it?

Everyone is completely shocked!

Long Xueyao, who has been worried about Shen Yanxiao, exclaimed after seeing this scene.

Yes, how she forgot, Shen Yanxiao appeared as a bower when she first appeared, until she did not show her true identity in the day, they knew that she was also a powerful warlock.

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