The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1073: In the middle and in the middle (2)

At the beginning of the game, the 10 people in Blizzard City immediately summoned their own World of Warcraft. The ten of them were elites selected from the Blizzard Mercenary. Everyone was Warcraft.

Ten big professional, with ten advanced Warcraft, this lineup is not spectacular.

Although the beast is powerful, it is not a rotten cabbage that can be found everywhere. The advanced Warcraft is already very good.

The Blizzard side is ready, but the six people who have not fallen on the day have been slow to act.

Five handsome teenagers smiled and stood in the same place, and there was no meaning for summoning Warcraft at half point.

"What are they doing?" Many people have not guessed Qi Xia's plans.

Qi Xia and others did not summon the action of Warcraft. Qin Hao and Wu Hao had already embraced the healthy mentality of "Don't lose too ugly", and they could not wait for the other party to summon Warcraft. They were also very upset.

"That, Qi three less? You do not summon Warcraft?" Wu Hao quite politely looked at Qi Xia, kindly reminded them to summon Warcraft.

Do not summon Warcraft, their previous plans are soon to be ruined? They don't believe that their high-level Warcraft will be the six metamorphosis opponents.

Well, you also put two World of Warcraft out to walk with us, don't let us be beaten too badly!

The heart of the monk is roaring, but his face is a smiling smile.

"No, this is fine." Qi Xia smiled and spread his hands.

"..." Blizzard's people were completely speechless.

These six guys really don't plan to summon Warcraft!

"Is this inappropriate? This game is to allow the summoning of Warcraft, or else, do you summon two out?" As an opponent, the monk has a look of "I am good for you, you will hurry" Waiting for his own World of Warcraft to start a friendly and friendly friendship with Warcraft.


Five animals have no such plans at all.

"You don't need it, the deputy group, let's start." The five beasts have decided that they will never allow their own World of Warcraft to grab their own opportunities.

Qi Xia has already said this to the book, and they can only bite the scalp.

Ming knows that the strength of the other side has exceeded the limit they bear, but Wu Hao and Qin Hao still have to trend the high-level Warcraft to attack them in Qi Xia!

In the field, everyone is different from the performance of six people in the day, such a game does not summon Warcraft? I really don't know if they are too self-righteous or too ignorant.

"God is fair, giving them a look, they don't give them a brain, a bunch of embroidered pillows, which can't be used! I have to see if they can stand up to ten advanced Warcraft attacks." The person who is disdainful, can't help but see the people who are being beaten by Qi Xia and others.

However, only the monks and other people standing in the ring know that these six metamorphosis do not need to use more power.

Ten senior Warcraft roared toward the six people in the Qixia, the momentum is like a wild beast, as if the next second will tear their target into a crush.

Yan Yu raised his lips at this time, his palms were solid, and he was squatting with the cursing spell. The next second, his palms crossed, and a beautiful silver light shone in the place where his palms crossed. The totems of the length of the arm are suspended in the air.

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