The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1086: Soldiers will block (7)

The face of the first one was ugly to the extreme, and he looked at Shen Yanxiao with anger.

"What do you know about this ignorant child! I have to see what you can do!"

Shen Yanxiao sneered and said: "The truth is."

"The truth is, it's very good. Even if you are crazy, you won't be able to use it for a long time. You will pay for your ignorance. You include people who don't fall in the city at dusk. I won't let go of the broken star palace!" "The first person looked at Shen Yanxiao in a haze."

"What do you mean?" Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse, and she suddenly raised an ominous premonition.

For the first one, sneer: "Do you not think that we will only shoot you alone? Honestly tell you that in addition to us, there are still a group of people who have already traveled to your companion's residence. I believe that after a long time, you will be in hell. See you! You, your companion, even the people who don’t fall in the day will pay for your crimes. We will use your blood to wash away the shame you once brought to the Broken Star Palace."

The prestige of the Broken Star Palace on the bright continent must not allow any vacillation, but if you dare to be against the broken star palace, whether it is one person or one city, they will destroy it as much as possible!

The smile on Shen Yanxiao’s face faded in an instant, and she stared at the head.

"You are really shameless." For her one-person thing, she actually took the city into the city!

"This is the crime you committed. People who are related to you must be punished." The sinister smile on the face of the first person, the consolidation of prestige, is always built under the massacre.

At this moment, Wen’s elders and Luo Fan’s mood was so good that they thought that the broken star palace would be aimed at Shen Yanxiao, but they did not expect it to be so vicious. Actually, all the people associated with Shen Yanxiao should be removed. ! Two sinister and sinister people are laughing, and they are eager to die.

"Punish? Then look at whether you have such a skill." Shen Yanxiao's mouth evoked a gloomy smile.

For the first one, immediately let a low drink, let the nine people attack Shen Yanxiao!

Shen Yan Xiao stood in the same place, with a strong killing in his eyes.

Nine second-strong players joined forces to strike, and they will kill Shen Yanxiao on the ground.

But in the next second, a figure appeared in front of Shen Yanxiao. At the same time, a rushing dragon was shocked like a whole, and the huge impact crushed all the tables and chairs in the hall. !

Under the powerful Longwei, the nine second-turners actually recovered the attack and returned to their original position.

Before Shen Yan’s body, the blue seal glass stood proudly, and the calm eyes were covered by a smash.

For the first one, he was secretly surprised. Just a moment ago, Long Wei came, and at this moment he clearly felt the powerful Longwei from the dragon in the boy’s body.

The dragons, the strongest under the gods, once arrogantly watched the whole world after the war of the gods, whether they are born physique or innate power, they are daunting.

"How can there be a dragon..." The first one is incredulously staring at the blue-brown glass standing in front of Shen Yanxiao. The dragon that exudes from him is such a pure, strong sense of oppression that can lead all the World of Warcraft. Admire.

However, did the Dragons have lived abroad since the millennium?

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