The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1090: Please enter the 瓮(3)

Brother Qian did not think that there would be human beings who refused to join the Broken Star Palace in the world. The reason was actually an organization that had not even heard of it.

"The illusion? What kind of organization is this, it has never been heard. Who is it?" If there is a threat, it must be removed.

Qi Xia smiled and closed the folding fan, which in turn pointed to himself and Tang Naiji and other humanities: "I, he, him, him, him, and Xiao Xiao, we were formed by six people, how can this man be interested in joining?"

The face of Qian’s brother suddenly became iron, and he was an idiot. He also heard that Qi Xia was playing with him.

"You really don't want to face your face! If you don't see some of your talents, you have already killed them. Since you don't know how to be good, I don't have to be polite with you!"

Qi Xia smiled and said: "Don't be polite to us, we like you."

The people of the Broken Star Palace have been completely irritated by the words of Qi Xia, they have never seen such a bad old man!

"Give me the kill!" The money brother was a sullen face, and immediately ordered the killing of this group of unknown people.

Twenty-four life-changing professionals almost rushed to the members of the Magic Group at the same time, and five people resisted twenty-four people. This is almost impossible. Even if the strength is equal, the difference in the number of people is enough to obliterate everything.

"How much bully? I am so scared." Qi Xia chuckled, at the moment when the people in the broken star palace rushed into the pavilion, the folding fan in his hand was missing, and a platinum staff had appeared in him. In the hands of the next second, an ice cone descends from the sky and directly to the people of the broken star palace.

"Ice rain?" Qian brothers looked at the high-level magic of Qi Xia's exhibition. It was also the second turn of the big magician. This magic will also be, but...

When he uses this magic, he needs at least two to three seconds of singing time, but the teenager actually casts such a high-level magic by directly waving his staff...

This product is abnormal!

The snow and ice rain is not very damaging, but it has an extremely strong deceleration effect. It falls into ice, although it does not hurt everyone in the broken star palace, but each of them feels that the earth under their feet seems to carry A kind of adhesion that makes them move very slowly.

At this time, Yang Shu held the heavy shield and the sword, and the figure turned into a silver light in an instant, like a sharp blade rushing toward the broken star palace covered by the snow and ice. At the same time, Yan Yu fell out of seven totems. In the body of the Yangxi, he has a strong shield of light.

"Glory shock!" With the low snoring of the Yang Xi, he rushed into the enemy like a beast. In the meantime, several defensive two-turn magician were kicked out by him.

The paladin and the swordsman who were on the side of the horse immediately slammed into the sunshade, and it was absolutely devastating to be rushed into the camp of the mage and the priest by the paladin, which had been sturdy and defensive.

However, they just wanted to get close to the Yangxi, and a burst of swords directly opened a crack like a long dragon in front of them. The Tangnaji giant sword slashed into the earth, tearing the entire ground, the bohemian face. A crazy smile with excitement.

The magic archer just wanted to put the arrow, and the magical missiles of Qi Xia immediately flew toward them, and did not give them any chance to shoot.

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