The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1092: World War I became famous (2)

The same is the smashing, their sword gas length is three meters, the length of this stinky boy is actually seven meters...

Do you grow up with fertilizer? Or is your family's sword four meters longer than them? This cargo is really a swordsman who has just turned two turns? Isn’t it really the great swordsman who hides his strength and deliberately wants to play with them?

A giant sword was held in the hand, and the smashing scorpion could not satisfy the heart of the unrestrained Tang Nazhi. He snarled and picked up the giant sword. As the same whirlwind twirled, he directly smashed the swordsmen of the broken star palace.

Donna is like a meat grinder, whistling into the crowd, sharp swords sweeping through the broken star palace, no one does not immediately retreat, the province is swept into his bolognese by his "big windmill".

As a magician, Li Xiaowei is the ultimate in looking at the six-way ear. He has never had less than five arrows on his bowstring, no matter which magister wants to sing, or the sacrifice attempt to sneak Give the companion a shield, he will greet him in the first time, even if the two people in the two sides are ready to act at the same time, this guy will pull the bowstring and let the two arrows rush in different directions. .

The people of the Broken Star Palace have no words to ask the heavens. Is this group of metamorphosis really the same level as them?

But for the hair skills are all metamorphosis to this point?

The same is the second turn, why the gap between people is so big!

The face of Qian’s brother has turned from white to green, from green to purple... and then turned black.

He can be sure that except for Qi Xia, everyone else has just broken through the strength of the second turn, and their skills are just the same, but the fate is that their characteristics are infinitely limited. The effect of an amplification is almost devastating.

Why do they have such a strange change? Qian brother wants to break his head and can't understand it, but he knows very well that the reason for the chaos that is now is the snow and ice that Qi Xia started at the beginning. It slows down the speed of everyone in the broken star palace. The speed gap has reached a point where it is difficult to fill.

It’s so mean!

Qian brothers secretly made a fist, he did not expect, Qi Xiayi has already calculated the countermeasures.

The Broken Star Palace is now dragged into the passive, and continuing will only increase consumption.

The money brother who did not intend to join the war situation finally shot, he held up the staff, two seconds of time, a bonfire, the original moment of melting the snow and ice on the ground, the people of the broken star palace finally recovered the normal speed.

"First kill their sacrifices and magic archers, and the great magician handed it to me!" Qian brothers blinked slightly, and the name of the broken star palace definitely did not allow defilement, but he did not expect that the other party was only five people. It forced him to fight.

"Hey, you kill, kill? You try it." Qi Xia suddenly got up from the chair, before all his magic was sitting on the chair.

"Yellow mouth children, I don't know how to live and die, I will let you realize that even if it is also a big magician, there is a huge gap!" Qian brothers sneered, and under his command, the people of the broken star palace are divided into four groups. Both the Yang Xi and the Tang Nazhi who rushed into the crowd were trapped in it. All the Magisters and the Archers locked their targets on Yan Yu and Li Xiaowei.

The battle began officially from this moment, and the first battle of the Magic Group will kick off here.

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