The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1147: Delicious fruit (3)

Shen Yanxiao sneered.

The expression of Shen Yanxiao makes the proud elf very uncomfortable. The yellow-level elf winter frowns: "Even if it is a young elf, it is not exactly the same. I will take you to the test after a week. Don’t waste like some. The waste of resources consumes the money of the tribe and does not know how to make progress."

As soon as the two young elves heard it, they immediately showed a hint of joy.

Bindong has entered the Huang-level city pool, and has already had a certain understanding of the promotion test. With him pointing, they will also be a lot easier.

"Thank you!"

Bindong slightly daggers, a pair of high-profile appearance.

"I will create for you, and I know that it is better to go up and eat than the dead waste."


Shen Yanxiao chuckled and vaguely remembered that since she was born again, there were always some idiots who didn’t know how to live and put these two words on her.

Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, staring at his head and lazily watching the three self-talking elves: "If you don't buy things, don't stop in front of people's shops, how? The elves from the yellow-level city pool are not good." I don’t even know how to be polite?"

Bindong’s face was black, and he took a look at Shen Yanxiao.


Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "I am strange, I am bored, people are setting up stalls to do business, and there is nothing wrong with you. Why are you so eager to rush over? Why are you not hungry? But is it shy? If this is the case, I will say it early, today I will treat you, you will eat whatever you want, and you will not pay for it."

"You say who is short of money!" In the elves of the elves with a very strict hierarchy, Bin Dong has not seen any young elves dare to be so arrogant in front of his yellow elves!

"Who should be me, who do I say." Shen Yanxiao a rogue expression.

Don't you like to wear a noble eye? I don't have a bad idea. If you have the ability, you are more rogue than me.

Although the three elves are proud, the essence of the elves is that they are not good at any conflicts. Shen Yanxiao.

"What kind of elf is really in the city? If you don't have enough strength, you can play with your mouth. You can follow this moonlight tribe's elf! I want to see it, follow this Elven king. The sprites of the spurned tribe stay together, can you have anything good!" Bindong ironed a face, snorted, turned and left.

He didn't want to see the elf with a rogue look for a moment.

As soon as the two young elves saw that the winter had left, they immediately followed the past. When they left, they also stunned Yan Yanxiao.

But some unscrupulous thief is watching them with a smile, there is no feeling of a bit uncomfortable.

After seeing three stupid and incorrigible elves leaving, Shen Yanxiao suddenly felt that a pulling force came from his clothes.

Her doubts turned her head, and the elf was holding her clothes with a worried look. The watery eyes were filled with worry and responsibility.

"Sister, thank you, but if you provoke the elf like this, it will bring trouble to yourself."

The elf is very grateful to Shen Yanxiao's rescue, but is very afraid that the winter will find the trouble of Shen Yanxiao, after all, the level gap between the two elves is there, she really does not want to see her benefactors difficult.

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