The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1160: Training camp (2)

In the Shenyue mainland, many elves of the low-level city have thought about getting rid of their own level restrictions through the training camp, but there are too few successful people among them, and the talents of the elves who will be placed in the blue-level city pool will not High, even if you barely enter the training camp, there will not be too high upgrades. Some elves are arranged to guard the territory of the border of the gods and the mainland, away from the tree of life, they will have no difficulty in any achievements in this life.

On the eve of the month, the pros and cons of the training camp were carefully analyzed to Shen Yanxiao. He hoped that Shen Yanxiao could be considered carefully.

But for Shen Yanxiao, even if the results are so fierce, she must try.

Because there are still a group of people waiting for her to go back on the distant bright continent, the longer they stay in the Shenyue mainland, the more mistakes that can occur on the bright continent.

"If I enter the training camp, then can I not come out again?" Shen Yanxiao has already decided to enter the training camp and approach the tree of life in the shortest time, but she still remembers the unfortunate three. Uncle, and parents who have never been masked.

Yue Xidao: "The training time is only half a year. If the younger and the younger are accepted by the Silvermoon Guards after half a year, then the young and the young can move freely in all the cities outside the Moonlight City. There is about a month or so of preparation time. According to the strength of the young and the young, looking at where you are arranged, the only place where the Silvermoon Guard is in charge is the Black City and Moonlight City."

Shen Yanxiao touched the chin, half a year of training, a month of free activities, and then she may have five months to squat on the edge of the tree of life to improve her strength, which is very cost-effective.

Of course, these projections are based on Shen Yanxiao who can successfully enter the Silvermoon Guard.

"I am going to give it a try. You will talk to me about what else to pay attention to on the moon." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

On the eve of the month, I sighed. "Since the young and the poor have decided, I will not persuade them. I still have some fruits in my hand. I am giving them to the younger and younger masters. It is only five days from the next training camp. Hope After eating these fruits, the young and the younger can improve the source of life as soon as possible. There are not many training camps to pay attention to. Basically, they will accept the registration, and I am not very clear about the things after entering the training camp. Only within half a year, the young and the poor can't step out of the training camp. I heard that there are three areas in the training camp. The level of elves in these three training camps is different..."

According to the Moon Festival, the elves of the Qing and Huang classes will be arranged in the primary training camp, while the red and white classes will be in the intermediate training camp. If the elves of the black city pool want to join the training camp, they will go directly to the advanced level. Training Camp.

The primary training camp is in the middle of the yellow city, while the middle level is built in the white city. In the advanced, it is naturally in the black city.

If you want to enter a high-level training camp, you must pass the performance and test in your training camp to be able to leapfrog.

Shen Yanxiao listened carefully and carefully recorded what he needed.

On the eve of the month, all the fruits were given to Shen Yanxiao. Shen Yanxiao did not leave most of the crystal coins that Qi Xia had prepared for her to Yue Xi and his two children.

The money is not very useful for her. After entering the training camp, she seems to have no use for money. It is better to leave the money to the family of three on the moon.

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