The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1166: Training camp (8)

"Hey..." Shen Yanxiao was confused by the sudden changes in the rain of ink. The skill of this product was exactly the same as that of Tang Nazhi. If you don’t know that Tang Nazhi is in the bright continent, Shen Yanxiao really wants to think that he is in front of him. This goods is the tolerance of Donna.

"Haha, today is really a treasure, you go with me." Mo Yu excitedly pulled Shen Yanxiao, completely disregarding the elves that have been thoroughly petrified, screaming open them, pulling Shen Yan Xiao all the way And go.

The elves who stood in the test area have not recovered from the strange events just now.

After the departure of the ink rain and Shen Yanxiao, they silently turned their attention to the crystal ware that was already empty, and they were very surprised.

"This...this is the juice of the tree of can it evaporate..." A young elf swallowed a hard swallow.

The liquid used to test the level of the elf is actually the sap of the tree of life. Everything in the tree of life resonates with the elf, so the level of the elf can be judged by color.


They lived one by one for so long, and the first time they encountered a test, they could test the juice of the tree of life.

"That said, the elf just now, it seems... is it white?" Some elf swallowed and saw the white-level elf in the blue-level city pool. This is incredible.

Most of them are members of the Qingcheng City to test and recruit training camp members. Most of them are yellow-level elves. Even the red-level elves are hard to see, let alone the white-level elves who are second only to the black elves.

But just took the underage of the elf who came over to test the juvenile elves, but swayed with a white badge, this kind of thing almost close to the leap-level selection... so weird.

"Every calm, the test continues, the one who was just the rain priest of the Silvermoon Guard." The elf in charge of the test looked calm.

"Little Rain!!" A group of elves are not calm at all.

The name of the Silvermoon Guards resounded throughout the Shenyue Continent, and the five most famous elves were members of the Moonlight City leading to the entrance to the five black cities.

Among them, the entrance to the city of the rain is the legendary rain master, ink rain!

"But... Rain is not a black elf?" A young elf whispered.

The elf in charge of the test said casually: "He just took a badge."

Just took a badge...

The elves have the urge to die. The black elves have all levels of badges. Of course, if you wear the black badge directly, they can also walk freely through the land of the gods.

Few black-level elves give up black badges and choose other levels of badges to wear.

and so……

Responsible for recruiting members of this training camp, isn't it a white elf, but a real black elf? It is still the top of the squadron of the Silver Moon Guard.

For a moment, all the elves have a feeling of incomparable remorse. I know that the elves responsible for the training camp are so big. They have to go to the front of the ink rain for a moment. If they can get the favor of a black elf, then They will be much more mixed in the future, just pointing them one or two is enough for them to be used for a long time!

It is a pity that no matter how regretful they are now, the training camp registration point has already been a person to go to the building, and the ink rain has long been pulling the scene of Shen Yan Xiao Run!

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