The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1181: Questioning (1)

Located in the city of water in one of the black-level cities.

In a very secret place, Mo Yu was looking excitedly at several companions sitting at the round table.

"Ink rain, you are crazy." The handsome beauty of the silver light armor frowned and looked at the excited ink rain.

"Ink wind, you listen to me, she is really the most interesting elf I have ever seen. You have not seen her speciality with your own eyes. If you see it, there will be no such evaluation." The opening, the other four elves sitting at the table, like him, are members of the Silvermoon Guard. They are stationed at the entrance of the Moonlight City to the five black-level cities. This time, all of them are because they are tricky. The things must be solved in person.

The ink wind frowned: "How special is it, she is just a young elf. In the rain, this time we select the members of the Silvermoon Guard in each city in front of us. It is not for you to have fun, even if you are fun, It shouldn't be so noisy in this matter. How much can she have a young elf? Even if she is specialer than other elves, you can't make an exception to recommend her directly to the advanced training camp. You do this. It’s too unreasonable, I don’t agree with your application.”

"You... why don't you understand what I mean? She has the qualification to enter the senior training camp. In other training camps, she is simply burying her ability!" The ink rain just wants to growl, he wants to sink Yan Xiaoge recommended to go to the senior training camp, you must pass the consent of the five people present.

Ink rain thought very simple, I think this thing should not be difficult, but he never thought that he just mentioned that he would send a young elf to the senior training camp and he was opposed by four companions.

The ink flame sitting next to the ink body is also looking at the ink rain with disapproval.

Ink rain is the most noisy of them. The temper is not like an elf. This time they left Moonlight City and went to other cities to pick potential elves. The other four chose black. City pool, the last time will only look at the white city.

However, the ink rain was a maverick, and he ran to a green city to go to the hustle and bustle. This is no problem. He actually sent a young elf to the senior training camp. This is hard to imagine.

"Ink rain, if you really think that the elf has potential, we agree that you will temporarily send her to the intermediate training camp, but we will never agree with the senior training camp." Mo Yan directly rejected the request of the ink rain.

You must know that the elves in the advanced training camps are all black-level elves. Even the white elves can't enter, let alone a green elf. If you really agree with the ink rain proposal, it is really an elf. The family's jokes.

The ink rain has already gone, how can these guys not believe his vision?

Although he is noisy, he does not dare to take this matter to make trouble. He knows the seriousness of the matter.

"The decision of Mo Yan has been very relaxed. If it is in accordance with the normal rules, a young elf will not be able to enter the intermediate training camp. You should not fight hard if you are in the rain. If the elf you are talking about has such a talent." If it is in the intermediate training camp, there is also an opportunity for her to play." Murray chose a compromise method and agreed with the proposal of Mo Yan.

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