The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1189: Squeeze out (1)

The Elf’s advanced training camp, located between the two black-level cities, opens up an extremely wide area.

There are two entrances to and from and there are more than a dozen guards at the entrance, and the entry and exit is extremely strict.

Every month, a group of black elves enter the advanced training camp.

This day is also the day when these new elves enter.

Early in the morning, outside the high-level training camp, there were one or twenty elves standing. They were all members of the senior training camp.

Each of them wears a black badge on the chest and a badge of their own tribe on the black badge.

These twenty elves gathered together and waited for the moment of entering the advanced training camp.

However, there is an elf who is crowded out of the periphery. It is a cold-faced elf. He also wears a black badge on his chest, but next to the black badge is a silver badge with a silver moon. Many elves showed a hint of disdain when they saw the silver moon badge.

"Don't the moonlight tribe's elves have been driven out of the Wind City? How can there be their members to the advanced training camp?" A black elf looked disgusted at the isolated elf, the face of the disgust It’s unobtrusive, as if the elf was just standing there quietly.

"I am also curious, the Elf King is not saying, all the moonlight tribes are not allowed to step into the black city. How can this guy come here?" The other elf frowned slightly.

"Because I was driven out, I would like to find other ways to enter the upper level. Although the Elf King does not allow them to enter the black city, there is no restriction on the moonlight tribe's elves can not participate in the training camp." The elf on the side knows the reason. .

The Moonlight tribe was originally one of the Elves' high-ranking tribes. Before being demoted, the members stationed in the black-level city pool, which one is not a black-level elf?

Only after the entire ethnic group was demoted, all the dark elves of the Moonlight tribe were deprived of the power to live in the black city, and their black badges were all confiscated, only to give them some white badges.

"I really don't know how to be ashamed. I have already rejected the Elf King, but I still want to try to squeeze into the black city."

"Does humans have a saying that people go to the heights to go down to the low places? The moonlight tribes are downgraded, and it is inevitable that some elves will be unwilling to go to the sky."

"H... you wouldn't mean that he wants to enter the Silvermoon Guard?"

"I just match him? You know, even if he is a black elf, after the tribe is demoted, he can only enjoy the treatment of the white elf. After going out from the advanced training camp, he will be deducted according to the demotion. Part of the rating, how powerful is he to be able to enter the Silvermoon Guard after being deducted?"

A group of elves smirked at the elf who was not self-sufficient. There was no pity in their eyes, no sympathy, only disgust and contempt.

A petite figure stood silently among the elves, and the calm, watery eyes crossed the front of the figure, looking at the elf that was isolated.

The sounds of these elves are not small, the elves are not far from them, and those ridiculous words must fall into the ear of the elf.

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