The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1194: The Tower of the Spirit (1)

In fact, no matter in which training camp, the focus of training is on the cultivation of the source of the elf's life. It is not so much a training camp. It is better to say that this is the best opportunity for the elf to cultivate the source of life. In the training camp, they will be exposed to the power of the tree of life that the previous city could not reach. If they can make a breakthrough within half a year, and the strength reaches a certain level, they will be assigned to the **** month according to their own situation. Among the cities of all levels of the mainland.

What the guards need to know is not taught in the training camp. Because the guards of different levels of the city are not exactly the same, they are taught separately after the distribution.

In the past six months, it is an opportunity to upgrade and upgrade the elves.

Inspire the elves' potential in the shortest amount of time.

After clarifying the nature of the training camp, Shen Yanxiao felt that the training camp was somewhat similar to the college in the human world.

Staying inside is learning. The difference is that the training camp is only half a year. After half a year, it will be a blessing, but the students who come out of the college still have a lot of space.

On the first day of the training camp, Chel made this group of elves line up on the training ground.

The vast training grounds, but can not see the elves who came in early, empty only a member of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao and An Ding stood at the very end of the team, and the elf standing beside them both opened the distance between them as much as possible, and obviously could not be significantly repelled.

"Do you know why there are no other elves here?" Chel, with his hands behind his back, stretched his face and looked at the elves under his own hands.

The elves shook their heads.

Cheldo said: "Because your real training is not here, here is just a place for you to practice bows and physical strength, and where you really want to train in the training camp!" Chel raised his finger to the north of the training camp.

There, you can see a seven-story tower, surrounded by green vegetation outside the quaint tower, and wrapped the entire tower.

"That is called the Spirit Tower. It is divided into seven layers. From the first floor, you will feel the power of a tree of life stronger than any place. The first layer is the most sparsely populated area. When are you going to wait? Can withstand the power there, in order to enter the second layer, the more up, the stronger the power of the tree of life." Cher explained.

In addition to expectation, the faces of the elves are more puzzled.

Everyone knows that the closer you are to the tree of life, the stronger the power you can feel. This is the greatest gift to the elves, but the seventh layer of the Tower of the Spirit is the most powerful place, why should they be allowed? Starting from the first level of cultivation?

Clearly there are better choices, why not let them go directly to the seventh floor?

The elves can't figure out what this arrangement is for.

However, Shen Yanxiao noticed the key points in the words of Cher.

He said that when they can afford the first layer of power, they can enter the second floor.

Obviously, such an arrangement in the training camp is definitely not unreasonable. How strong is the power in the sacred tower, and it will make the elf of the training camp worry that they will not bear it? ?

Shen Yanxiao had a great curiosity about the tower.

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