The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1202: Absorption (2)

"Try it." Shen Yanxiao said, sitting down cross-legged.

"You try to absorb for a while, interrupt once every minute. If you feel unwell, leave immediately." Shen Yan Xiao said.

This method is the result of her research at noon and repair. Since the existence of the Tower of the Spirit, it must have its meaning. If it cannot fully absorb the power of the tower, then it will not be prepared in the senior training camp. The source of life is to grow. The higher the growth, the more energy is absorbed. The existence of the spiritual tower is to expand the absorption capacity of the elves. There must be a qualitative leap under strong pressure.

So Shen Yanxiao is ready to give it a try and see what speed and degree she can absorb.

In the morning, An Ding said that he was somewhat uncomfortable, but Shen Yanxiao did not feel anything at all. In the rain, they said that she absorbed the tree of life and the speed was very fast, which shows her source of life. The power of the tree of life is digested very quickly.

When An Yi listened to Shen Yanxiao, he sat down and tried to practice.

The vast sacred tower was quiet, and Chel stood at the entrance to record the state of each elf.

After the morning accident, all the elves learned to be smart, they slowed down the pace of cultivation and weighed the amount they could receive.

The time passed by, the half hour passed, and the elves of the elves sitting in the corner were a little white, and Chel recorded some data on the sheepskin book, silently.

Ten minutes later, those pale-faced elves finally couldn't bear the power of this powerful life. They stood up and ran towards the door.

Chel let the flame giants outside open the door and let them go out.

Another ten minutes passed, and another group of elves could not afford to run out.

Until an hour, there were no other elves in the entire sacred tower except for Ansei and Shen Yanxiao.

Cher stood a little surprised and looked at the two of them. In the morning they chose the thinnest corners of the power, so there was no abnormality, but now they chose to sit in the most powerful place, and actually insisted for an hour. Did not leave.

In this case, Cher has never met, even now they have joined the Yinyue Guard's ink rain. When they first entered the Pillar Tower, they could only stay in the central area for 50 minutes.

However, the time of Shen Yanxiao and An Dian has far exceeded them.

Can it be said that the potential of the two of them is bigger than the ink rain?

Chel squinted and looked a little complicated.

Five minutes later, An Ding's breathing was a little short, and he could clearly feel that a powerful force was accumulated in his life, and he could not digest it for a long time.

Although he used to stop Shen Yanxiao every minute, he interrupted absorption once every minute, but it was too difficult for the elf to suppress the instinct. Even if the dyeing was exhausted, it could not be completely suppressed. In the time of interruption, there will still be A trace of power was introduced into his body.

"You go out." Shen Yan Xiaoran suddenly opened his mouth.

An Yin looked at her strangely, Shen Yanxiao did not open her eyes, her eyes closed, and there was no discomfort on her white face.

"You...nothing?" Anzai looked incredulously at Shen Yanxiao, and he could not find any signs of pain on her face.

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