The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1208: Absorption (8)

Pushing open the door, the world in front of you has been shrouded in the darkness of the night, and the eyes are dark and sly.

"It seems that I want to enter the second floor of the Tower of the Spirit is not difficult, is it not seven days? I seem to be stupid for a long time." Touching the chin, Shen Yanxiao self-tune two sentences, according to Remember to walk towards your own and dyed tree house.

Along the way, stepping on the moonlight, Shen Yanxiao's footsteps are light.

After the second seal was released, she specifically looked at the magic that belongs to humans. The current situation has been restored to the middle of the big warlock. She can return to the rank of summoner without thinking how long it will take.


She can send the mascot back to the fantasy world!

Shen Yanxiao thinks that it is especially beautiful.

After a while, she returned to her dormitory.

Only An Dian is not in the dormitory, Shen Yanxiao did not feel anything, went straight to his bed and lay down.

The power of absorbing life is a pleasure for the elves, but Shen Yanxiao is more of a human habit, so for the majority of her cultivation, she hopes to lie down and rest.

Xu is a little tired, Shen Yanxiao lying on his back and raised a random, eyelids pulled up, slowly fell into sleep.

Just as she was returning to the bright continent in her sleep, and returning to her own day, the loud noise suddenly awakened her from her sleep.

Shen Yan’s depression sat up, staring at his head and standing on the door of the bookstore, and a watermelon on the floor... !

"This is a coincidence. I am hungry. I am not polite with you." Shen Yanxiao smiled and jumped out of bed, bent at the waist, and stretched out the long, fruity watermelon fruit, then placed it. On the table, take a sharp dagger from the ring, and give the fruit a "dismemberment" after three to five.

Shen Yanxiao directly took a piece and ate it.

Although the taste is not like watermelon, it is not bad.

Shen Yanxiao was satisfied with the eating, and did not notice that Enron had been stuck in the door from the beginning, and did not move halfway.

Until Shen Yanxiao wiped out half of the "pseudo-watermelon", she noticed that there was a statue hanging out at the door.

"Anzhen, what are you doing there?" Shen Yanxiao was very satisfied with eating, with one hand holding his chin and looking at some stupid roommates.

If you combine the two of Anji and the sputum of the rain, it is really Donna!

An Dian screamed back in the shouts of Shen Yanxiao, and he rushed to the table with a stagger. He was surprised to see Shen Yanxiao from top to bottom.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yanxiao frowned slightly, she just ate his fruit, don't be so shocked?

Xu is aware that An Yi is the elf of his ancestors, and Shen Yanxiao is not particularly good at An Yi.

"You... are you really Yan Xiao?" An Zhen took a long while to make such a sentence.

Shen Yanxiao immediately rewarded him with a white eye.


Only one afternoon, how can this child's brain get into the water?

"You... are you okay?" asked An Qing, swallowing the swallow.

"What can I do?" Shen Yanxiao picked up her eyebrows. How did she feel that the problem of dyeing was more than a strange one?

After hesitated for a long while, An dye slowly said: "You are in the sacred tower..."

"What happened to me in the Tower of the Spirit?" Shen Yanxiao still didn't understand the meaning of An Cai.

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