The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1218: Moon elders (6)

In the room, Chel stood in front of the elders of the month, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Moon elders, why do you want Yan Xiao to join the moonlight tribe?" Cher did not understand why the elders of the month should do this. Shen Yanxiao may not know what the moonlight tribe represents, but Chel is very clear.

The Moonlight Horde used to be the supreme tribe of the first generation of the Elf King. Their ancestors had participated in the battle of the gods of the year. Among the elves, the moonlight tribe was once the highest symbol of the tribe, countless elves. The strong men and heroes are born in the moonlight tribe.

Even after so many years, the moonlight tribe has no peak of the past, but it is already a sacred hero tribe in the minds of many elves.

Shen Yanxiao is just a low-level elf who is unclear, even if she has unexpected things in the tower, but the elders of the month should not...

The elders sat in the chair and looked at the angrily Cher, and sighed silently.

When did the elves start to forget the peace of mind, too many emotions appeared in their hearts, and if they changed, Cher would not ask such rude questions.

"The little guy, very talented, such an elf should not be buried in the dust, and there are too few elves of the moonlight tribe, and more fresh power comes in, and the leader will be happy." The gentleman of the month is gentle. Opening.

Chel still can't understand.

"Moon elder, IMHO, Yan Xiao, her way is unknown, we have not found her origins, no tribe, can not find her parents, such an elf is not safe." The birth of the elf is also very important The children born by the high-level elves will have far more talent than other elves.

"How about this? The child's eyes are very clear, and there is no sense of turbidity. Are you prejudiced against the child?" The elders felt that Cher had too much prejudice against Shen Yanxiao. This is very bad.

Cher slightly frowned and bowed: "Cher is not afraid, I just hope that the hero tribe can keep its purity."

The elders of the month laughed and said: "Hero tribe? Cher is only a moonlight tribe. It is no different from other tribes. There are only a handful of elves in the moonlight tribe. If you continue this way, I am afraid that it will be another thousand years. , it will disappear completely."

There is a trace of desolateness in the eyes of the elders of the month. No one wants their tribes to disappear into the long river of history. Only the fertility of the elves has weakened shortly after the war of the gods and devils. At least six pairs are unable to give birth to new life.

The elves have begun to move into a terrible future.

The elders of the month are very worried. They worry that the elves will completely disappear from this sky in the near future and become a legend forever.

"The elders of the month..." Cher's voice was a little mournful. The situation of the moonlight tribes was indeed very pessimistic. From the earliest ancestors who survived the war of the gods and gods, the elves in the moonlight tribes came. The less, the unknown, the reason, the ability of the moon-colored tribe to breed the elf is so low that it is terrible.

In the past thousands of years, there were only seven elves left, and the age of this elf is not small.

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