The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1220: Moonlight Horde (2)

"Calm." Shen Yan Xiao Yan smashed the eyebrows, the reaction of An Dye was terrible.

"I am not calm at all. You know, you don't know, the moonlight tribe is the heroic tribe in the eyes of all the elves! Many of the elves we hear in the legends are from the moonlight tribes, such as..." Begin to tell the various powerful people from the moonlight tribe.


Shen Yanxiao has never heard of it.

Shen Yanxiao was helpless, dragging the still-agitated Ansin toward the direction of the sacred tower. Because she had already come out of the sacred tower yesterday, Chel informed all the elves early this morning and returned. The original sacred tower was cultivated.

It’s not too early for Shen Yanxiao and An Dian. There are already many elves standing there waiting outside the gates of the Tower of the Spirit.

Shen Yanxiao was ready to be shot by various unscrupulous eyes, but when she really appeared in the eyes of this group of elves, she still felt that she was too naive.

The first reaction of the elves, after seeing Shen Yanxiao, was not to show a disgusted expression, but a kind of speculation full of speculation and doubt.

"It's really Yan Xiao, is she really okay?" The news that Shen Yanxiao appeared yesterday has spread all the elves, but when they really saw Shen Yanxiao, they still felt very incredible.

"That's so, it's incredible." The elves looked at it with a look of insults.

However, when they saw the moonlight badge in front of Shen Yanxiao's chest, there was a sigh of relief in front of the entire sacred tower!

"The badge of the moonlight tribe! No! Yan Xiao is the elf of the moonlight tribe?" exclaimed, the ground was covered with the elf's chin.

Shen Yanxiao is the news of the moonlight tribe's elves, which is even more exciting than the one she had born in the Tower of the Spirit!

"How could it be..." A group of elves are not calm at all.

"No wonder her strength will be so strong, it turns out that...she is the elf of the moonlight tribe, so why didn't she wear the tribal badge on her body before?"

"Maybe she wants to keep a low profile?"

"It’s really the elf of the moonlight tribe. It’s so low-key. I used to say, how can a low-level elf stay in the tower for so long? If it’s a moonlight tribe, that’s okay.”

For a time, the elves talked a lot and made up a glorious image for Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao dreams that she can't think of it. Just because of a tribal badge, she can make such earth-shaking changes in the mind of the elf.

"Yan Xiao, hello, I am a water Ling." An elf walked up to Shen Yanxiao, gracefully reaching out, with a friendly smile on his face.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the elf who suddenly showed himself to himself. The hands were too lazy to stretch out and perfunctory: "Hello."

The water Ling, who did not get a friendly response from Shen Yanxiao, did not lose. He smiled and said: "I am honored to train with the elves of the Moonlight tribe. However, I am a member of the Supreme Tribe. I would like to persuade you to be Yan Xiao. Don't go too close to the traitors of the Moonlight tribe, which is not good for you and the moonlight tribe."

The change in attitude towards Shen Yanxiao did not change the discriminating of these elves against An Sang. Before the existence of the unidentified elf of Shen Yanxiao, there were not many elves against Anzhen, but now, the situation is different!

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