The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1239: Tigers don't show up, you are a sick cat (7)

The water danger insurance escaped the blow of Shen Yanxiao, the arrow that passed by, flew directly to the wall behind him.

I only heard a loud bang, hard wall, and a hard hole was shot by a Yan Yanxiao arrow!

This deafening roar, scared all the elves on the scene.

They all thought that although Yan Yanxiao's archery was good, but the power was not too big, after all, in the morning, she could not even wear the target's protective layer.


The huge hole in front of me was actually slap in the face of their innocent thoughts.

An elf who can shoot a wall with an arrow will not be able to shoot through the protective layer of the target?

Give me a break! !

Shui Ling looked at the wall of a huge black hole, and looked incredulously at Shen Yanxiao. The power of this arrow is definitely no less than the power of any black elf.

Even, the water Ling himself is not sure, can shoot this powerful blasting arrow.

"You... are you dressed in the morning?" Water Ling was already scared by a cold sweat. It was only a noon. The power of Shen Yan Xiaojian had changed dramatically. Killing him, he would not believe it. What elves can raise their power to this level in just one noon.

So, there is only one answer!

Everything in the morning of Shen Yanxiao is disguised as a cover-up!

Now is her true strength!

"Install? I don't have this kind of leisure." Shen Yanxiao hooked up the corner of his lips and placed another arrow on the bowstring.

She didn't pretend, but the bow and arrow in the morning couldn't absorb the power of the elf. Now she changed the arrow of the dyed, the source of life in her body can finally be fully activated.

Just a bow, you can change everything.

"You lied..." Shui Ling still wants to question Shen Yanxiao, but Shen Yanxiao has launched an attack again. The next second is shot by an arrow. Shen Yanxiao directly released the second arrow, and did not give water to the water. Any chance to breathe.

The elves who watched the battle were completely dumbfounded. They thought that this battle would be a battle for the water to slap the Yan Yanxiao unilaterally, but did not expect that everything was completely subverted with their imagination!

Shen Yanxiao in front of her, and she was judged in the morning, the weak and weak arrows in the morning, but now it has become an explosive big killer!

If this is an arrow, it is estimated that the water can be directly accounted for here.

All the elves are secretly glad that they have no brains running into the water to provoke this terrible elf. Otherwise, they are now chasing the full training field, I am afraid they are.

Black belly! Too black!

This little elf also deliberately loaded all kinds of powerlessness in the morning, and the great power in the afternoon, the gap between the strengths before and after is so big, it is too dark!

Not to mention the amazingly explosive arrows, it’s just that Shen Yanxiao’s imposing manner is to make all the elves retreat.

It doesn't matter if you want to provoke yourself an enemy. What matters is that this enemy does not intend to make a small fight with you. It is a big move, not killing you, not stopping. This is not an elf that can be accepted for a long time.

Those elves who have been tossed with the waters have subconsciously hidden themselves behind other elves, and they are afraid that Shen Yanxiao will pack up the water to find them.

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