The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1253: Death of Water Ling (3)

Is this guy a pervert?

They know that Shen Yanxiao has great potential, but he did not expect to be abnormal to this point.

On the first day of entering the Spirit Tower, you can continue to practice for ten days...

Nima, who will give them a slap and tell them that this is just a dream!

Shen Yanxiao chuckled and looked at her back. "I told the general of the generals. Before most of the month, I was only a young elf. The generals of the trousers looked at me. I thought I could In just over twenty days, go straight from the green elf to the black elf?!"

"What..." This time, the serious expression of the black shirt can not help but show a sign of cracking.

He knows that Shen Yanxiao is because of the recommendation of Mo Yu and others, he will break into the senior training camp, but what is the level of elves in Shen Yanxiao, except for the ink rain and the elders of the month, no other elves know, before the woes I also thought that I can let the elders of the month nod and agree to let Shen Yan come in, then the level of Shen Yanxiao should not be too low, at least it must be a white elf, otherwise there is no need to enter the advanced training camp.

And her age is small, the elder may be obsessed with her talents will be admitted.

However, no one thought that before Shen Yanxiao entered the senior training camp, it was...just a minimum level elf!

The green level and the black level, one is the lowest level and the other is the highest level. The gap between the two is naturally self-evident.

Unless the cow is in the water, kill him, and he will not believe that Shen Yanxiao can break through the level of a young elf to the level of the black elf in just over twenty days.

Even if there is a sacred tower, it is absolutely impossible. Moreover, before Shen Yanxiao was a layer of cultivation in the Tower of the Spirit, not the seventh layer of the most powerful life.

In a short period of time, relying on talent to break through the first level is already the limit, but wants to make four jumps...

That is absolutely impossible to happen!

The facts stated by Shen Yanxiao completely overthrew the inferences before the helm. The difference in the level of the elves will cause the low-level elves to resolve the attack power of the high elves in large numbers. Do not say the elves, even if Shen Yanxiao is a white elf. At most, it can only cause some non-fatal injuries to the water, as long as the source of life of the water can not be lost, then there is absolutely no possibility of death.

"Ink rain, is this thing true?" He wore an unsettled look towards the ink rain, knowing the true level of Shen Yanxiao, except for the ink rain, they are the elders of the month, although they are also responsible for the senior training camp, but there is no The right questioned the elders of the month.

The ink rain under the pressure of the inner heart, so it was calm, and nodded with nod.

"It is true. If the generals don't believe it, they can go to the Qingcheng City, Wenxi City to investigate. When I received Yan Xiao, I had a test in the test area. There are hundreds of elves to testify." When Shen Yanxiao was testing at the beginning, it was very quiet, and after a short time, just pull an elf that had been tested at that time to know that Shen Yanxiao’s sentence was true.

The black shirt naturally does not doubt the words of the ink rain, but this way, his previous speculations are all not established.

However, how can a young elf continue to practice for ten days on the first day of entering the Spirit Tower? How could it hurt the other party in a discussion with a black elf? ?

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