The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1257: Hidden dangers of the elves (3)

"You saw it." The elders stood by Shen Yanxiao and saw Shen Yanxiao's focused and doubtful sight, with a hint of approval.

"What is that?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the elders of the month with suspicion. After the elf died, there should be no such situation.



The elders nodded. He looked up at all the crystal cymbals placed in the basement, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"I don't know when I started, there are many elves whose sources of life have been polluted. These pollutions have changed the nature of the elves. As you said, the elves used to be very kind and simple, but since the spread of pollution, they have come. The more elves are influenced by the negative emotions born in the bottom of the heart, once the negative emotions reach the limit, the source of life will not be able to withstand the power of pollution, the elf will die. Water is the polluted elf, he will die, maybe Because after losing to your hand, the hatred in his heart gave birth to the spread of pollution..."

"What is pollution? Why does it have such a big impact on the elves?" Shen Yanxiao was completely shocked. It is no wonder that she felt that the elves of the Shenyue Continent were completely different from the elves in the rumors. These elves were no longer the original.

The elders of the month explained everything with a low voice.

No elf knows where the pollution comes from, and no one knows how it entered the elf.

However, it appeared silently. At first, the elves of the Shenyue mainland did not find the existence of pollution, but more and more elves had negative emotions, vanity, victory, embarrassment, self-righteousness...

These characters, which should not exist in the elves, gradually became produced in some elves. At first, only a small part of the elves infected these emotions, but more and more elves were affected by it.

The elves didn't know that all of this was the cause of pollution, and they went to an unknown future in doubt.

Until a polluted elf died because of the inability to carry his inner ugliness, this caught the attention of Moonlight City, and then several elves died inexplicably.

On their bodies, you can find the black blood line on the water.

These black blood lines are a symbol of pollution.

The elves of Moonlight City finally knew that there was a terrible thing that was eroding the source of their lives.

"Why should we hide their remains here?" Shen Yanxiao was very surprised, and the words of the elders finally made her understand why the elves were different from the rumors.

The elders smiled bitterly: "Pollution can't tell all elves, it will cause their panic, and it will also cause mutual suspicion. These negative emotions are likely to accelerate the spread of pollution, so we will kill them. The remains of the elves are hidden."

"We can't judge which elves have been polluted at the moment, and we don't know if the pollution will be contagious. We can only hide it." Shui Ling is not the first elf to die in a senior training camp. In every crystal here, They are all lying on an elf who died in the advanced training camp because of pollution.

This thing is not known to them, it is secretly completed by a team of elf guards under the elders of the month.

In order to prevent the elves from panic, the elders of the month can only make this decision.

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