The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1263: Pull the little hand (1)

Early the next morning, Shen Yanxiao entered the second floor of the Tower of the Spirit, and continued to practice for a week directly, and did not leave in one step.

Cher's image has changed. After Shen Yanxiao entered retreat and practice, many elves have found opportunities to continue to bully and dye. Although there is a crackdown in front of Shen Yanxiao, they dare to make a small fight. .

However, Chel always stopped their hustle and bustle in the first time, and suddenly a pair of "I am fair, you will chaos again, I will pack you".

The elves are wondering. Before the bullying of Angel, there was no reaction at all. How could it be so suddenly protected?

With the protection of Cher, the dyeing can finally be cultivated with peace of mind.

The first thing that Shen Yanxiao entered the second floor of the Pillar Tower was to summon the repairs.

The figure of the repair gradually condensed in the tower of the sacred spirit, and the slender phantom appeared in front of Shen Yanxiao.

"Hmmm?" Revised to see Yan Yanxiao, do not understand what Xiao Nizi summoned himself to do.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the repair, and the heart was a little tangled. Since she had been in the Shenyue Continent, her time to absorb the dark elements has become less and less, so that the recovery of the repair has become very slow, although she will now be at night. Carrying out the absorption of dark elements, but staying in the bright continent is much less time.

The repair has not said this thing, but Shen Yanxiao has noticed it.

It seems that repairs have not been substantially restored for a long time.

She now enters the spiritual retreat of the Spirit Tower, which means she can't continue to help to absorb the dark elements in the evening, so delay, when will it be fully restored?

Shen Yanxiao still remembers that when she first formed a alliance with her, she was trying to help each other. Now she has been helping her, and she can’t be too blind.

So this time I entered the spiritual tower cultivation, Shen Yanxiao has already thought of a method.


Shen Yanxiao’s gaze moved to the hands of the subconscious, and his face was slightly warm.

"Repair, you used to absorb the dark elements through me. I can't continue to help you absorb it now, but I don't think it's good. I don't know if it is feasible." Shen Yanxiao tangled the old It took half a day to come up with such a sentence.

Fixing the eyebrows slightly and looking at the little guy with a tangled expression.

"Tell me."

Shen Yanxiao swallowed the swallow, took the dark crystal from the ring, held the dark crystal in one hand, and pointed at himself with one finger.

"Speaking, I am just the medium for absorbing dark elements. I am thinking that if you appear as an entity, shake hands with me... I will hold dark crystals again, so can you absorb its power?"

She is really thinking about repairing!

It’s not for the sake of occupying a big god!

She swears.

"You can give it a try." Xiu did not notice the small tangles in Shen Yan Xiao Xin, but I feel that this method can be tried.

"That... we just... try it?" Shen Yan shrunk his neck, his eyes staring at the repaired paws.

Do you want to shake hands with the repair!

Really want to shake hands!

I really have to hold the claws of a certain grandfather all the time during this time! ! ! !


Shen Yanxiao’s careful liver plops and thumps, and several times he wants to stretch out the sinful little claws to hold the repaired hand, but there is no such courage.

She always feels...

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