The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1272: Double repair is king (4)

The guards of the senior training camp are very strict. The ink rain has been trained in it for half a year. Naturally, it is impossible to let the elf without expiration leave without permission.

Even if an elf wants to sneak out, he can't escape the guard's eyes.


Shen Yanxiao is so alive!

The ink rain was almost speechless at home.

Not to mention, it is a serious matter to sneak out of the senior training camp. It is impossible to let the ink rain imagine.

It’s a pity that Suzaku didn’t give me the opportunity to ask questions. She took Yan Yanxiao directly. The ink rain wanted to catch up, but Suzaku turned his back to him and raised the flame in his hand. The feet have shrunk back.

He can't beat the beast!

“What are you doing here?” The ink wind went to the ink rain, and it looked very interesting to see the tangled expression of the ink rain.

The ink rain turned to look at the ink wind, bitterly said: "Ink wind, do you say that elves can slip out of the senior training camp?"

The ink wind slammed, and immediately took the back of the ink rain and said: "What do you think about it? How can there be an elf that can slip out? We didn't try it that year, and it wasn't the guard who gave it back."

Ink, Moyu, Murray, Mo Yan and Momu were five of them. They all entered the advanced training camp at the same time. At that time, they were just young, and they were young and full of temperament. Five young elves were born. Not a stable temper, no less toss in the senior training camp, they tried to slip out of the senior training camp, but each time ended in failure.

On several occasions, they were all sent back to the dormitory by the guards with bows and arrows, and the generals who were responsible for the senior training camp that year had once called them five in front of them, and they scolded them.

It can be said that in the past five of them, in order to slip out, no less brains, they dig into the tunnel.

But in the end, it ended in failure.

The reason why the ink rain is so sure of the guards of the senior training camp is because he has personally experienced it.

"So, if I said that I saw the elf in the advanced training camp, it appeared on the street, would you believe it?" Moyu asked.

The ink wind picked up the eyebrows.

"I ate too much last night? Didn't the wine still wake up? Go back to rest early, and we will return to Moonlight City tomorrow. If you get to the Elf King, you can still get it?" Obviously, the ink wind thought that the ink rain was talking about drunkenness. .

They didn't sneak out when they tried their best in the past five years. Now, which elf has such a good ability?

The ink rained and smashed his eyes, and he was so sad.

"Well, I have drunk too much, I have not seen anything." He knew that he would say no one would believe it!

The occasional encounter has passed, and Shen Yanxiao is not worried that the ink rain will go to the small report.

It’s not like the temper, the second is...

It is ink rain that sends himself to the senior training camp. He doesn't have to drag her legs.

With a shameless mind, Shen Yanxiao continued to walk around with Suzaku.

Until the night fell, when Shen Yanxiao finally returned to the senior training camp, Suzaku was reluctant to look at Shen Yanxiao, and his face was not happy.

Shen Yan Xiao smashed the head of Suzaku, and touched the small phoenix and the mini dragon separately. They quietly left in the night and quietly returned to the advanced training camp.

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