The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1275: Double repair is king (7)

From the last group of elves, to the new batch of elves who have just entered the advanced training camp, they already know that in the advanced training camp, there is a little elf against the sky, which is not old enough, but the strength is extremely terrible.

After entering the advanced training camp for a short period of one month, it has already reached the fourth floor of the Tower of the Spirit.

This speed, even if there is no elf in the previous batch of elves can be achieved.

Normally, a gifted elf can enter the second layer from the first floor of the Tower of the Spirit in about a month after entering the advanced training camp.

This kind of talented elf, basically one or two in each batch.

Just like An Dye, after a month of tempering, he finally succeeded in obtaining the pass to enter the second floor of the Tower of the Spirit. He is the only one in this group of elves to enter the singer except Shen Yanxiao. The second floor of the tower.

Although the progress of Anzai is fast, it is still within the range that the elves can accept!

But Shen Yanxiao!

She is a pervert!

One layer a week! Not to be gasped at all!

Estimated, if it is not for the pass, she can stay in the sacred tower for five months after the end of training!

Terrible, it’s terrible!

All the elves in the senior training camp regard Shen Yanxiao as a metamorphosis.

Even the elders of the month expressed great shock after knowing the speed of Shen Yanxiao’s ascension.

It can be said that from the establishment of the advanced training camp to the present, no one elf can be upgraded faster than Shen Yanxiao. Her appearance completely broke the record of the promotion of the Pillar Tower in the advanced training camp!

When Shen Yanxiao appeared again, the elves were already numb when they took the fifth floor pass of the Spirit Tower.

Not the fifth floor!

It's ok!

Anyway, after another week, the goods will come to the sixth floor.

They are used to it! !

Because the speed of Shen Yanxiao is too fast, the elders of the month are somewhat worried that she can afford to eat.

The elders of the month specifically asked her to talk to Shen Yanxiao when she went to the fifth floor pass. As a result, he found that in just half a month, Shen Yanxiao had been promoted from the red elf to the level of the white elf. I was speechless in an instant.

Looking at the ruddy and lustrous look, the breath is stable and the Shen Yan Xiao, the long-term care and worry of the elders are broken into **** in an instant, and finally can only be silent for a long time, silently let Shen Yanxiao continue to return to the pirate tower Going up the stairs.

Shen Yanxiao, with the intention of continuing to double-education, entered the fifth floor of the Tower of the Spirit, but as soon as she stepped into the fifth floor, she immediately felt a large force coming over her face, which almost made her feel a little dizzy.

"The breath here is so strong." Shen Yanxiao immediately slowed down the absorption of external forces by the source of life. The fifth layer of the Spirit Tower is far different from the power of the previous four layers.

The power here is very powerful and pure, even if it combines all the power of the next four layers, it is not half of it.

Shen Yanxiao's brow wrinkled slightly, even though she slowed down the speed of life's absorption, but the power of life that rushed came from the crazy source of her life.

It is as if these forces are eager to break into her body.

What is even more terrifying is that when the power of life poured in, Shen Yanxiao clearly felt that the source of her life had a tremor, and the tingling of a burst of pain was spreading from her source of life to her body.


Eight ends

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