The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1279: Weird of the Tower of the Spirit (4)

The silver line is still extending, and the brows are slightly wrinkled over time.

"What's wrong?" Focusing on peek into a young man's "beauty" Shen Yanxiao, the first time I noticed the difference in repair.

Xiu did not answer immediately, but directly took the hand back, put Shen Yanxiao on the ground, looking down at his fingertips.

The original white fingertips, now there is a slight red, like hot water burns.

"I didn't perceive the root of the book." Rehabilitated the line of sight and looked at Shen Yanxiao.

"I followed the tree and found out that after deep underground, I found that it did not take root in the ground. I continued to explore, but was attacked by enchantment somewhere." Deep enchantment.

"You were attacked?" Shen Yan Xiao Yan, a little bit of the strength of the repair, she was taught, she really did not know, this world, there is no enchantment is impossible to cross.

However, the appearance of the repairing party is obviously not successful through the enchantment.

He nodded his head: "It’s just that the power that emanates out is not so powerful, and it is impossible to pass through such enchantment. The power of the enchantment is stronger than what you saw before any other elf city pool."

Shen Yanxiao almost strolled all the cities in the Shenyue continent, and it was a month away.

If you say that there is still a secluded place in the Shenyue Continent, it is even stronger than the black-level city...

Then it is only Moonlight City!

"You mean, the tree of the sacred tower is directly connected to the moonlight city?" Shen Yanxiao's eyes flashed a bit of a strange, if you look at it, then these trees, I am afraid that it will not be as simple as Cher said .

They are very likely to be part of the tree of life!

"No wonder, the power they produce will be so powerful. It's no wonder that the power of life in this sacred tower is so rich!" Shen Yanxiao bit her lip, and she turned to look at the darkness of the roots of the leaves.

"If I have just made me feel painful, it is really pollution, then ... is the tree of life that emits pollution?" Shen Yanxiao was simply scared by this speculation!

What a joke!

The tree of life on which the elves live depends, which is the culprit that will lead to their demise?

Shen Yanxiao, the whole person is Sparta!

"I should not be infected." Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitches slightly, she absorbed a lot of life power in the Shenyue mainland, the kind of pollution called the possibility of entering the source of life together with the power of life, Don't let her untie the purpose of the seal, she was pitted by the tree of life.

Shaking his head and shook his head: "Pollution is against the elves, it has no effect on you, otherwise you will not have such a big reaction. Your pain, for a large part of the reason, is also because of your own rejection of pollution."

Simply put, Shen Yanxiao does not absorb pollution at all!

"Can I still be immune?" Shen Yanxiao picked up her eyebrows.

Half-squatting with the golden cymbals, watching Shen Yan Xiaodao: "What is the biggest impact of pollution on the elves?"

Shen Yanxiao said directly: "Let them have negative emotions, no longer so simple and kind."

He repaired and said: "There is something attached to you that has disappeared. You didn't have it. Can it affect you?"

"..." Shen Yan is hoarse, she is not metaphorized by a grandfather, she is mean and shameless...

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