The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1288: Silver Moon Guard's Test (5)

After the second test, the seven elves who passed the test were very unsightly. The elves responsible for the selection had to give them some rest time.

Just in his eyes, but with a trace of desolate.

Although the seven elves passed the test, except for one elf, the other six elves were not excellent when they passed the second will test, but barely passed.

This is not the best choice.

The leader of the Silvermoon Guards turned his attention to the elves with slightly better performance.

Only this guy is truly qualified.

An dye slowed down his breathing and adjusted his mood. The second test just made him unexpected.

An dye did not notice that the silver moon guard's elf was watching him.

Just as the third test was about to begin, a small wave of whistling rushed toward the test site.

"Wait!!" The ink rushed to the test site, and the slender hand was directly on the wrist of the Silvermoon Guard leader.

"Rain Master?" The elf saw the ink rain and obviously stunned.

"Rain Master?" The elves who tested on the side of the scene heard a sigh of relief when they heard the three words!

Silver Moon Guard, one of the five best team captains in recent years! Called by the elves as the rain master!

Responsible for the road leading to the dark city of Moonlight City!

It can be said that in the Silver Moon Guard, in addition to the captain, the five positions of the ink rain and the ink wind are the highest.

And the five elves of their age are not big, but the strength is unusually strong, once became the idol of many elves.

In the rain, they have always been in the city of Moonlight, and they have rarely left, but they did not expect that they can be seen here today!

However, before the elves recovered from the shock of the ink rain, the ink winds then came over.

Five handsome and beautiful, young and elf temperament, so big thorns appeared in the test site, all the elf eyes almost came out!

"That is the ink wind!"

"Ink! It is ink flame! I admire him!"

"Hey! My family is also here!"

"Mu Shaoye, Emma... I want to faint..."

The five captains of the Silvermoon Guard, also known as the Silvermoon Five, can be said to be super idols in the minds of the elves.

The appearance of their five elves immediately caused a commotion.

When the person in charge of the Silvermoon Guards saw the appearance of the Silver Moon Five, he immediately corrected the military posture and respectfully prayed one by one.

"Rain Master, how come you?" The elves of the Silvermoon Guard looked at them with a strange look. During this time, they were always stationed in Moonlight City, and even the things that guarded the passage were handed over to other Silvermoon guards. The team members are temporarily responsible, how can they suddenly run to the senior training camp?

The elf was full of doubts, but the corner of his eye saw a strange black-green next to the cheek on the left side of the ink rain.

On a white face of Jun, the black-skinned, it looks very... sway!

"Cough, we just come over and look at it. It happened to meet this elf halfway, and she will come to the test, so she will take her along." The ink rained the other person's eyes and twisted his face slightly. They reached out and brought the Yan Yan, who was drowned under their glory, to the other side.

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