The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1294: Moonlight Horde (1)

go with!

Why not go?

Even if An dye didn't invite her, she must go to the Moonlight tribe.

Before she was still considering what kind of identity to go to the Moonlight tribe, now with the invitation of Ansin, she did not even have to find reasons and excuses.

Shen Yanxiao also intends to follow him at the invitation of An Ding, and he will return to the Moonlight tribe directly with him. Unfortunately, she has not had time to open her mouth, and Chel has sounded the door.

"Cher?" Ansei looked at Chel, and his look was a bit complicated. Cheer’s attitude towards him was not good at first, but after Shen Yanxiao entered the retreat of the spiritual tower, Cher’s attitude was overwhelming. The change, during the training, did not take care of him.

"Yan Xiao, the elders of the month have something to look for." When Chel had nodded to An Ding, he immediately went to Xiao Yan.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao remembered this. The elders once said that after she entered the Silvermoon Guard, she would tell her more about pollution.

"That's Yan Xiao, you are going to be busy first. This is my address in Emerald City. If you have time, come on." An Yi rushed to send the news back to the tribe, and did not want to delay the time of Shen Yanxiao, decisively put himself I have already prepared a strip game with an address for Shen Yanxiao.

"I will definitely go." Shen Yanxiao smiled.

After Shen Yanxiao and Cheer left.

The elders sat in the chair and looked at Shen Yanxiao who entered the door with a smile on his face.

“Congratulations on the selection of the Silvermoon Guard.”

"Thank you." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"I am looking for you today, there is something to tell you." The elders got up.

Shen Yanxiao gently raised his eyebrows, this is about pollution.

"I invited you to join the Moonlight Horde and talk about your things with the old guys in the tribe. They always want to see you, but because you have been training before, there is no chance. Now you have Ending the training, are you interested in seeing other elves in the tribe?" The elders looked at Shen Yanxiao and smiled.

"Hey." Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse, and she thought that the elders of the month were planning to tell her about pollution.

"Reassure, although their temperament is a little weird, it is not a bad guy. If you don't want to, you will forget it." The elders are not reluctant.

"No, if they are willing, I would also like to meet them." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, the elders were good to her, and took her little guy of unknown origin into their family.

Before Shen Yanxiao had heard some rumors about the moonlight tribe in Anshang.

She is very curious about this elf tribe that has been passed down as a heroic tribe. If the former moonlight tribe was a supreme tribe at its peak, then the moonlight tribe is the peak of the supreme tribe.

Even the moonlight tribes at the peak period cannot compare with the moonlight tribes.

However, as time goes on, the number of elves in the moonlight tribe is getting smaller and smaller, and now there are only a single digit.

And those who have survived in the world are some elders who are old. If they go on for a long time, the moonlight tribes will cease to exist.

If it is not because of the Moonlight tribe, Shen Yan Xiaozheng wants to live as a moonlight tribe, not for anything else, just want to keep this tribe that is gradually declining.

"That's good, I will take you in the future, my ancestors will bring the news back, I believe that they will be very happy." The elders laughed extraordinarily.

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