The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1298: Moonlight Horde (5)

"Is it already?" The elf apparently stunned.

Shen Yanxiao saw the other side's appearance. It was a tall male elf. Compared with Wu En and the elders of the month, the age of this elf seems to be smaller, but it is similar to humans' 50s and 60s. It is.

"This is Jingyou, also a member of the Moonlight tribe." Wu Enbai had a look at Jinghua, and when he turned his face to Shen Yanxiao, he was also a kind-hearted and kind-hearted look.

The speed of this face change, really let Shen Yan Xiao sigh.

"Hello." Shen Yan Xiao got up, and his mouth smirked with the scene.

"Good." Jing Yu smiled and looked at Shen Yanxiao, and said: "That, I just said... It’s a mess, my moon is very good, definitely not you are coming, we will be good to you, you can rest assured No, it will not harm you."

Jing You tried to find room for his own utterances, but he gave people a feeling of being more and more black.

"Who is the scourge?" Another low voice came, and an elf old man in a purple robe walked outside the gate, laughing and looking at the hall that suddenly became bustling.

"You are coming back in the cool autumn." Wu En looked at the present and smiled.

Cool autumn came over and saw Shen Yanxiao standing on the side, his eyes lit up.

"Yan Xiao?"

Shen Yan Xiao nodded.

"You are faster than us." With a burst of laughter, two older elves walked in from outside the gate.

"The little guys are here? Losing us, we both want to come back to you."

Wu En immediately said to Yan Yan Xiao: "This is a rumor, the other is Qing Xuan."

Shen Yanxiao has seen it one by one.

The age of these elves is not small, the youngest, I am afraid that it is Jingyou, but it is already more than three hundred years old. The rest of the ages are over 400 years old. The man in his teens is Rui.

For a time, the deserted hall became lively, and the five elves sat around Shen Yanxiao, and their eyes were very hot.

Who can understand the sadness of these old men?

Seeing that the elves in the moonlight tribe have passed away, but have never seen any fresh blood coming in, these old guys can only wait for the end of life in the silence of the day and night.

They didn't think about inviting other elves to enter the moonlight tribe, but they were in the black-level city, and all the contacts were black elves.

The black-level city pool is also the gathering place of many elves, and the elves who can stay in the black city, do not enjoy the various privileges of the tribe.

Moreover, the elves are never betraying their own tribes and joining other tribes. This has never changed.

Even though the moonlight tribes are the heroic tribes in their hearts, no one has ever thought of joining their original tribes to join them.

Of course, even if someone does this, I am afraid that they will feel that the other party is too ungrateful and will not accept it.

The appearance of Shen Yanxiao is an accident. There are no tribes, no devils, and it is the best person to join them in the moonlight tribe.

God knows, a group of dead old people suddenly saw a vibrant little guy, what makes them happy.

So almost when I said that Shen Yanxiao joined us in the month of the month, they couldn’t wait to agree.

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