The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1301: Moonlight Horde (8)

You know, in the years when the Moonlight Horde has declined, these old guys are all green when they see the other tribe's elves.


They can't be more subtle!

The elves looked at Shen Yanxiao’s almost buried, and finally realized that they seemed to be overdone.

They immediately pulled Shen Yanxiao out of a pile of things, and did not care to throw his work aside.

Compared with their tribe's elves, those valuable babies are scum in their eyes!

Shen Yanxiao finally regained her freedom. She sat in a chair and lamented the enthusiasm of Wu En.

Imagine that in the years of the millennium, the number of elves in a large tribe has been steadily decreasing. I am watching them in the three or four hundred years, watching their companions and elders die one by one, among the tribes. Without any birth of newborns, they waited for more than four hundred years and looked forward to more than four hundred years, thinking that the moonlight tribes will be completely forgotten after their death, but now they have seen the joining of a very good little guy. This is a big surprise for them.

The elves' tribes don't pay much attention to the blood. They care about whether the tribe's beliefs have been passed down.

As long as there is another elf, the name of the moonlight tribe will not fall.

"The way they welcome is a bit special. You don't mind if you are Yan Xiao." The elders of the month appease Shen Yanxiao and secretly glance at the guys.

It’s hard to have a free elf to join their tribe, and the talent is so good, if they scare away Shen Yanxiao, he is not desperate for them.

I am a few of them standing aside, and the elves who are thousands of years old are now exposed like children.

This is their expectation for hundreds of years, and finally they can be realized, how can they not be excited.

"Nothing, I really like Wu En... Master them." Shen Yanxiao thought about adding a master after the name of Wu En. It seems that they like this very much?

One of the "Master Masters" listened to the glory of my heart, a face full of intoxicating expression.


Xiao Xiaoer called him Master Wu!

Sprinkle the value of this life!

Seeing the perfection of Wu En, Liang Qiu, Qing Xuan, rumors and Jing You smashed their shoulders one by one, and looked sadly at Shen Yan Xiao, as poor as an abandoned old man.

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitches slightly, his expression is somewhat stiff: "The masters of cool autumn, masters of Qing Xuan, masters of rumors and masters of Jing You are also very good, they are very friendly to me."

For a moment, the four elders, who are two years old and add up to two thousand years old, are full, and the smile replaces the sorrow of the past. It is only like this from **** to heaven.

Shen Yanxiao looked at these vivid expressions and really felt that the age of the old elves could be compared with the five idiots in her family.

The elders smiled and looked at the scene in front of him. His age was the largest among the moon-colored tribes. Before that, he was in Moonlight City. He experienced a lot and was relatively calm.

"That's good, if there is anything that doesn't fit, you can tell me again, I have arranged for your room, I will take you to the past." The elders took Shen Yanxiao to her room, Wu En They also want to follow, the elders of the month immediately coldly said: "After I saw the room with Yan Xiao, I didn't want to see a pile of things in the hall."

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