When the elf heard it, he immediately said, "It turned out to be them. It's not a problem. I don't know this thing very well. I just heard that the moonlight trading bank violated the rules of the Elf King before the restrictions and human gem trading, privately and humans. The gem trade, this will be seized the transaction line."

Shen Yanxiao slightly glimpsed, others did not know the way of the moonlight trading gems, but she was very clear, she clearly sent the gems in the moonlight trading line as an elf, how to become a moonlight trading bank and private Trading?

"Then you know that you don't know, where is the elf of the moonlight trading line now?" Shen Yanxiao does not think that this crime will be as simple as closing a shop.

"Oh... this... guest, you should also know that the Moonlight tribe was downgraded because of the close relationship with human beings. Now, I don’t know how to repent, but also privately trade humans with gems. The city owner will follow the regulations. Many of the elves have been arrested, and now they should be held in the dungeons of the city government. "The elf told the Yan Zhixiao very honestly about the news he knew.

Shen Yanxiao’s face can’t help but be dignified.

She is quite sure that the gems of the moonlight trading line are given by her. Nowadays, the moonlight trading bank bears such a crime, and she is afraid that she can't get rid of her.

"Thank you." Shen Yan Xiao and the elf thank you, immediately turned and left.

The elf grabbed his head and whispered: "It’s a hero, a young boy, and he entered the Silvermoon Guard at such a young age."

Shen Yanxiao left the trading house and immediately contacted Suzaku. Suzaku had already rushed to the road to Emerald City.

Shen Yanxiao thought that the elf of the Moonlight tribe was probably poured into the prison because of her involvement. The mood was extremely heavy. She couldn’t wait for Suzaku to go to the city government first.

Shen Yanxiao did not go directly to the city owner of the Emerald City, but quietly sneaked into the dungeon.

She must first figure out what is going on and how to solve it.

The elves' dungeons are not as dark and damp as Shen Yanxiao imagined. The so-called dungeons are actually in a relatively spacious yard. The sun can shine through the iron bars, and the conditions in the dungeons are also neat and tidy.

Because of the nature of the elves, the number of sinful labors is very small. Even if there is, it cannot be a big sin, murder and arson. It has never happened in the mainland of the gods.

Whether it is the past or the pollution has spread, the elves have been affected by the heart, but in essence, they still hold the moral bottom line.

In the dungeons of the city's main government, only two elves stood guard at the door, and there was no guard inside.

Shen Yanxiao slipped in easily and looked at the big dungeons. The first few cages were empty.

She hadn't touched it backwards, and she heard a squeaky voice screaming.

"You don't want to be so frowning. The accommodation here is not so harsh. Relax, even if you are so depressed, you can't change anything. Hey, I have fresh fruit here, do you want one?"

There was a smile in the voice, and there was no tension. Shen Yanxiao saw a claw sticking out from the left cage in the distance, and a large palm fruit was held on the paw. The opposite of the cage.

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