The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1322: Compensation (1)

On the other hand, the source has begun to use all the power of the hand to investigate Shen Yanxiao, the elf's work is very efficient, but when the source of the source received the news, it was amazed.

The source of the news is the city of the black city.

According to the news, Shen Yanxiao suddenly appeared in Wenxicheng six months ago. Later, because he wanted to join the training camp, he met the ink rain. In Wenxicheng, the ink rain once made Shen Yanxiao Test, because Shen Yanxiao but the results of the test is too ridiculous, so many elves in Wen Xicheng remember this elf.

Many elves still clearly remember that Shen Yanxiao had only one green badge at the time, and there was no tribal badge.

After the rain, Chen Yanxiao was sent to the senior training camp. During this period of time, Shen Yanxiao spent the senior training camp and was appreciative of the elders in the senior training camp. She earned her income. The moonlight tribe, this has a tribe.

It can be said that when Shen Yanxiao was in Wen Xicheng, he was a poor and white elf. If it were not for a series of adventures behind, I would not have imagined that she would have achieved her achievements today.

The line of records about Shen Yanxiao was placed in front of the source. In addition to being shocked, the rest was only speechless.

The source of this information is absolutely reliable, and it is impossible to have a half-falsehood.

This means that everything that Shen Yanxiao said is true.

She is really an orphan, and she is taken back by the beast to raise her!

"The world is not amazing." Broken source and a bitter smile, it is no wonder that the beast will be so generous to an elf, the feelings of sorrow and sorrow are the beasts of the beasts!

Confirmed the identity of Shen Yanxiao, the source will naturally believe everything that Shen Yanxiao said.

Obviously, the Moonlight tribe is innocent.

"But, this thing still has to give Yan Xiao a saying." Broke sighed and got up and walked toward the rest of the room. This matter is that he made a mistake in the front, and should also give an explanation to Shen Yanxiao and the Moonlight tribe.

The source is very careful and the hand will be placed in the storeroom. The part of the gems and crystal coins belonging to Shen Yanxiao will be taken to the lounge.

Still not in the door of the lounge, I heard the conversation between the broken snow and Shen Yanxiao.

The original tight face showed a smile.

To be honest, Shen Yanxiao is able to go to this step today, and it is really commendable. His daughter and such a gifted elf are good, and he is happy to see it.

"Yan Xiao, things have been made clear, it is our mistakes, I have let them go to bring your things to you, I am really sorry." Think of a city owner, actually robbed the property of a little guy, When I broke the source, I felt that my face was very hot.

Of course, it is impossible for him to take a minute. All the gems and crystal coins that have been seized are placed in the warehouse without being left untouched.

If it is determined that the Moonlight Horde is guilty, then these things will also be handed over to the Elf King, handled by the Elf King.

Suzaku saw the source of the break, and it was very cold.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if you make a mistake, you will be able to break the source of the city."

"Where is it, it is my mistake." Shen Yan Xiao is polite, the more embarrassing the source.

As a result, the source of the broken source was not found at all. Under Shen Yan’s pure smile, her eyes were shining with evil light.

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