The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1327: Moonlight Tribe (1)

The moonlight tribe's mansion, located on the east side of the Emerald City, although it was downgraded, but the moonlight tribe's heritage is still there, from the black-level city pool to the collective relegation to the white-level city, the strength of the moonlight tribe will not be the slightest derogation.

Shen Yanxiao, they followed the moonlight tribe's elves all the way back. On this road, the lunar eclipse they have been grateful to Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao and they are very happy.

Shen Jing walked alone at the end of the team, staring at the Suzaku standing next to Shen Yanxiao, full of questions.

He can be 100% sure that this beast is Suzaku!

However, it is clear that Suzaku does not want him to reveal his identity, so Shen Jing can only close his mouth.

When I came to the house of the Moonlight tribe, the moon eclipse knocked on the door, and the door was quickly opened. The elf who did not play in a grade saw a surprise smile on the face after seeing the eclipse of these elves, and opened the neatly. The door shouted at the house:

"The eclipse brothers are back! They are back!"

For the first time, Shen Yanxiao stepped into this elf tribe with her blood relationship, watching many elves emerge from the government, and each face was filled with unspeakable joy, and they completely surrounded them. stand up.

"The eclipse brother, you can be regarded as the uncle, and the leader must be anxious to die during this time."

"Uncle An Feng, Ange's brother is back! He has been selected by the Silvermoon Guard!"

A group of elves spoke around the lunar eclipse and said it.

Shen Yanxiao heard about the topic of An Ding, and paid a little attention to it. The elf was called the uncle of the deities. He was the most elder of the detained elves. After hearing the news, his face immediately revealed. Surprise.


"Yeah! They are all in the hall, come on." The enthusiastic elves took the lunar eclipse and tended to walk toward the hall. Shen Yanxiao also followed.

For a few months, the light tribe's elf also looked curiously at the little phoenix and mini dragon that Suzaku was squatting. No matter which race, the cute thing is always the favorite of women and children.

In the hall of the Moonlight tribe, An Ding was sitting uneasily and looking outward.

Sitting in the main position is a beautiful and elegant female elf. Her eyes are calm and watery. The noble face has awesome coldness. It is only 30 or 40 years old, but if you look at it, you can A few tiny wrinkles were found in the corner of her eye.

She is the leader of the Moonlight tribe, An Yan.

Anyan's gaze swept toward the anxious Anhe, and when the source of the Moonlight tribe was released, the source had already sent news to the Moonlight tribe, and they are waiting now.

When the lunar eclipse appeared at the entrance of the hall, An Ding was greeted by the insatiable excitement.

"Father!" An Dian found An Feng in many figures.

"Come back." An Feng looked at the rest of his family for more than half a year, and his heart mixed.

"Yeah." An dye nodded. When he returned, the elves of the Moonlight tribe were already arrested. His father was responsible for the economy of the Moonlight tribe, so he was imprisoned. He wanted to go several times. The city's main government was blocked by the leader An Yan.

In these few days, Anqing is like an ant on a pan, and it can't be smashed all night long.

"I heard that you passed the selection of the vague guards. I am very happy." An Feng was very pleased to see his son.

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