The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1331: Moonlight Horde (5)

Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows: "You guess."

Shen Jing is speechless...

"What is your mother's reason?"

Shen Yan Xiao nodded.

Shen Jing slightly paused, "What happened to his father?"

Shen Yanxiao sat down in the chair and looked at this unfamiliar uncle: "Shen Chi and Shen Yue rebelled, and joined a two-turner to try to win the Suzaku family."

"What!" Shen Jing looked up and his eyes were full of shock.

"He...has it really done? Why... why he can be so heartbroken."

Shen Jing’s words made Shen Yanxiao aware of a bit of weirdness, as if Shen Jing knew the fortified mind very early.

It’s hard to be done, Shen Fu’s things, Shen Jing also participated?

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes could not help but be cold.

"Three uncle, do you know this?"

The face of Shen Jing’s face has disappeared. He sat in a chair and lowered his head. He said: "Maybe you know, maybe you don't know. I knew it a long time ago." The idea, but at that time no one in the Suzaku family could compete with him for the position of the owner. I thought... I thought he would be safe, but I didn’t expect..."

Shen Jing’s voice showed a stagnation.

He looked up and looked like Shen Yanxiao.

Perhaps Shen Chi has always been the person who is most likely to become the owner of the Suzaku family, but after Shen Yanxiao and Suzaku signed the contract, it has changed.

"Three uncles, do you know what is it?" Shen Yanxiao vaguely felt that Shen Jing at this moment was completely different from what he had previously given her.

Shen Jing smiled bitterly.

"Know how? Xiao Xiao, your uncle is a coward, a waste, I will only escape."

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned.

Shen Jingdao: "I am sorry brother, I am sorry for your parents. I am a sinner of the Suzaku family. Maybe I have already felt that after you signed a contract with Suzaku, the family of Suzaku will change, so I will find an excuse to escape, but I can't say anything... I hurt my father and hurt the sun..."

"Xiao Xiao, do you know? I was watching your uncle with my own eyes, and I was crushed and killed by death..." Shen Jing looked at Shen Yanxiao, and his eyes filled with despair and self-blame.

"What!" Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse. She knew that her uncles were all killed by the sinking, but this thing was only known later by Shen Yue. How could Shen Jing... say Shen Jinghe If there is cooperation between Shen and Calcined, then he should not have to escape from the Suzaku family, but Shen Jing’s appearance is clearly guilty and desperate.

Shen Jingdao: "Xiao Xiao, you may think that San Shu is a waste of idle work. Indeed, I am a waste, or a coward! I wanted to go to your uncle to talk about things, but when I found your uncle, I found out. Sinking in the dark has already started for your uncle, I dare not scream, can only hide in the corner, I dare not tell you grandfather, because I know that in the eyes of all Suzaku family, I am a waste, my words No one will believe it, but Shen Calcination has always been a son that your grandfather values ​​very much."

"What happened to your parents... I have already guessed it. I want to take the position of my homeowner. Your father Shen Yu is the most important son of your grandfather, so Shen Chi will never let him go. I used to remind you. Father, but...but it has no effect. Xiao Xiao, I am sorry for you, I am too weak, will let your parents..."

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