The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1335: Moonlight Tribe (9)

Shen Jing smiled.

"Grandpa, they live in the ridiculous land of the day, you can enter from the border of the Longxuan Empire, where the demon will not attack humans." Shen Yanxiao looked at Shen Jing, with a hint of gratitude.

"How can you live in a barren land?" Shen Jing did not want to understand the time, but the ridiculous land is the restricted area of ​​the bright continent.

Shen Yanxiao touched his nose and said: "I have participated in the college competition before, and I won the championship. I took the opportunity to occupy several cities in the ridiculous land, and let Grandpa move over."

Shen Jing’s eyes immediately became very shocking. He looked at Shen Yanxiao and his face was unbelievable.

He is a little niece...

What an earth-shattering thing!

It is very clear that it is difficult to stand on the ridiculous land. What is even more terrifying is that Shen Yanxiao not only has a foothold, but also "occupies several cities."

This is simply!

"Well... I am going to..." Shen Jing’s look was awkward, and his little prostitute was a bit too much!

Shen Yanxiao put the purple night in the Nayong, and talked with Shen Jing about the situation of Shen Feng and Shen Ling. Shen Jing also asked what happened to Shen Yanxiao in the ridiculous land.

After the conversation ended, Shen Jing felt that the whole person seemed to be dreaming.

Everything I heard in my ears seemed so incredible.

"Xiaoyu... Your daughter is really too ferocious... more brutal than you were..." Shen Jingyan snorted, and under the eyes of Shen Yanxiao, he staggered out of the room and wanted to digest it. This afternoon's conversation, Shen Jing still needs a certain amount of time.

After sending away Shen Jing, Shen Yanxiao was thinking about how to find his parents in Moonlight City.

Although she has entered the Silvermoon Guard, it is still unknown where it is assigned.

Shen Jing gave her a wake up.

Broken snow may be a good helper.

The position of the Virgin in Moonlight City is second only to the Elf King, and is equal to the elders of the Elves.

They can walk around in the city of Moonlight.

Listening to Shen Jing’s meaning, breaking snow should be a very helpful plan.

"It seems that before going to Moonlight City, I have to go see the snow again." Shen Yanxiao touched his chin, and things finally had some progress.


In the evening, the elves of the Moonlight tribe specially opened a dinner for the sake of Shen Yanxiao. Fresh fruit and sweet wine were all put on, and even Shen Jing was taken along.

Accompanied by An Yi, An Feng thanked Shen Yan Xiao for her care of the dyeing in the senior training camp.

Shen Yan Xiao Xiaoyu’s drink, but the heart feels very wonderful, if it is counted, An Feng and her grandmother are peers, and Amanda should be his own little sister...

It’s really subtle because it’s treated like a benefactor.

Shen Jing is like a normal recovery, and the female elves of the Haha and Moonlight tribes are close to each other. A beautiful female elf dances in the opening.

Shen Yanxiao is really hard to believe that Shen Jing at night and Shen Jing in the afternoon are the same person.

The speed of this character conversion is too fast and too skillful!

When Shen Yanxiao was observing the surroundings, there was also a pair of loving eyes staring at her for a moment.

From the dinner, An Yan did not look away from Shen Yanxiao.

That smile made her think of her daughter... Wen Ya.

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