The two bows, the same color, are not as low as the sample level, attracting the attention of all the onlookers.

None of the two bow makers is below the cast master level.

Shen Yanxiao took the bow up and touched the arrow hanging around his waist.

She carefully observed the entire platform, and every corner, every square stone was not missed.

The downfall is large enough for the archer to test. Shen Yanxiao must calculate the accuracy of each step of his own, in order to bring the victory closer to himself.

Both Ansei and Shen Jing under the stage of the stage have pinched the cold sweat for Shen Yanxiao. The discussion between the archers is often more dangerous than other occupations.

The outcome depends on whether or not the arrow is in the middle.

Once you hit the arrow, you will inevitably get hurt!

The otter looked at Shen Yanxiao, with a confident smile in his eyes, he did not believe that an elf would be his opponent.

The Yinyue Guard, who is eyeing the elite, can not only crush his opponent except the captain and the silver moon. The other members are not his opponents at all.

He has absolute self-confidence and can play tricks and avenge his brother!

The eyes of the otter moved slightly and immediately took the arrow and pulled the bow.

Shen Yanxiao almost responded at the same time, she immediately pulled out the arrow.

The first arrow of the otter came out of the air, and the lightning speed was dazzling.

Whether in speed or strength, the leeches are the most powerful archers I have seen!

The strength of this arrow is definitely not less than a big magician!

As long as the move, Shen Yanxiao will even fly with the arrows and fly out of the ring.

At the same time that the water squirted the arrow, Shen Yanxiao immediately flew to the left. She did not stand directly in the same place with the otter, but at the moment of flying, she put the arrow on the string.

At the moment of dodging, Shen Yanxiao’s body was half-tilted, but she was able to shoot and shoot in such a state.

Before her figure stabilized, the feather arrow in her hand had already carried a silver light and flew toward the otter!

The two arrows shot by the two men were not able to successfully hurt each other.

The sharp-flying arrows flew over the ring and flooded into distant places, disappearing directly into the sight of all the elves, and the speed was so fast that they could not react.

Such a speed, such a force, really makes the elves under the embarrassing look so stunned.

"I really don't want to be the elf of the Silvermoon Guard..." An onlooker's elf subconsciously swallowed.

The fierce battle is not over, it is just the beginning.

Shen Yanxiao and Minamata released the second arrow at the same time, just like last time. Shen Yanxiao attacked in the process of dodging, and the attack time was one point later than the water, so that Shen Yanxiao’s attack will fall directly into the wind, but the otter can have more time to deal with the arrows that Shen Yanxiao shot.

All the elves feel that Yan Yanxiao is not an opponent of the otter.

The battle between the archers is more agile.

Shen Yanxiao is obviously less than the water in the speed, and will continue to be led by the otter!

"The elf is still too tender." Although the onlookers recognized the power of Shen Yanxiao, her opponents were stronger!

The difference between the two can determine the outcome. Almost no elf believes that Shen Yanxiao will win.

Even the same is true, he has been pinching a cold sweat for Shen Yanxiao.


Everyone must be despising my breaks during this time. I also despise myself. It is not because I don't want to write, but because I can't write it. I can't think of a good plot in my mind. I don't want to make a casual appointment. Chapter nonsense, sent up to fool the reader, I can't live my own. I hope that my daily updates will have new paragraphs, not a lot of irrigation and nonsense. I don't want to use all the content that I can't stand to deceive everyone's clicks. You spend money to see real good stories. I also want to write such good stories. I don't want to waste everyone's money and love. I know that everyone thinks that I said that I have updated 8 chapters every day, of course, I have to reach this number every day.

But writing a text is really not as simple as typing two words. It’s not good-looking content. You look boring. I write about it. I go to work every day and I am thinking about how to arrange the next plot of this book. How to describe it can be more beautiful.

But a good paragraph, not a month and a dozen days can think of every day.

Eight chapters, there is not a good paragraph is not enough to write, so the first thing I write every day is to think about how to arrange tomorrow's plot, sometimes I think of it soon, sometimes I can't think of it for a few days. I can only keep my octave as much as possible. Sometimes I think if I am like the other authors, I don’t have to be so tired. But I promised everyone to be eight, as long as I can write it, I will write eight, unless I can't think of it...

I think the readers who have been following this book should have found it. I often update it in the early morning because I have been thinking about the plot and thinking about the good plot. Even in the early hours, I will insist on writing it out.

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