The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1354: Jedi counterattack (5)

The otter is very regretful now, why should he make a gamble with Shen Yanxiao, and Shen Yanxiao has almost forced him to a dead end.

He has no chance to repent.

If he dares to repent, he will become the object of the thousands of people, and even bring the reputation of the entire Qingyuan tribe into the abyss.

This time, the comparison test was clearly the result of the otter's ruthlessness and deliberately set the stage under the eyes of the public, but now it has become his own grave.

The elves who watched all the games today will be the witnesses of this accident, and the otter has no chance to turn things around!

The shoulders of the otter smashed. He couldn’t even feel the pain of the wound. He was already drowned in repentance. He only hated why he was doing things so much.

There is a saying that everything will stay in the line and I want to see it later.

However, the otter squats on his own tribe and his own strength to trample on the dignity of Shen Yanxiao and the Moonlight tribe.

no Zuo no Die.

Shen Yanxiao is definitely not willing to give sympathy to such a arrogant idiot.

"I admit defeat, I will go to the Moonlight Coast, but please ask the elves to heal their injuries. They will do this because of my sake." The otter has left his dignity and has not completely polluted souls. Let him say the word "please" to Shen Yanxiao for the life and death of his companions.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao quickly and neatly fell.

The otter nodded, and the tall figure left with a bleak and desolate edge.

The bright sun of the sky stretches the shadow of the otter.

An elf who once had a promising future, paid an unbearable price for his arrogance and frivolity.

"An Dye, help me to contact the source of the broken source, let him find the elf to treat these elves of the Qingyuan tribe." Shen Yanxiao jumped under the gaze of all the elves, and Suzaku quietly followed him. .

Almost at the same time, all the elves immediately gave up an open space, and no one dared to provoke this strong elf with a beast to back.

Under the crowded platform, a loose passage was automatically and spontaneously let out.

Shen Yanxiao did not have much reaction, but she went to the scene with a smile on her face.

"I didn't lose face to you, no... better than your father." Shen Jing smiled and his eyes filled with pride.

This is the species of their Suzaku family!

Excellent enough to make the world a place to admire!

If Shen Jing did not have an accurate position on the strength of Shen Yanxiao before, then after this game, Shen Jing not only knew the strength of Shen Yan Xiao, but also knew that she was good at using the mind in battle. genius.

If Shen Yanxiao has taken the real level from the beginning, and the waters are in the opposite direction, then even if Yan Yanxiao can still achieve the final victory, I am afraid to pay some price.

After all, the otter is not a waste, he is the top of the Silver Moon Guard.

However, Shen Yanxiao is very clever in choosing a way that is effortless and can ensure that he is in good condition.

The last moment of the Jedi counterattack, beautiful let Shen Jing almost want to clap his hand.

Shen Yanxiao personally let the otter realize the paradise of the previous second, and the huge gap of **** in the next second.

Black belly, too black belly!

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